Canadian eyes have been opened to the goulash support that exists within our borders for Hamas who believe the destruction of Israel is the only solution. Canada is a Country that welcomes immigrants BUT possibly we are learning that many of our fellow citizens promote barbarism and killing to achieve their goals.

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Hello Igor S

I have always read your writings with great admiration and gratitude for your bravery. I do understand your disappointment with the response of your school board; however, even though I condemn this demonic terrorist attack, I can’t help but notice that the reactions to this dreadful atrocity might have been different if it were coming from the other side.

The fact is that this situation is going to get worse. At the time of writing these comments, the number of fatalities on both sides is quite close. Most are innocent civilians, and some have been trapped in this strip of the world for years without any chance of leaving even if they have asked to.

For whoever is reading please check this site to compare the number of fatalities and casualties of both sides throughout the years.:


Or do your own homework.

The point is that this mad conflict is hurting and killing innocent civilians on both sides. Ironically, the Jewish and Muslim faiths have more in common than people might know. What a shame!

Therefore, I understand why the school board is, possibly, considerate of the feelings of all their students and parents, as it is their job to serve their communities regardless of their faith and affiliation.

Besides, if we want the school boards to stay out of politics, then they need to stay out of politics!

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I believe Muslim students make up the largest religious group in Peel and the director is probably trying not to offend. Contrast this with the communication from her on the parents rights protests on September 20 where that group were accused of "hate" for expressing an opinion. I agree with N.M. the school board needs to stay away from political ideology, but it seems PDSB is inconsistent and statements are made to protect CT ally relationships. Instead of calling out literal violence which causes actual harm, they call out peaceful protest as causing harm.

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Oct 11, 2023·edited Oct 11, 2023

You make an excellent point re: the contrast in communication. This moment is one that cries out for moral clarity. Hamas commander Mahmoud Al-Zahar said in a recent video "The entire planet will be under our law, there will be no more Jews or Christian traitors." He has no problem with his moral clarity.

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Utterly fabricated equivalency. It is false.

Look, there simply is no moral basis to excuse such immoral behaviour as perpetrated by Hamas terrorists. None. There is something fundamentally wrong with our own moral compass when we support/excuse such immorality and then try to rationalize a word game framework to justify it.

The point here is that when we teach children at every level of education to view the people of the world as members of identity groups first subject to various power hierarchies, we are really teaching children to create 'others'. Not teach the liberal value of a collective 'we' - people who share our humanity regardless of other identities and affiliations - but instruct/indoctrinate children to identify as members of different groups - people with inherited power to victimize or be victimized. This framing creates and fuels a worldview of 'us' and 'them'. This is the core of tribalism and a necessary framework to think well of ourselves and 'allies' who, by group membership of some blessed 'us' or demonized 'them', are now justified carrying out such atrocities against other real people in real life.

In the case of demonstrations of support for Palestine after such a terrorist attack and the excusing or even celebrating of the barbarism carried out in Israel, we see the inevitable result: people even in Canada who champion the 'us' against some terrible 'them' who somehow 'deserved' it or brought it on 'themselves'. That's why framing the events of this barbarism to such victimized and victimizing groups and comparing brute numbers of dead and wounded creates a false equivalency of one 'victimized group' somehow justified to then victimize a 'victimizer group'. But it is not 'groups' that carried out these brutal and heinous acts inside Israel; these were the actions of deplorable mass murderers intent on doing just that. These actions are not defensible in any civilized community. But teaching kids to have a broken moral compass so that we excuse the inexcusable and tolerate the intolerable is not inclusive or kind; it is an abdication if not abandonment of liberal principles upon which western democratic civilization has been built over time and an appeasement of the very forces that would tear it all down and replace it with some pious version of totalitarian ideology.

This is always the fight of each generation who swims in the luxurious waters of hard fought, hard won liberal democracies and we are setting up the next generation for failure to continue this fight by teaching pleasant sounding if mealy mouthed word games on display from such educational 'leaders'. This is shameful.

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As well as being racist misogynistic homophobic pimps for sadistic paedophilia, the woke scum are now unmasked as Nazis.

