May 27·edited May 27

There will be no "reconcilliation" without "TRUTH". In the 60's and 70's I had many indigenous friends. They lived in wonderful foster homes of families I knew. Our neighbour, fostered a little baby until he was 6 or 7. They wanted to adopt him. Instead, they came and took him away. They never fostered again. All were returned to their families. A life of alcohol, physical, and sexual abuse ensued. Many are long gone now, because of that. I used to go with my Dad to our reserve to deliver groceries to his veteran friend.(We owned a grocery store at the time) We'd meet him on the bridge, as he didn't want anyone to know, he was getting food from us. Not sure why. When all this "hoax" and I hesitate on the word, came about our former chief tried to explain, they always knew the graves were there and still buried their dead there, she was attacked. By her own people. They didn't want to hear that. Did bad things happen? Absolutely.

So why? Why are they not exhuming each and every body, doing forensic and anthropological autopsies? Prove once and for all, they were all murdered? And why are generations of us, being blamed for something we did not participate in? I bear no guilt. My grandson was being bullied by indigenous youth a few months back. And nothing could be done, and we all know why. WHAT are today's parents teaching their kids? I know in my family, we and our kids and grandkids were taught that skin colour has nothing to do with one's heart, or character. They are learning different in school.

What a mess this "hoax" has created.

Thank you for this great write up.

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The grave hoax is a scapegoating mechanism that establishes victim hood and exonerates them of all their sociopathy. The Devil made me do it, defense, or in this case "Colonialism" made me do this. Excavating these imaginary graves would remove this convenient defense and make them more vulnerable than before.

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Not to mention the money this scam industry keeps pulling in.

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Great article, 👍 thank you..

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It seems to me, if the truth comes out, then it will be difficult to continue spreading misinformation, that will give question to why the taxpayer today is on the hook, except possibly, for the opportunity of photo opportunities by politicians who take little responsibility for the fiduciary duties of the rest of the Canadian people. Mass hypnosis along with misguided emotional knee jerk media reactions can bring the flag to half mast perpetuating a guilt complex that is fostered by propaganda being promoted in the school system which seems to skim over truth.

Stirred up emotions will drive this into the future. I believe there are two sides to every story. There is good and bad to every thing that the government and supporting organizations have tried with good intentions to aid different groups across the country. As so often happens, there are always people who have been benefited as well as injured. A generation has slipped by since the schools closed. The majority of the claimed atrocities happened over the numerous generations preceding the closure of the institution. I am tired of being blamed and forced to continually pay for something I had a very tiny involvement with because I am a Canadian taxpayer.

Please continue to shine a light on the truth, both sides of the truth. Thank you for you continued efforts.

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Don't you think Orange Shirt Day is a hoax, too? The story seems made up to me.... it came out pretty close to these "graves".....

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the story is largely made up. so it is a hoax as well. a hoax promulgated to young children as the truth in school, just like the Secret Path. fake.

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It's also yet another example of the pernicious cultural influence of the USA on Canada. "Every Child Matters" is an obvious echo of "Black Lives Matter," both of which turn a platitude into a divisive political slogan based on falsehoods.

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B.C. First Nation now referring to 215 suspected graves … WEBB.C. First Nation now referring to 215 suspected graves as 'anomalies' instead of 'children'

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Orange shirt day is an obvious cultural appropriation from the Holland's Dutch Royal Family, which hails from the House of Orange, just as Truth and Reconciliation was borrowed from South Africa and genocide was borrowed from Nazis Germany. If it didn't already exist, they are incapable of inventing it.

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“Kamloops students were starved to death in underground chambers…

forced to sleep with children dying of tuberculosis…

Catholic priests like Brother Murphy who sodomized kids with cattle prods…

a girl named Patricia [thrown] out a window to her death.”

Sensationalized stories of abuse are all that school children hear about these schools. Canadian propaganda rivals that of Nazis and Maoists and the hermit kings of North Korea (🇰🇵).

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Just a heads up, Jim, Stephen King has recently purchased the copyright to this story and a sequel to the Iconic movie, Pet Cemetery will soon be shown on Netflix. Apparently Kevin Annett has been given a starring role in the film, along with his pet cat, Church, who dies and is buried in the Kamloops apple orchard cemetery only to be resurrected and subsequentially returns to the former Kamloops Residential School moving sluggishly, his eyes glow gold, has a very offensive odor and he is vicious toward Kevin. I would encourage all readers to watch this exceptional piece of horror fiction with every light in the house on.

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Kemosabe, I’m starting to suspect that you lead a secret double life as a producer of horror films. Were you by any chance directing the camera work for the Jan 2022 Fifth Estate program “The Reckoning: Secrets Unearthed by Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc”?? (they'd wanted to call it “The Shining . . .” but that was taken). I just watched that entire 45-minute horror show (not kidding) last night to glean some “facts,” and the number of minutes taken up with creepy-hallway, vertiginous-stairwell and bleak-window-frame shots is astounding. I know that CBC loves to pad their documentaries with long takes and “impactful” filler shots, but this one is more egregious than anything I’ve seen. The credits name nearly 30 producers, directors, editors, coordinators, cinematographers, and managers (etc.), but because you use a pseudonym here, I can’t tell if you’re listed.

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There is no fooling you, Joan. I played a small consulting role setting up the hanging mannequins in the barn as well as the babies in the oven and furnace takes. That was me in the background mimicking the sizzling " as the babies were thrown in. My current project revolves around the latest claim that all former Res Schools are inhabited by "Wendigos" who can only be exorcised by an expensive and lengthy process by Knowledge Keepers and Medicine Men at the expense of the federal and provincial governments. Certainly a worthy and necessary project no matter what the cost.

