Jun 29Liked by Woke Watch Canada

We continue to lose good teachers, doctors and other professionals to this offensive woke ideology.

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Fantastic piece.

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This is very important. We need brave, truth-telling warriors like this excellent teacher to push back against the evils of woke insanity. It would be great if they could get together and form a school based on classical principles of free thought etc. I'm sure many parents would be signing up.

Oh, and I know what this is like. Got forced out of a job in the crazy year of 2020 for objecting to insane mandates coming down from the newly-formed "diversity" team (in reality, the anti-diversity, conformance-forcing team). It's hard but if more people were willing to stand up and pay the price we'd be a lot further ahead. Bravo to Cheryl.

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Jun 29Liked by Woke Watch Canada

Thanks for informing us about this. Is there anything an individual can do to assist here?

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More Woke nonsense and it just keeps on coming, unfortunately for you the majority of your compatriots choose to ignore what is happening to you and it seems a great percentage are against you. Most unfortunate indeed, what on earth is happening in this once great country defies any logic.

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Hardship is the crucible of character, something that is completely unknown to most of the contemporary generation.

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Jun 29Liked by Woke Watch Canada

James, as this article is about educators – and I am one – I’m going to risk a grammatical intervention here. From your preamble:

<< In 2021, Ontario teacher, Cheryl Gould, was fired from her teaching position . . . >>

In this sentence Cheryl’s name should not be set off with commas, because it is a restrictive (i.e., crucial) element.

Commas are appropriate around non-restrictive clauses, i.e., clauses or elements that provide non-essential or supplementary information but could be left out without affecting the sense of a statement.

Your readers know what you mean, of course, but you chop up your sentence unnecessarily if you throw those commas in where (convention says) they don’t belong. Cheryl Gould is the subject of the sentence and cannot be dropped out. Therefore: “In 2021, Ontario teacher Cheryl Gould was fired . . .” BTW the comma after 2021 is helpful but optional; that’s a style choice, much like the serial comma is.

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Thanks Joan, Fixed it.

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“The Iranian Revolution offers important lessons about the dangers of both leftism and Islamism. Many people today are disturbed by masses of western leftists marching with violent Islamists and justifying the Oct. 7 massacre under the banners of “decolonization” and “antizionism”. And they should be disturbed.”

And Lebanon, and Northern Africa, etc, etc. Why are so called virtue signalling do gooders so full of ignorance and yet feel so justified in their own hate for others (to do violence or cancel) those who question the made up fanatic narratives they bought into.

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When did it become politically correct to humor fools at the expense of values, reason and common sense.

"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech." ~ Benjamin Franklin

"This is slavery, not to speak one's thought." ~ Euripides

"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." ~ George Orwell

"A people which is able to say everything becomes able to do everything." ~ Napoleon Bonaparte

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Hmm. That quote from Napoleon looks suspiciously like an argument against, not for, freedom of speech. He’s fine with people having the ability to do “everything”? I wonder what the context of that statement was.

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I've never voted for a particular party but, rather for the candidate and his or her views and morals. I absolutely agree that the Left have moved so far left with their radical Woke ideologies but, it seems like the Right have moved left too.

Perhaps the Conservatives spotted an opportunity to pick up all the voters (like me) that have typically been considered Centrists but, it sounds to me like Pierre Poilievre and co. have an actual plan to pull Canada back from the abyss.

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Ontario conservatives under the "buck a beer" Premier gave 60 mil in three years with another 10 mil for this year towards the Res School unmarked graves hoax and have ignored my requests for accountability. Stupidity has become endemic.

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The FNs realized early on how gullible we are but, we're too afraid to call it out and stop cutting cheques.

Greg Rickford is Ontarios MMP of Northern Development and Indigenous Affairs. I certainly won't be voting for him in the next provincial election.

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I copied him on a four page letter I wrote to Ford about the 60 mil and emailed him as well and had my own MPP's office contact him. No response, no transparency and no accountability.....no wonder.

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"Here’s hoping that subjecting dissidents to re-education programs, and revoking our professional licenses, backfires spectacularly..."

Sure, but how? Jordan Peterson likes to talk about removing teacher certification from woke faculties of education, and certainly the woke authoritarians who apparently arbitrarily revoked Cheryl Gould's teaching license should be banished far from any position where they have the power to exercise tyrannical authority over others. Seems necessary, but nowhere close to realistic.


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A great and very shareable article by Cheryl Gould. The frustrating thing is, the more sense an excellent writer (and thinker) like Cheryl makes, the more the ideologues seem to double down, congregating for safety behind the woke barricades and lobbing the same robotic slogans.

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I truly appreciate people like Cheryl Gould, who had the courage to stand up despite the consequences. The fact that all the Cheryl's have been removed from the classroom, the morally upright doctors have been relieved of their licenses and the questioning scientists liberated from their labs, really makes one aware of how little truth and honor you can expect to encounter from the organizations we once relied on.

I sincerely hope Cheryl and all the others will move on to better opportunities.

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We will likely succeed in booting TRUDY out on his butt in Oct 2025, but his legacy will continue for decades after that. Arif Virani his so-called Justice Minister recently announced that the Gov’t has hired 100+ new Justice of the Peaces and Judges.


That is very problematic. A Justice of the Peace can sign an Arrest Warrant. Do you recall the arrest of TAMARA LICH in Ottawa in 2022? It was a Justice of the Peace, not a Judge who signed the warrant for her arrest. She has already spent 50 days in jail, but her trial is still in progress.


The Justice of the Peace who signed her arrest Warrant had very little legal experience, and was a former PARKS CANADA employee. Do you see the problem ???


Here’s what got me into hot water.


Sometime in January I had a number of open WORD docs, works in progress, open simultaneously on my computer. One began by describing a SCENARIO where many people attending a street protest could be injured or killed. I Cut & Pasted the text into an Email without first verifying that it was complete. Police at Toronto’s infamous 52nd Division decided to add their own comments to my partial Email, to make it appear more like a threat. They ignored the obvious option of just asking me what it was about.


BOTTOM LINE … If you ignore the crap added by the police (i.e. lead investigator Thomas Ueberholz), the text in my Email is clearly part of a warning and not a threat. Those are two different things. It cannot be both.



C.C. HARVEY (Teacher)




Does the doc at the link below not seem like the resume of a SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIOR ??? Marisha Roman is a Justice of the Peace in Ontario, with the ability to sign Arrest Warrants for people. There is nothing in the text that indicates that Marisha has solid legal experience, just that years ago she was considering writing Bar Exams to become a lawyer.




Ontario’s Social Justice Warriors






There is a way that we can fight this tyranny … PUBLICITY !!!


Some well-known Right-Of-Centre organization could take on the task of documenting these woke Social Justice Warriors. In many cases that would require little more than publishing their Resumes. Documenting that along with their POLITICAL AGENDAS would significantly reduce their ability to do harm.


P.S. Any organization that took on this task would quickly become famous.


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