While I certainly agree with the spirit of your article, I wish to point out the obvious obstacle that must be dealt with before peace can be achieved in the middle east: the UN. Besides being thoroughly corrupt, the UN is pro- Hamas and ant-Israel. It must be dismantled.
As the newly invigorated civil war in Syria demonstrates there are a multitude of unsolved grievances in the Middle East that get little attention. The Kurds, Yazidis, and on and on. Why is all the attention on a tiny country of 10 million people, and a few million Palestinians? Why don’t the hundreds of troubled countries in the world focus on their many problems? The answer is not hard: Israel and the Jews remain the most convenient scapegoat for tyrants and fools
Screw the Palestinians they are the author of their own misfortune and I do not have an ounce of sympathy for them after coming to Canada in great numbers and causing mass havoc in our streets tearing up and burning OUR flag while shouting death to Canada. FUCK THEM
Wish I had your confidence in "fixing" this problem. There is no solution one fears and any band aids applied to stem the bleeding will be just that. This conflict is centuries old and exacerbated by the legal establishment of the State of Israel in 1948. There can be no "two state solution" and no "one state solution" when one side says the only solution is a "no state solution" that being the annihilation of the sovereign state of Israel. Change that attitude among the Arabs and the Persians in Iran and that will be the only starting point for a solution. This will never happen with the present theocracy in Iran. Regime change in Iran? .... huuummm😒
Yes, Iran's ayatollahs bear a great deal of fault for the mid-East mess.
No, the "world" is not at fault. The UN has become a joke. And while Trump's first administration tried to rein in Iran, it was sandwiched and negated by the Obama-Biden foreign policy incompetents.
Furthermore, any country or body that attempted to "take charge" of the Palestinian issue would immediately be denounced as imperialist, colonialist, racist, ... by Putin, the CCP and so many other bad actors. Trump with Netanyahu along with moderate arab states might have a chance to set things right, but it will be a tall order.
As you're thinking through these issues, keep the following in mind.
There is not a single mention of JERUSALEM in the QUR'AN. The first time it is mentioned is within the Hadiths, written AFTER Mohammad's death.
There Islams only miracle is described. The NIGHT JOURNEY describes how upon Mohammad's death, his body was magically transported over-night hundreds of miles across the desert to Jerusalem, so that he cold ascend to Heaven and speak to the Earlier Prophets.
Kinda amazing, huh ???
If you are a devout Muslim you are expected to swallow such BULL$HIT without question.
I think we can probably be a bit more specific when pointing the finger of blame for what has been happening in the middle east. This conflict did not begin on Oct 7th despite the concerted efforts of Israeli apologists to suggest that this was Israel's Pearl Harbor. Israel Zionists rely on the authority of the Bible which conveniently promised the land of Canaan to the decedents of Abraham for their illegal appropriation of someone else's land. Really, how convenient. Armed with self righteous theocratic entitlement, they have mercilessly murdered, imprisoned, tortured, raped, exiled and imprisoned the rightful owners of Palestine with religious zeal, well before the 1948 declaration of nation hood and long after up to and including the present day. Of course there will always be others who think they know better than the United Nations and consider that the ongoing genocide we all witness daily on TV is entitled self defense by Israel and that the ICC issued arrest warrants for Netanyahu is simply antisemitism in action. Certainly, political myopia, poses an ongoing threat to world peace as well as to rational social justice and to those glad hand Israel cheer leaders I would simply say, view this injustice with an intellectual perspective not an emotional one.
My life experiences to this point have me believing that to fix a problem, one must first understand its cause. What do you think is the cause of the problem in this geographic area?
That the basic underlying cause of human conflict is human nature is a venerable and highly plausible thesis. But the thesis certainly does not entail that the solution to the problem is eliminating human beings.
I think he said 'the world' is the problem; so fixing the problem is "simple but not easy": 'the world' just has to get its act together and impose a totalitarian top-down reconstitution of Israel-hating Gaza into lasting-peaceful Gaza using Iranian assets. Of course, Iran is also the problem, so I suppose they'll have to be dealt with (in the same way?) at some point... then there's Russia, and presumably all of Russia's strategic allies... In conclusion, it's all quite "simple but not easy," don't you see! (just like Iraq and Afghanistan, etc.)
While I certainly agree with the spirit of your article, I wish to point out the obvious obstacle that must be dealt with before peace can be achieved in the middle east: the UN. Besides being thoroughly corrupt, the UN is pro- Hamas and ant-Israel. It must be dismantled.