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"I am extremely sorry for all those who die, as in all wars.

I am sorry even for the deaths of individual Israeli soldiers, and more so for all the innocents who died and are now dying.

But I will not condemn Hamas.

I do not condemn Hamas because the resistance of the Palestinian people is a reflex response to their slow genocide.

Yes, it is an inchoate and violent response. Of course, I wish it did not have innocent victims.

The people I do condemn are the political class internationally who, with one voice, put out statements supporting “Israel’s right to self-defence.” A right they grant to the oppressor but deny to the oppressed.

Those are the people who need to be condemned."

- Craig Murray


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What a depraved comment. Hamas is not a "resistance" movement and there never a "genocide" of those displaced Arabs who style themselves "Palestinian." It is an Islamic fundamentalist movement whose aim is the destruction of Israel and "to raise the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine." It also has in its charter the imperative to "fight Jews and kill them." It is an amalgam of Islamist and Nazi ideology. This Murry character is a prize idiot.

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not sure if you know that israel helped create hamas to create an opponent to fatah.

"Israeli officials such as Brig. Gen. Yitzhak Segev, who was the Israeli military governor in Gaza in the early 1980s. Segev later told a New York Times reporter that he had helped finance the Palestinian Islamist movement as a “counterweight” to the secularists and leftists of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Fatah party"

creation of hamas by israel just another case of white people meddling in mideast where they dont belong, like when the US gov overthru the iranian popular secular pres to install their puppet and then that also backfired hugely.

while all war is bad, israel benefits from the forever war they refuse to disengage in. no other country keeps millions of native ppl in a forever prison and forever apartheid so that white people from the US and europe can rob land of natives to illegally build cheep condos. this is just another version of white colonizers slaughtering native ppl. your ridiculous colonizer propaganda has also been used by oppressors seeking to slaughter native people many times in the past. george custer did the same thing. when george custer was killing native in the US , plenty of people like you haplessly (term edited for politeness) went alog and were fooled by racist tropes like you refered to. but its not the 1800s anymore. there is internet now and everyone can see the permanent apartheid israel cynically perpetuates

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Oct 11, 2023·edited Oct 11, 2023

This Murray is disingenuous. He is not sorry. He is rationalizing. He is an apologist. He will not condemn Hamas, an organization that in its constitution states that it wants to eliminate all Jews, and whose soldiers just massacred over 260 people in cold blood at a festival for peace. How does he feel about Isis? Or the 9-11 bombers? The same rationale could be used to excuse their actions.

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from 2008 to 2020 israel killed almost 6000 Palestinians. during this time Palestinians killed about 250 israelis.

but these actions cant be considered equal. Palestinians act in self defence against an oppressor that is ethically cleansing them and has kept them in a prison for 55 years. white people killing the native population is nothing new in history. its time to accept that israel is a failed state becuasr they have no solution to the millions of native people who have rights to their homeland.

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Thank you for letting us know where you stand. You support Hamas, its actions and its objectives Hamas is considered a terrorist organisation by the Canadian Government.

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canada sure is easily fooled by white men colonizers. like children, canadians dont understand that many people lie, especially white men activists.

white men are colonizing the lands of the native people of palestine in the same way white men are colonizing the rights of women. kids, gays, dysphoric ppl via gender ideology.

how do they do this? by lying about nearly everything. something canadians seem to fall for time and again

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Oct 11, 2023·edited Oct 11, 2023

O. K. thank you, with your rhetorical statements I know where you are coming from. Hamas terrorists yelling "God Is Great" while killing hundreds of unarmed people at a rock concert, is merely the end result of white male colonization. It's inevitable because Hamas has no agency, their actions are all due to the calculated manipulations of lying white men, in fact, all terrorism, from 9-11 to Isis to the Air India bombing to the events in Israel today is not the fault of the terrorists. I guess though, logically from your rhetoric, that fault would not include gay white men.

