The cure-all may well be to tax everyone equally to help pay and "build back better", one nation - Canada!

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Thank you for your unbiased reporting..shame MSM has become just an extension of the Liberal PR dept

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Thanks for the excellent piece. This is another example of race-based services provided by government. Systemic racism is alive and well in Canada.

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Jun 30, 2022·edited Jun 30, 2022

It's quite absurd and creates a binary system. Two points: Point One: My second cousins are half of indigenous ancestry, half of European ancestry. One married a white person and his kids lost their indigenous ancestry and government privilege. One married a Haida person and her kids retained their ancestry and government privilege. It's absurd. Point Two: If anyone can identify as a woman, why can't anyone identify as First Nations?

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Separate but equal was once a disgraced term. Identity politics is a terrible thing. Take race out of government and healthcare. Takes us backwards.

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