As the newly invigorated civil war in Syria demonstrates there are a multitude of unsolved grievances in the Middle East that get little attention. The Kurds, Yazidis, and on and on. Why is all the attention on a tiny country of 10 million people, and a few million Palestinians? Why don’t the hundreds of troubled countries in the world focus on their many problems? The answer is not hard: Israel and the Jews remain the most convenient scapegoat for tyrants and fools
Not everyone who holds a different opinion on the complicity of Israel and the Jews in the current genocide in Gaza is a tyrant and a fool, Brian.
Screw the Palestinians they are the author of their own misfortune and I do not have an ounce of sympathy for them after coming to Canada in great numbers and causing mass havoc in our streets tearing up and burning OUR flag while shouting death to Canada. FUCK THEM
“Aw, come ‘own Bobby!” -LBJ to RFK
“Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.“
-Golda Meir
And history repeats itself…and the fake virtue signallers continue their fake do goodism…
Merry Christmas 🎄 and Happy Hanukkah 🕎
Wish I had your confidence in "fixing" this problem. There is no solution one fears and any band aids applied to stem the bleeding will be just that. This conflict is centuries old and exacerbated by the legal establishment of the State of Israel in 1948. There can be no "two state solution" and no "one state solution" when one side says the only solution is a "no state solution" that being the annihilation of the sovereign state of Israel. Change that attitude among the Arabs and the Persians in Iran and that will be the only starting point for a solution. This will never happen with the present theocracy in Iran. Regime change in Iran? .... huuummm😒
Yes, Iran's ayatollahs bear a great deal of fault for the mid-East mess.
No, the "world" is not at fault. The UN has become a joke. And while Trump's first administration tried to rein in Iran, it was sandwiched and negated by the Obama-Biden foreign policy incompetents.
Furthermore, any country or body that attempted to "take charge" of the Palestinian issue would immediately be denounced as imperialist, colonialist, racist, ... by Putin, the CCP and so many other bad actors. Trump with Netanyahu along with moderate arab states might have a chance to set things right, but it will be a tall order.
As you're thinking through these issues, keep the following in mind.
There is not a single mention of JERUSALEM in the QUR'AN. The first time it is mentioned is within the Hadiths, written AFTER Mohammad's death.
There Islams only miracle is described. The NIGHT JOURNEY describes how upon Mohammad's death, his body was magically transported over-night hundreds of miles across the desert to Jerusalem, so that he cold ascend to Heaven and speak to the Earlier Prophets.
Kinda amazing, huh ???
If you are a devout Muslim you are expected to swallow such BULL$HIT without question.
Umm !
I think we can probably be a bit more specific when pointing the finger of blame for what has been happening in the middle east. This conflict did not begin on Oct 7th despite the concerted efforts of Israeli apologists to suggest that this was Israel's Pearl Harbor. Israel Zionists rely on the authority of the Bible which conveniently promised the land of Canaan to the decedents of Abraham for their illegal appropriation of someone else's land. Really, how convenient. Armed with self righteous theocratic entitlement, they have mercilessly murdered, imprisoned, tortured, raped, exiled and imprisoned the rightful owners of Palestine with religious zeal, well before the 1948 declaration of nation hood and long after up to and including the present day. Of course there will always be others who think they know better than the United Nations and consider that the ongoing genocide we all witness daily on TV is entitled self defense by Israel and that the ICC issued arrest warrants for Netanyahu is simply antisemitism in action. Certainly, political myopia, poses an ongoing threat to world peace as well as to rational social justice and to those glad hand Israel cheer leaders I would simply say, view this injustice with an intellectual perspective not an emotional one.
My life experiences to this point have me believing that to fix a problem, one must first understand its cause. What do you think is the cause of the problem in this geographic area?
I was hoping that the author would reply.
There are multiple causes but the first one is human nature.
Thanks for your reply. I don't think that eliminating humans would be acceptable to humans.
That the basic underlying cause of human conflict is human nature is a venerable and highly plausible thesis. But the thesis certainly does not entail that the solution to the problem is eliminating human beings.
I think he said 'the world' is the problem; so fixing the problem is "simple but not easy": 'the world' just has to get its act together and impose a totalitarian top-down reconstitution of Israel-hating Gaza into lasting-peaceful Gaza using Iranian assets. Of course, Iran is also the problem, so I suppose they'll have to be dealt with (in the same way?) at some point... then there's Russia, and presumably all of Russia's strategic allies... In conclusion, it's all quite "simple but not easy," don't you see! (just like Iraq and Afghanistan, etc.)
Thanks for your reply. While totalitarianism can sometimes suppress the symptoms, I don't see how it eliminates the causes of problems.