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gay men? what? i know you can do this. it isnt difficult. one side has a large army financed by the united state. one side is illegally holding millions of natives in an illegal prison so they can illegally rob them of their land rights, just like every other colonizer has every done. its isnt difficult. i dont buy your dogma, your cynical screed, your manslpaining. your lying. yeah. i get that israeli activists have always used propaganda and your now parroting these same lies. that just means your an activist yourself and think everyone else would stupidly fall for your lies. or you actual belive the lies you write which is sad in one way but actually less evil than the first

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Kyle, you need to raise your level of intellectualism above the tired oppressor/oppressed level. You twist yourself in a way that you condone evil. Your approach will never provide a path forward.

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ive simply pointed out what israel doesnt want you to know. 1. palestinians are in a jail, a jail that is illegal. 2. israel is performing ethnic cleansing. 3. israel wants war, it benefits from war. thats why they will never stop their war mongering and oppression of innoecent people. 4. the people of US are funding this illegal effort. US foreign policy is effected away from the interest of the US. israel is a white elephant that briefly had a cold war justifaction but that justification expired long ago.

5. you havent countered any of these facts. you cant. instead you name call.

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i dont support hamas. i support my home country the US who has mistakenly promoted israel from its start.

the modern state of israel was a huge mistake. its time to accept that. israel continues to be a foreign policy detriment to the US.

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Oct 11, 2023·edited Oct 11, 2023

So it should be removed as a state, I take it that's what you assert. That would be the ideal solution.

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thats not what anyones saying. they are saying israel should stop holding millions of area natives in a permanent prison, as they have been doing for the past 55 years, stop holding millions of Palestinians in an apartheid situation.

israel can do this every easily. the reason they dont is they are in expansion mode - they are performing ethnic cleansing of the natives from land they lust after but have no right to

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What moral depravity. The responsibility for every single death of the so-called "Ps" (who are, in fact, largely the descendants of late 19th to mid-20th Arab migrants from elsewhere in the former Ottoman Empire) rests entirely with Hamas and the other terrorist organizations whom these Arabs (according to numerous public opinion polls conducted by themselves and their allies) overwhelmingly support. Despite the best will in the world, there is only so much that the IDF can do to minimize civilian casualties on the enemy side when its adversaries insist upon operating within densely populated civilian centers. Such is the terrorists' complete lack of reverence for the sanctity of human life, including that of their own people. You are what Lenin cynically referred to as "a useful idiot. "

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the IDF wants war. thats how they gain territory they otherwise have no rights to. Israel causes war. Israel creates war. israel does everything in its power to foment war. peace is an anathema to israel. peace is what israel does everything to avoid. Israel has determined that continued war is in its interest. but as a US tax payer paying for this war and its centuries of negative effects that harm the US and the US ppl, i dont have to agree to it. the responsibility to end the conflict in entirely in the hands of the oppressor/occupier. the only way to get this activist led war to stop is via a global boycott of israel.

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The last major news item about Gaza before the first news of Hamas’s surprise attack was the September 22 announcement that 17,000 Gazans would immediately receive permits to work in Israel, with that number set to rise to 20,000.

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I have heard it’s outright genocide, that it’s ‘intended’ genocide and now that it’s ‘slow’ genocide. This sort of multiple framing coming from the anti Israel crowd tells me one thing. There is NO genocide. It’s a word. Pure and pernicious propaganda. No basis in fact. The Palestinian people are suffering under both a brutal and tyrannical inhuman regime that seeks nothing less than the total destruction of Israel and by the necessary efforts by Israel to defend itself. Hamas exploits and sacrifices the Palestinian people to that end. It’s actions prove it because they know what’s coming. It is a death cult, the triumph of pure evil in the world.

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not sure if you know that israel helped create hamas to create an opponent to fatah.