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I guess I brought that on myself : (

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Some good news for a change:

B.C. First Nation now referring to 215 suspected graves … WEBB.C. First Nation now referring to 215 suspected graves as 'anomalies' instead of 'children'

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May 28·edited May 29

Yeah, glad that someone in mainstream media (in this case, Tristin Hopper) is pointing this out.

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I look forward to the movie’s release! 😀

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B.C. First Nation now referring to 215 suspected graves … WEBB.C. First Nation now referring to 215 suspected graves as 'anomalies' instead of 'children'

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So OK, the accusations leveled against the indigenous schools were blood libels based on evidence so slight that they could easily be compared to Nazi inspired Jewish conspiracy theory. But the elephant in the room here is how could a whole society so completely and damningly suspend its normal critical facilities and be collectively so easily seduced by a narrative that should never have got past a year 10 school clear thinking English exercise.

For reference, I give you Gwyneth Dowe’s ‘Uncommon Common Sense: Signposts to clear thinking’ (Melbourne Cheshire 1962). It was my school clear thinking text.

Like post WW1 Germany, late modern societies are in a state of chronic, sustained and destabilizing existential crisis that has compromised the infrastructure of social administration and orderly inter-generational social reproduction.

This is a result of the continuing of total war production and wartime mobilization of populations, which were originally run by military machines during WW2, into production war run by marketing machines, in a protracted attempt to maintain accelerated wartime economic growth using deregulation and privatization across the whole system to sweep away ‘old fashioned’ restraints, boundaries, caution and responsible agency, that could slow down the process.

In that process, a disciplined economy and culture of needs and wants was subsumed by indulgence driven, rules fudging, boundary busting and delimited fantasies of desire and their immediate satiation, to the extent that fantasy became the main output of the system, leaving goods and services as mere icons of consciousness, which has become the source of identity-as-sacred-site, whereby faith based subjective perception trumps objective evidence based reason.

And this applies equally from the public relations and marketing system on one side to the neo- clerical postmodernist dogma on the other….which is why everyone now talks in slogans, aphorisms, euphemisms, dysphemisms, tropes and memes, representing overwhelming narrativized articles of faith and outraged heresy condemnation for non conformity to them.

The poverty of analytical thinking and intellectual curiosity should come as no surprise.

The result across the system, whether social/existential or ecological, has been the protracted and systematic looting of the commons in favor of private/individual sectional interest, which has evolved from mere tragedy to catastrophe. And all platforms of that system and the ascendancies that run them are deeply and compromisingly implicated, whether we are talking the manufacturing and mining ‘hards’ or the social administrative ‘softs’. And whether they are ‘right wing’ or ‘Marxist’, they are all regime pillars, in the same way the Crown and Church were during the Medieval period.

And yes, they also quarrel vehemently over the spoils of office.

Not only is everyone in denial and/or pointing the finger at ‘the other guy’, but everyone has become chronically insecure, because they have a lot to be insecure about. The terrible infrastructure damage has to be explained away, rationalized and diverted within an architecture of discourse that is so impoverished and corrupted, it is incapable of delivering meaning beyond sales and marketing.

One is not going to get any sense out of such a regime, anymore than you could out German papers like ‘Der Sturmer’ in the interwar period. Myth and reality become so conflated into parallel pseudo-worlds, reality is myth; i.e., any fantasy you want.

The rebellion of the now third world defenestrated first world working class Christian social traditionalists across the Old West, led by that giant among hayseeds, Donald Trump, has become a geopolitical cartoon leading an attack on their Woke ideological betters on the service industry coasts. And the latter react like any threatened ruling class does, which is to try and crush the upstarts.

In the old days that was done with armored knights running down the lightly armed peasantry and massacring them. The modern equivalent goes after consciousness roots in the same fashion, as in civilizational narrative and sexual/social reproductivity. One discredits and delegimizes them to the point where listening stops and condemnation replaces it, in a litany of heresy accusations.

The ancien regime is in trouble and about to go to war with itself, as legitimacy and consent break down into sectarian brawling, where anything goes and anything does. In this context, a proven forgery narrative as spurious as ‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ will do the job nicely and the punters will buy it, because they are like fish swimming in a pool of very nicely managed consciousness where the swimmers no longer have lungs, but gills instead. They breath messages from the sponsors in every suck they take.

Pretending that Canadians are genocidal murderers of indigenous innocents and using that to run a pogrom style campaign against Christian Churches just makes such good copy. Burning down a church or two is very satisfying. One feels one has ‘done something’ to virtuously right an imagined wrong. And resisting that using an appeal to rational evidence based thinking just confirms what the ideological cogniscenti always thought; that the reasoner is an ‘ignorant’ and complicit dupe of ‘injustice’ and a ‘bigoted’ reality denier in league with a legacy of colonialism, slavery, massacre, ‘heteronormative’ sexual ‘repression’ and ‘systematic racism’ going back to the beginning of time.

People are going to kill each other over this in the same way they did at the beginning of the modern world, when the ancien regime convulsed into reformationary ardor, existential rage and iconoclastic violence, in sectarian wars of toleration that went on for over 150 years and didn’t settle down completely in Ireland until the end of last century.

Naturally, books like ‘Grave Error’ are a breath of fresh air in this toxic environment. The trouble is, to shift the game now requires a cyclone. We are moving into an unstable period where cyclones are distinctly possible, but they target everything in their path and they don’t give much warning of their arrival.

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Blood libel against Canada is exactly right.

Keep up the great work!

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Jean Chretien should be first in any enquiry as he headed indian affairs for quite a while.

If anyone has watched the UK show time team you can see just how erroneous the ground radar can be.

If there are bodies the DNA should be tested to try and send them back to their originating reserves for proper burial.


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