where are the meetings for white kids? just your standard white kids.

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Cheers, Chanel - keep up the great work!

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Isn't it part of the Teacher's Code of Ethics that if you have any issue with another teacher's professional conduct, that you directly address that issue with the teacher first, before bringing it to the attention of Administration?

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YUP! Admin and the union should enourage and say they will not entertain the complain until that avenue has been used.....but the new free speech police loves this kind of controversy......makes them feel special......

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True but this complaint and investigation was to and by the Ontario College of Teachers.

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Right but someone had to have alerted them...they don't sit on social media all day monitoring everyone in education....... I mean, this happened to her, "So, as it goes, I was immediately reported by a random teacher I’d never interacted with, investigated by my school board, then suspended by my school board in March 2021." .....so more than likely it was a colleague...... I am in education and this type of reporting is encouraged and they have told us that it would be anonymous......

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I don't know if the code also includes other bodies--but the first complaint was by a a teacher to their School Board.

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In my case my union ignored this. Excellent point.

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--unfortunately, I've been there too!

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They have been...I am in an educator group in the province and we have noticed this trend.......

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Chanel, if she reads this, should know that her 13,000 followers see her as a seer, a mantle she wears with aplomb, being so witty and cogent and intelligent and singularly courageous. The pattern: the woke snitch or inquisitor makes up a false claim of harm; he or she attacks because he or she cannot defend. Woke idiocy and promotion of division and their bully tactics are now legendary but they amount to nothing if one stands up to them. Dave Rubin says such people are a little dog with a loud bark. Chanel is not going to lose. It’s open season on teachers...for now. Teacher unions, currently drunk on social justice Kool-Aid, will eventually sober up or wake up to wokeness and defend persecuted teachers. The public is already waking up, albeit slowly. Please continue to support Chanel.

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Lets call it what it is. A toxic work environment very much in line with what George Orwell wrote about in his iconic novel, 1984. Big Brother apparently has spies everywhere in your Board just waiting for the opportunity to turn someone in. Truly an unfortunate mine field of Orwellian proportion. You have my sympathy.

“The Pavlovian strategy in public relations has people conditioned more and more to ask themselves, "What do other people think?" As a reuslt, a common delusion is created: people are incited to think what other people think, and thus public opinion may mushroom out into a mass prejudice.

Joost A.M. Meerloo, The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing

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Just sad that they are dragging you through this again. I remember when they used to allocate some of their time and resources towards something called..."TEACHING"!

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Sorry to hear about this yet again. Do they even investigate facts themselves or just take everything on the gospel word of the complainant? Thinking of the three staff members at TDSB put on administrative duties at home recently also. This has to change.

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The Ontario College of Teachers is supposed to support all teachers, not just the virtue-signalling woke ones. What's happening in the profession is a tragedy and it's being done under the most incompetent Minister of Education in living memory. Sadly, a large number of teachers have been intimidated into silence.

Chanel, you are one brave woman. Keep fighting the fight.

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Interested to hear your take on the TDSB and PDSB staff on "administrative leave" after parent accusations of racism. I do understand that when an accusation is made an investigation has to be made by the school board, but I think school boards would gladly ruin a staff members' reputation to appease the activists who swoop in to infame situations with individual kids, many of whom have complex learning needs and sometimes co-occurring mental health issues. Simple solutions for complex problems. Some parents would prefer to see racism than admit their child is struggling. And school boards are now endorsing this world view. Where is the justice for staff who are falsely accused of racism?

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Thank you for having so much courage in the face of the woke fanatics.

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A Teacher Writes: Too Many Teachers See the Indoctrination of Children With Leftist Ideology as Fundamental to Their Role https://dailysceptic.org/2023/03/15/a-teacher-writes-too-many-teachers-see-the-indoctrination-of-children-with-leftist-ideology-as-fundamental-to-their-role/

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I am of no religion really to speak of. I teach my kids to be color blind when it comes to other people in life. Treat others the exact way you want to be treated by them. Respect other people's choices in beliefs and religions and realize that this freedom is one of the reasons that makes Canada the best country in the world. The best word to describe my feelings about Canada lately is the word "torture". It is pure torture to see What Canada is becoming. People should have the right to protest without being dismissed, labelled, bullied or interfered with. In the recent protest (every Canadians right to) I saw blatent bullying, a government funded union stand proudly with antifa (terrorist group) with the sole purpose to bully and violently stop something that they claim is somehow wrong. Is this the Canada we have become? Is it Canadian to bully and use terrorists to stop honest people who have a legitimate issue? The government politicians are silent on Canadian values unless it will forward their election campaign otherwise, they stay silent and even support the bullying? This Canada that I see now is torture to sit here and watch. The bullies have scared honest people into silence to forward their agenda and get away with abusing their union powers that taxpayers pay for while their government sits there and watches doing nothing? The media is allowed to lie about everything editing and skewing honesty into lies and also getting away with it? TORTURE is how this feels as an honest Canadian who thought they had Canadian laws and values on their side. Until we restore this, we all lose and just go on fighting each other.

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