I appreciate the writer taking what I thought was a historical fact and challenging it. “The buffalo herds were destroyed by white settlers. The Indians had sustainably cherished the herds and life.”

We can see how our thinking has been influenced. I have been brainwashed and can’t think except for the accepted narrative since it is repeated so often. This is like the 215 “graves found” at Kamloops. My typically enlightened teacher friend nods and confirms the “killings” by the priests. Misinformation reinforces misinformation and on and on. And she is a teacher who is one of the more enlightened, awake ones.

I realize you can be awake for some things but won’t see the big big picture to see the extent of the brain control.

We need more of these excellent articles to address each of the things we have been taught. And debunk them. I’m not a historian or a good writer but I can do my part by reading, reflecting and bringing it up with my spheres of influence in a gentle way. People aren’t ready to accept such big changes in their beliefs. But some who are awaken in another area eg. Covid vaccines may find the process of reflection and the epiphany easier to get to.

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So I just wanted to share that I discussed the buffalo herds with my spouse. He cautioned me about the trustworthiness of info I’m getting on the internet. He has no clue about the buffalo herds decimation.

When one is resistant to thinking a different way, I’m not sure how to get them to “drink the water” or even accept drinking the water.

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I have run into that same problem with family members. I have tried suggesting different reading materials & websites. Sad to say my father & two of his brothers were placed in Onion Lake residential school after their mother passed away. Family members believe that they were forced to attend and were not enrolled. I was able to debunk that by showing them some of Michelle Sterlings articles & finding one article that - as they were considered "halfbreeds" that they were to be removed. Still searching for what happened next. I wish I had found this site years ago.

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My wise therapist friend suggests that you must engage the person who has delusions where they are. You need to be patient, be present and validate them. They just can’t help it as their mind is trained to think one way. They haven’t had the chance to have something so upsetting occur that it shakes their beliefs. No need to agree with them when they say a false judgement which is a learned mainstream talking point. Just challenge them as much as they can handle by asking them questions to get them to think and get their brains churning. Do not be passive but there are plenty opportunities to actively guide their thinking. They got to get there on their own.

Still working on spouse, friends …cannot tell them. Can only change your own reactions.

I think we need to expand the points learned like through this article and have conversations with your real life connections. Grass roots advocacy in real life.

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Well said, Nancy. I've previously shared the following (seen on social media; not my words), which drives the problem home, while also offering a tiny bit of comic relief:

<< My favourite thing that’s ever happened to me on the internet is the time a guy said “People change their minds when you show them facts,” and I said, “Actually, studies show that’s not true,” and linked TWO sources, and he said, “Yeah, well I still think it works.” >>

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I think this problem is universal. Whenever I try to point something out to my adult children I get the usual response, "Oh Dad, come on."

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A very well researched article, which in the context of today, is not surprising. Our indigenous neighbors have a well deserved reputation of being very good story tellers and mythologizing their history. Of course the best whopper to date is the genocidal murders of all those children hidden away in unmarked graves, a mute testimony to the efforts of the faith community to solve the indian problem.

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I like your comment on the “storytelling and the mythologizing”. It’s a good way of understanding the idea that a story is just a story and the facts can often be distorted to continue a train of thinking.

That said, I just googled an Ontario educated PhD teacher who identified as a guest on Turtle island. She writes that students should not refer to indigenous stories as legends or myth or fables. She says that saying so, “reduces the teachings and is disrespectful”.

I’m having trouble with this. I can’t help but say it is an fairytale about crows and how people got fire. Am I being disrespectful?

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And yet, I suspect that the Ontario educated teacher you mention and the many who think like like her, would not hesitate to denigrate Christians about their belief in a mysterious, mythical all powerful being.

It amazes me how these people, who are supposed to be highly educated, can be so oblivious to the double standard.

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You don't have to apologize for exercising critical thought, an attribute missing in so many people today. Unfortunately, having a Doctorate is no guarantee of superior intelligence. So many people just say words that they think the other person wants to hear without ever thinking about it. As for the animal stories, it sounds a bit like something Aesop might have written in his iconic fables. I think Forest Gump summed it up best when he said, "stupid is a stupid does". You have good judgement so don't question it.

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and its a fact some are better at memorizing documents rather than being logical!

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I visited the Wanuskewin Heritage Park near Saskatoon a couple of summers ago, and went on the “bison walk” tour. The earnest young Cree woman who led the tour explained to the group, consisting mostly of parents with young children, that when European settlers arrived they killed off all the buffalo by hunting them “for sport.” Everyone was naturally horrified and clucked in disgust. I bit my tongue.

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the fact is for some reason, the indigenous seem to be more biased about Europeans, while not appreciating the growth that came from Europeans. They seem to love to make us look like we are at fault always. But look at their communities and how they seclude themselves. And have no progress!

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Employing negative criticism is a tactic often employed in ego building in a culture lacking self esteem. It is one of the fundamental rules of the blame game.

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I see! excellent point !! makes sense, it really opens my eyes to understand. makes sense!!

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How can you not believe that Joan ? Everybody knows it is true !!

