I suspect there are many testimonials attesting to the positive attributes of the IRS system that lie hidden in the shadow of the fallacious narrative of Canadian genocide. It is well written articles like this that shine light on the inconvenient truths propagated by those looking for a scapegoats to their unfortunate life choices. No intellectually mature adult will deny that reserve living is a crucible of toxicity, breeding crime, substance abuse and domestic violence. Creating a fictitious victimhood story that such undesirable circumstances are the result of an intentional genocide, not only stretches the boundary of credulity, but ignores the obvious for the obscure. It is voluntary apartheid, not genocide that has created this situation which only assimilation and integration into main stream society will cure. It is really more than time to move on.

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Isn't it amazing the way their stories have changed since the fake 'graves' accounts have exploded in the media. It is people like Murray Sinclair who should be apologising to Lynn Beyak and others. Also the bales of cash that have been fraudulently dispersed by people like Marc Miller should be returned with interest. Hopefully the public is starting to wake up and see the degree to which we have been sold out by the Trudeau gang. We need to thank people like Nina Green and others for shining light on this scam.

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The Trudeau gang may be the ones who set the largesse wheels in accelerated motion, but who will stop it. The CPC introduced and supported a bill declaring Canada to be a genocidal nation. I cancelled my membership forthwith and ask many, many times per week why they thought this was a good idea, as the existence of this bill opens the door to ever-increasing amounts of baksheesh forevermore. The CPC have never addressed any FN issue in any stumping that I can see. Poilievre stays far away from that topic. So how will sanity prevail? What will it take and who will be its harbingers?

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You are absolutely right. This is a hot potato that no one wants to touch and everyone of our political parties have their heads buried deep in the sand assuming the posture of the, "hear no evil, see no evil and do no evil" monkeys. The only salvation that I see is exposing the fraud by excavating the fictious apple orchard cemetery. If this happens, all the dominoes will begin to fall. Regrettably, it is not a scenario that you should try holding your breath on.

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I agree with this. I think if some important aspects of the narrative can be proven to be false (such as murders and graves), that will be significant. If that, in turn, leads to more questions (such as the declaration of genocide, courting the ICC, outcomes and recommendations of the TRC and MMIWG reports, questions regarding the validity of reparations and land claim settlements), that will be catastrophic for the LPC, and for individual politicians seen to be culpable in the ruse. I worry for the many indigenous people who have little or no role in this, but who may experience very negative outcomes if this swings away from the current beliefs. I don't believe Canadians are racist, but I worry how things will go when this gets turned around and folks feel they've been duped.

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of course, if Murray et al., have their way this discussion would be illegal.

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As well, she recommends that the indigenous have control over records such as the ones used for this article, and that they alone decide who has access. That will kill the ability to investigate the facts.

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I believe it was Leah Gazan, the NDP member of Parliament for (guess where?) Winnipeg Centre, who introduced the bill - unless I am thinking of a different motion that you are. Nevertheless, the bill (unbelievably) received unanimous endorsement, which obviously included the CPC.


Although the indigenous vote is not likely to make a significant difference in the outcome of any riding in Canadian elections, the uproar that has been created among Canadians regarding indigenous issues will certainly affect the outcome. Reading the polls, any politician must know that any hint of questioning the current narrative is likely to doom them to failure in an election, should an election occur right now. Although I'm not crazy about PP, I see his not speaking to the issue (not opposing it) as a move to get elected rather than as support for the current narrative. Better to lose your vote than to risk the millions that could be lost by opposing the narrative.

(This link is not a great reference, but suggests a trend: https://www.environicsinstitute.org/docs/default-source/default-document-library/fc2021-indigenous-peoples-final-sept-29d44baa3c6d8147c787937fa72130c28b.pdf?sfvrsn=c6caed70_0#:~:text=In%202021%2C%2028%20percent%20mention,to%2017%20percent%20in%202016.&text=In%202021%2C%2010%20percent%20mention,only%20two%20percent%20in%20201 .)

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Is your claim that the CPC introduced a bill "declaring Canada to be a genocidal nation" misinformation on your part? (a mistaken claim) or disinformation (a lie told on purpose)??

That was actually a MOTION introduced by NDP MP Leah Gazan, which unfortunately received unanimous consent in the house.

CPC members shouldn't have agreed with the motion, but you making this false claim certainly isn't helping open Canadian's eyes to the truth ....... why do I suspect you're a PPC supporter ....... your lot would gleefully cut off your nose to spite your face and keep PM Pander in power forever.

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well, mea culpa. A motion. Which could be passed as a bill if it gets adopted. The question is how many unanimously passed MOTIONS get past the HOC and Senate approval process to become bills. I was unable to find any concrete numbers on that. Not sure how you would ever have come to the assumption that my error indicates I'm a PPC supporter.

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Nice skirting around the ACTUAL point of my post. You accused the CPC of proposing and pushing through the motion, and follow it up with a lame excuse of 'too many bills & motion to keep up with WHO initiated them'

Typical MO of the disciples of Max ...........

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WTF dude. You're intentionally misreading my post just to be able to say I'm lying about my political affiliation. Stop it. You look foolish.

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This passage from the article should be stamped on every MP’s desk: Former TRC chair Murray Sinclair wrote to the Calgary Herald in August 2010 “… we have been heartened by testimonies which confirm the dedication and compassion of committed educators who sought to nurture the children in their care,” adding “these experiences must also be heard.” I applaud any effort toward a fair and objective account of history.

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Bravo, James McCrae. The Manitoba Indigenous leaders who so belligerently protested McCrae's appointment to the judicial selection committee back in May no doubt thought they had scored a "win" when McCrae voluntarily declined the appointment. They're probably still congratulating themselves on that power play. So guess who now has more time to research and share information like the case histories in this excellent article? The irony does not escape us.

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James McCrae is a great Canadian.

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The rejoinder to this is that this never would have happened if the nasty white man hadn't come to this place.

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To Kemosabe ,Rodney and Allison:

You make excellent points; Assimilation and Integration are the only answers for Canada. When P. Trudeau and J. Chretien tried to set it in motion the Indians went nuts. They gave up and said if the Indians want to live in a ghetto then let them....but we are all paying the price for that.

If we go back to the early 1600s Champlain along with the chiefs of various tribes even then were setting the wheels in motion for the early stages of integration. (Cardinal Richelieu put a stop to that.) Champlain saw that a 'two-nation' administration could never work and he wanted no part of it. ( Read "Champlain's Dream" ,Fischer,2009)

It should be clear by now that a two-nation, deal with the indians is a road to chaos and anarchy. And to Allison's point that P.Poilievre is avoiding the issue like the plague......sooner rather than later he must address it head on. I too have asked them several times where they stand. Politics!

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Is it for sure the rejoinder. Not to be flippant about it, but to the victor go the spoils. It's the ensuing attempts by government over the past 150 or so years to "help" in what now is clearly a misguided way that have created these problems I suppose. BC is a whole other story, a frightening one.

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