Michelle Stirling’s writes wisely, saying “someone in Kamloops simply jumped the gun on graves without verifying facts and thus spewed atrocity misinformation to the media which loved and proliferated the ghastly headlines.” Sadly these headlines are etched into Canadian history. The media are charlatans and deceivers in their role of recorders of events.

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One might assume that an internationally respected organization like the ICMP would have some immunity to political influence and be reflective of the integrity conferred by the status of its office and exert some moderating effect on this egregious lie. Well, apparently not. Instead that 2 mil donation bought a first class ticket on the on the band wagon (pun intended) and an anticipation of a long and profitable ride. In deference to Michelle's informative article, I am tempted to suggest that the title should have one additional line and read:


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Excellent comment. As is Michelle’s request of the ICMP, which is worth highlighting: “Show us the list of names of the allegedly missing children. Let’s see if you’re earning your $2 million before we go a step further.”

One of the documents the ICMP should definitely be reading is Michelle’s *Ambiguous Losses, Epidemics, Orphans, and Unmarked Graves* (linked at end of article). It’s one of the most cogent and compassionate explanations I’ve seen for why so many indigenous elders hold the belief that their schoolmates went “missing”.

I also wonder whether the ICMP has bothered (maybe it would need another million $ ?) to read the pages on Nina Green’s Residential Schools Records site, specifically the death records pages. (Probably not; probably considered untouchable for ideological reasons.)

When the Nadleh Whut’en announced the other day that they plan to search for graves at the Lejac IRS in BC, I went, as I often do, to Nina’s research on deaths. Her Lejac summary pdf provides records (44 pages worth) for all 39 of the names listed on the NTRC register (plus info on their parents and siblings in many cases), including documentation from the inquest that followed the freezing deaths of four runaway boys in 1937. The inquest showed that none of the parents of those boys had visited on New Years Day (as most parents did on that special day), and so the kids were homesick. AND that only one set of parents, when all were notified that their sons were missing, participated in the ensuing searches, and only one set of parents bothered to attend the inquest. The parents that did attend the inquest said that they believed their son was happy at the school . . . Attention ICMP (and CBC): check it out: https://indianresidentialschoolrecords.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Lejac-IRS-Summary-11-April-2023.pdf.

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Awesome, Joan.

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An excellent well researched essay by Michelle Sterling, kudos.

I completely agree with this aspect, "The ‘find’ (which taxpayers also paid for in the form of a Heritage Grant meant to upgrade the park, not find bodies) may also be a case of confirmation bias of the long-held rez myth of disappeared students; if so, then this is mischief. And if it is revealed that this scenario was planned and contrived in some way, then it is fraud and extortion."

I too have said taking this money without proper investigation, corroboration and excavation does in my opinion give rise to the 3 Criminal Code of Canada statutes Michelle has identified, mischief, fraud & extortion. We have seen the Indigenous in Quesnel debacle, state to Mayor and Council that if the Mayor is not removed the Indigenous will stop all land claims ! That is criminal extortion.

I am going to pursue this angle with the Canadian Taxpayer Association to see if they are willing on behalf of taxpayers to pursue a criminal investigation into the above 3 statutes, as it applies to the IRS debacle.

Further if no justification (i.e. mass graves) are found via excavation, then every single dime given to the Indigenous should be returned to Canadian Taxpayers with interest !

As some of you may know the socialist NDP government of BC following UNDRIP guidelines just handed over all of Haida Gwaii back to the Indigenous to administer under Indigenous law, causing private property owners a huge amount of fear and uncertainty.


In summary, something SMELLS rotten with this UNDRIP/MASS GRAVES debacle ! Keep up the great work Michelle. My white European ancestors and knowledge keepers demand excavations, before another dime of taxpayer dollars is given !

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Do keep us posted on your efforts with the Canadian Taxpayers Association. There's gotta be a way . . .

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Perservence is one way. Also in Canada anyone can create a Private Prosecution, against whomever just like the cops do, so that another way.

"Usually this form is laid by a law enforcement officer but it can also be laid by a member of the public. This is sometimes known as a private prosecution and is used by the public to bring the court's attention to criminal activity that they believe to be occurring."


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What a racket. Inflation roaring, and Trudeau keeps throwing taxpayer dollars at this tearing us apart and hoping to buy votes. Canada's worst PM.

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I’m half expecting that the word “taxpayers” will be outlawed soon by the moderators (/ algorithms) that govern public comment threads, and we’ll have to come up with a substitute code word. Outrage not allowed! (at least, not by t-p-rs)

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Taxpayer means the government borrows from their baker friends at interest and they expect you to patriotically pay the bill. If you did this it would be called fraud, magically when they do it, not-frad. Abracadabrah!

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When the Punjabis, Chinese and Filipinos who will be the new majority reject the white liberal guilt that has destroyed our country, will they be able to get their property rights back?

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The elections are theatre. Your vote does not count. No one's votes count. This is a control mechanism.

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Cui Bono?

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You might appreciate this podcast on the Regulation deception:


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