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History was written to teach others that past mistakes not be repeated! Today people want to change history to fit their narrative for pure unadulterated profit! Destroying the truth in the process! Critical thinking and time to research to seek the truth is up to the individual to produce facts, not fiction! If in doubt, find out and pass it on!

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Samuel Hearne travelling in the Barren lands around 1778 was continuously admonishing his guides and fellow travelers to only kill what they needed in the way of deer { caribou }. He had little influence on the indigenous peoples. One can perhaps understand their zeal when having travelled for up to 6 days without food they would come across the caribou.'

I have in my possession the skull of a Bison Occidentalis which I retrieved from Kennedale Ravine in Edmonton Alberta. These bison came over the Canadian North West land bridge after the last ice age. Did they meet the same fate as their successors, Bison Bison Bison? I also have a much weathered skull of a bison from Wainwright Alberta where one of the last collection of Bison were assembled to protect them.

Samuel Hearne's book is a treasury of information by a well trained early explorer, who was objective and acutely observant of all he saw. Of particular note are his observations on the indigenous character which is relevant to todays situation. Read chapter 9.

Ben. Redcoat 57th Regiment of foot. King George 111 army.

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Good book. John Muir also gave his indigenous guides hell for slaughtering more mountain goats then what was needed during one trip up the Alaskan coast. I get that in older times there was starvation and any meat that would come by was taken. Now with improved weapons there is still the practice of killing cow moose for food in our area in Northern BC. Commercial signs are being posted to stop this practice to allow for the continuation of the moose population that has crashed in many areas up here. No one culture or race has the historical claim they led a utopian lifestyle with our environment because we are all humans with good and bad traits....

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What is the title of the book please?

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"A journey to the Northern Ocean" Samuel Hearne. There should be a paperback version, inexpensive. I went back to the approximate location of where I had found the skull and with my children we found all sorts of bones including the Pelvic girdle of a camel. We were obviously in the sands of era before the last ice age, the old sands and gravels of the North Saskatchewan river Atop the ravine edge I found stone tools . The Archeological department of Albert were interested in my surficial finds and eventually found a camp which is now a covered ,housed area for outdoor education with the layout of stone tools etc on their earth plinths.

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I really don't understand why we have to keep explaining the reasons that the Indigenous won't accept that they are not perfect. Why do we see people cry about their plights, they are not the best at what they do. They don't accept growth , culture and change. Their whole entire community is based on the 'medicine wheel', which includes smoking canabis.. This is their whole life! They pass judgement on 'Europeans'.. and I am tired of their attidute, when they got the better stick here in Canada.... NO taxes.. and a life free of paying for anything.

Jesus said, 'caste ye the first stone that hasn't sinned' .....think about that!

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Interesting historical insights. It is dead obvious to me having read many fact based articles on Indigenous life, that it was not anywhere near the Edenic Utopia often spread falsely by way of myth and story telling by the Indigenous activists and their supporters ! So many falsehoods, and the Kamloops bands irresponsible headlines of '215 mass graves' caused immense division in Canada and claims of genocide are likely caused by the advent of UNDRIP into Canada !

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Indeed, the Indians, when left to control any species, are a wonder to behold. I observed firsthand how excellent they were at controlling the fishing on the West Coast. They were so good that there was very little left of the Salmon stock. Yes, indeed, that was a sight to behold. It seems they are doing the same thing again to Lobster fishing in Newfie land. Just wait a couple more years, and that will be a sight to behold as well.

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And eagles. Notice how suddenly everyone has an elaborate headdress whereas previously the custom was not widespread, and the feathers were “awarded” one or two at a time, and treasured until one day assembled into a bonnet, or sometimes worn as one or a few tied into the hair. From whence do we imagine these thousands and thousands of feathers come now? Not long ago, a couple of men in the northern states were prosecuted for killing a huge number of the birds (like 1200, or something). Why? Where on earth is there a market to support such a slaughter? Apparently among a bunch of wannabe dress-up chiefs who have appropriated a plains Indian headdress tradition without even acknowledging (or likely even knowing) that their pretty bonnets have nothing to do with the bravery of the men who proudly assembled their feathers, collected one or two at a time, in a bygone era.

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The CBC recently aired an article about a Golden Eagle showing up in PEI. Perhaps he was just seeking refuge to save his feathers from ending up on another headdress.

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good point!! LOL

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In the US there's a federally-funded repository for eagles that are found dead, usually from power lines. I'm not sure if there's anything similar in Canada.

https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-50089990 Dec. 12, 2019. With video. Natives from US-recognized tribes are able to apply for feathers for ceremonial uses (for free, I’m assuming, but you have to prove your identity). Wait times can be a couple of months to several years, depending on the type of bird requested. The National Eagle Repository in Commerce City, Colorado receives from 3,000 to 4,000 dead bald and golden eagles a year, and processes up to 30 a day.

With that kind of demand, it's not likely that natives outside the US (i.e. in Canada) would be able to apply there for eagle parts. The article isn’t clear where all these dead eagles are coming from, but apparently they are “found” dead eagles, and I would imagine they are shipped postage-free (or postage paid by the US Fish and Wildlife Service) to the federally-run repository, as it’s illegal for a non-indigenous person to have even an eagle feather in his possession. One common cause of death is electrocution from power lines, because the birds, especially the goldens, have such a large wingspan.

