In this wonderful article there are many wise observations, one from Chanel being: “EQAO (Education Quality and Accountability Office) results from last spring indicate only 50% of grade 6 students in Ontario met the provincial standards in math, and guess what the board decided to focus on, yet again? …You guessed it: ‘racism.’” The focus on race is an affront to public education, and its effect is only more racism as we are all reduced to our skin colour or ethnicity. Public education has to rid itself of woke indoctrinators and remind itself of its educational purpose.

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Does the Ministry know about this use of funds? I thought their "Back to Basics" directive included informing parents about PD and the focus of PD is to be academic in nature.

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It is absolutely critical to distribute this article to as many people as possible and get them to write to Minister of Education Lecce asking him to order all school boards to do two things: 1) Never to hire the Kojo Institute for antiracism training, because in Richard's case they were found abusive in the WSIB decision, and their harassment led to his death. 2) To order a pause to ALL antiracism training until the Ministry vets all their personnel for anti-white bias. Stephen.Lecce@pc.ola.org Contact your networks and get this rolling. The use of Kojo is like spitting on Richard's grave. It is appalling.

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This may be valuable evidence to help the parents in the Million Person March. Check their page on Facebook to find out who their leaders are. These folks are struggling with the verbose, activist bully tactics of the teachers who insist on gender-grooming their kids. They are fighting the fight in the trenches. They need legal help and any evidence that helps their cause.

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So many of those Ont school boards are woke/left/ndp-captured and not fit for purpose. The education minister really needs to put them under trusteeship.

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The BCTF is also another social justice place..... "New podcast episode on supporting 2SLGBTQIA+ students and educators

The Canadian Teachers’ Federation’s podcast, Source, has a new episode featuring Fae Johnstone, a leading advocate for queer and trans communities. In the new podcast episode, Johnstone discusses harmful changes to school pronoun policies, the fight for inclusive curricula, the need for policy changes at all levels of government, and more. Tune in now."

The Canadian Teachers’ Federation’s podcast, https://www.buzzsprout.com/1915283

This site has more links..... https://www.buzzsprout.com/1915283/13802557-fae-johnstone-on-supporting-2slgbtqqia-students-and-educators-fae-johnstone-parle-de-la-necessite-de-soutenir-les-eleves-et-le-personnel-enseignant-de-la-communaute-lgbtqqia2

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Great summary and reporting. Keep it up.

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Ocadu’s dean of design gleefully shows herself with the kojo furher on instagram as she endorsed the dean’s book on decolonization which asserts racist tropes like logic is “white” and otherwise appears to be code for ethnic cleansing. She proudly reports how many hires she has made on the basis of race. And smiled and nodded when a guest speaker said “we need to replace these (white) dinosaurs with people who look like us.” (Said while pointing to students of color.)

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As far as performance. Vancouver Island is good with literacy 70th but not math. 50th percentile. 50% feel welcome at school. It is the questions that are not being asked. So we are looking for consultants that can help with a presentation to the School Boards in Nov and Dec. To document expose SOGI and the Union response to the protests. ie Counter protest. It was a trans mob in Victoria.

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Very telling they are still paying for these woke political activists to train staff.

London parents tried to get the 519 link removed from the Thames Valley District School Board website but the board refused. Apparently, this board is okay with linking to an organization that encourages trans people to sell their bodies to pay for trans surgery.


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I still have a hard time understanding the level of derangement demonstrated in those DIE struggle sessions with Richard B. It was madness, how that can be allowed to stand is an open question. If you believe that was transpired was morally correct, you would have to be steeped in resentment from a young age.

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