Imagine a popular game show called, "The Wheel of Misfortune" hosted not by the distinguished celebrities, Pat Sajak and Vana White, but by unpopular Woke hosts, Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland. With the current category of dysfunctional education, each spin of the wheel draws the contestants deeper and deeper into the black hole of Woke dystopia. "Round and round she goes, where it stops, nobody knows". Oops! The arrow stopped on bankrupt. Who would have seen this coming?

Education must get back to basics. As the distinguished Victorian author, Charles Dickens once said:

"Now, what I want is Facts. Teach these boys and girls nothing but Facts. Facts alone are wanted in life. Plant nothing else, and root out everything else. You can only form the minds of reasoning animals upon Facts; nothing else will ever be of any service to them." ~

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i think going 'back' is the way forward - avance en reculant - the problem with education is change-obsession, when we need to un-change ed.

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My children and theirs are grown now thank goodness. My wife & I always had hands on when it came to teachers and sadly I learnt that some can not be trusted, we confronted those and made it very clear what the consequences were if they mistreated our children in any way.

I am surprised that today it seems most parents just do not give a shit.

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Unfortunately thus far in my journey I see this, I started this journey this September, prior I was a parent who paid little attention to school except for my children's grades, moving forward that will no longer be the case, you have to get involved

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keep fighting the good fight.

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The Woke are contemptuous of anyone who disagrees with them, whether rich or poor, conservative or liberal. They certainly care more about their agenda than school kids.

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or, they care about school kids insofar as those kids can advance their agenda - it's wrong, plain n' simple

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Frightening analysis, but spot on.

I do appreciate your "whiff of hope." I'm surprised it took so long for parents. I suspect in cities like Toronto, there are angry parents too, who just aren't showing up to the meetings, the way they are in Waterloo or Ottawa.

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im posting this reply twice here to john and to inverness, same point. I think parents want their kids to have a wholesome k-12, do well, make lifelong friends, have school spirit etc. i think there is a media campaign to tell them there's just alarmism about the evil woke activism but that there's 'nothing to see here' - but increasingly i think more and more see through it and are 'red pilled'

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