"Israeli officials such as Brig. Gen. Yitzhak Segev, who was the Israeli military governor in Gaza in the early 1980s. Segev later told a New York Times reporter that he had helped finance the Palestinian Islamist movement as a “counterweight” to the secularists and leftists of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Fatah party"

the creating of hamas by israel just another redux of white people meddling in mideast where they dont belong, like when the US gov overthru the iranian popular secular pres to install their puppet and then that also backfired hugely.

while all war is bad, israel benefits from the forever war they refuse to disengage in. no other country keeps millions of native ppl in a forever prison and forever apartheid so that white people from the US and europe can rob land of natives to illegally build cheep condos. this is just another version of white colonizers slaughtering native ppl. your ridiculous colonizer propaganda has also been used by oppressors seeking to slaughter native people many times in the past. george custer did the same thing. when george custer was killing native in the US , plenty of people like you haplessly (term edited for politeness) went alog and were fooled by racist tropes like you refered to. but its not the 1800s anymore. there is internet now and everyone can see the permanent apartheid israel cynically perpetuates

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So the Jews are ‘white’ people? Of course they are, what else would explain their evil nature? I learned that from Whoopi Goldberg. Wait, speaking of, did you know that Hamas also has its roots in Nazi antisemitism propagated via the Muslim Brotherhood going back to its leader’s close ties with Hitler? They learned well how to behave, just like the Einsatzgruppen death squads. You know they also partied after a day of massacres? But anyway, your anti white racism gives you away. End of discussion.

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Oct 11, 2023·edited Oct 11, 2023

The fact this person gives not even a cursory nod to feeling sorry that so many innocents were slaughtered, and defers to conspiracy rhetoric, is disturbing. It's common on the far left and far right, but at least some of them at least state that don't agree with killing families in their beds. But you and I both know where these people are coming from, and what their beliefs lead to.

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when george custer slaughtered the native ppl in the US, it was helpful to describe mr custer as white to understand the two groups. one group are the native ppl. the others are the colonizers. thats not racism. thats just stating facts. in this case the Israelis are from the US and europe. prior to the time truman unwisely allowed a small group of jews to occupy a tiny patch of dirt in Palestine, one would have to go all the way back to the 5th century to find any significant # of jewish ppl in palestine. who actually lives in this area and has for 1000s of years? arabs. dudes from NY are performing ethnic cleansing of the native ppl of palestine. thats just the facts. im not sure what goldberg says about this or that. i dont even have a TV hooked up. but im certain your comments reflect a warped and dangerous view of the situation

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Oct 11, 2023·edited Oct 11, 2023

I'm not sure where you are coming from with Custer. Custer and his men were wiped out by the Dakota Sioux. Anyway, a closer comparison would be to compare the 1890 massacre at Wounded Knee by the U. S. army with the 2023 massacre of civilians by Hamas at the concert for peace in Israel. In both cases, about the same number of unarmed people, men, women, and children, were gunned down at dawn with automatic weapons and artillery fire.

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from 2008 to 2020 israel killed almost 6000 Palestinians. during this time Palestinians killed about 250 israelis.

but these actions cant be considered equal. Palestinians act in self defence against an oppressor that is ethically cleansing them and has kept them in a prison for 55 years. white people killing the native population is nothing new in history. its time to accept that israel is a failed state becuasr they have no solution to the millions of native people who have rights to their homeland.

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Your history is warped. I think you would be the first to say the indigenous peoples of North America get their rights from having been here for thousands of years prior to the arrival of Europeans, yet you dishonestly deny the Jews the same courtesy. I shouldn’t have to explain basic history to an obvious ideologue, but the Jewish people inhabited that region at least a thousand years before the birth of Christ and established 3 kingdoms before they were occupied and then driven OFF their land by successive imperial powers starting with the Romans, later the Crusaders and the Ottomans. But I am sure you know this, it just doesn’t compute with your simplistic and racist Jews are white Western oppressors narrative. If you don’t think Israel has a right to exist, there is nothing to say to you. As for Whoopi, she famously declared the Holocaust wasn’t due to racism because it was a “white on white” crime. This is the kind of poisonous woke stew we are swimming in today and I will counter it where I can, before we drown. Good luck.

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wow - jews lived in an area 1000s of years ago? so what? its dangerous to imply that gives them a land right today. a completely wacko claim.

he last time jews had any significant population in palestine prior to 1949 was in 5th century. who has lived in palestine for past 1000 years? arabs.

no, native americans dont have land rights beyond what they have today. but palestinians do. israel is illegally occupying the west bank. they do so via a perpetual state of war they cynically refuse to disengage in.

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