Also, certain tribes are permitted to keep wild eagles (often “rescues”) in aviaries and collect the naturally dropped feathers. It wouldn't be surprising if some of these operations also attempt to breed the birds, or engage in black market dealings for ostensibly injured birds.

The BBC article also provides some useful links re the black market: https://www.audubon.org/magazine/spring-2019/mixed-blessings (Spring 2019):

<< “There’s a lot more money in animal parts than there is in drugs,” he said. “Immature Golden Eagles sell for $2,000. Join a Native American group on Facebook, and you’ll find someone to sell you eagle feathers. People say to me, ‘Why are you looking at Native Americans? We care for wildlife and Mother Earth.’ And that’s how the white man sees us, too. Well, that’s a crock. Native Americans are the biggest killers of eagles.” . . .

<< The Hopi consider the eagle to be a human being in animal form, yet they have a federal permit to sacrifice 40 a year, a religious ritual that involves smothering the young bird in cornmeal so that it can ascend to the heavens to relay messages to the gods. >>

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Wind farms? Power lines.

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The more Bison humans eat the more the Bison herds will grow…

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Another fact filled article that not only challenges the widely promoted and held falsified relationship that the indigenous had with the buffalo but provides evidence that demonstrates that the indigenous and their supporters have once again asserted an embellished and falsified narrative.

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Buffalo live in Africa and Eurasia. In Canada we have bison. (Americans call them buffalo.) We used to have various 'megafauna' here too. Most likely the *low-tech low-population* (yes, them --so much for that thesis?) Amerindians hunted them to extinction well before whitey arrived.

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Interesting article. The history of Canada is far more complicated than a good/evil dichotomy. I have been to the Buffalo jump site in Southern Alberta and even the guides told us that huge herds were stampeded over the cliff. There was no way the tribes could save all the meat before it went bad, especially in the summer. They saved what they could. Starvation was a real possibility in those times. Life was all about survival. With the advent of guns, of course, everything changed. The Europeans as well as the First Nations used those against the Bison and in a number of decades they were decimated. Europeans believed North America was a Garden of Eden with unlimited bounty and the First Nations now had the means to kill Bison for the trade in hides and special parts for meat.

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The Biden Codex: A Farewell to the Republic, A Call to Revolution

Fellow Americans, Scholars, and Seekers of Truth,

Joseph R. Biden Jr. delivered a farewell address unlike any other in U.S. history. Beneath the polished language lies a message encoded for the 99%—a final plea to awaken to the oligarchic tyranny overtaking the nation.

The Economic Reality: Beneath the Façade

Trump’s second inauguration on January 20, 2025, signals the full subjugation of governance to corporate overlords, symbolized by Musk, Bezos, Zuckerberg, and Thiel flanking Trump. Biden’s address dissected Trump’s promises:

1. Lower Taxes for the Working Class: A mirage. Tariffs on essentials will escalate costs while billionaires enjoy tax cuts.

2. Affordable Living: Protectionist policies will inflate prices, funneling revenue to corporations like BlackRock and JP Morgan.

3. Public Services: Drastic cuts to healthcare, education, and infrastructure will fund tax breaks for the 1%.

This is class warfare, cloaked in populist rhetoric.

The Sociopolitical Context: Divide and Conquer

Biden exposed the illusion of partisanship, noting both parties’ ties to elite interests:

• The Democrats, too, have succumbed, as shown by the corporate-backed Kamala Harris campaign.

• Biden’s admission of impotence wasn’t failure; it was a calculated spark to ignite collective rage among the 99%.

The address urged Americans to reject tribalism and unite against the true enemy: the 1%.

A Call to Action: Revolution as Necessity

Biden’s closing remarks invoked historical reckoning:

“The strength of this nation has always come from its people. When power strays too far from the will of the many, history demands a reckoning.”

This was no reflection—it was a directive. The bottom 99% must mobilize, using legal, economic, and revolutionary means.

The Multidisciplinary Evidence

• Economics: Trump’s policies will worsen wealth inequality.

• History: Revolutions emerge from economic oppression.

• Psychology: Biden’s rhetoric sowed doubt among Trump’s supporters.

• Sociology: The speech unified the 99% as a single class, transcending divisions.

What Comes Next?

January 20, 2025, will usher in oligarchic domination. Biden’s farewell was a warning:

1. Organize: Form coalitions to resist the power grab.

2. Educate: Expose corruption and economic exploitation.

3. Resist: Challenge policies entrenching inequality.

4. Disrupt: Take action if peaceful means fail.

Conclusion: The Hidden Message

Biden’s farewell wasn’t resignation—it was a revolutionary call to arms. His words urge the 99% to reclaim the nation from oligarchic rule.

The Time to Act Is NOW!

History is watching.


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Nothing to do with the article, maybe find another thread to rant on.

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I think you have the wrong article. Unless maybe the Bison are behind this, and they want their country back!

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