I don't know who you are, but your work is just so excellent. Intelligent and nuanced. I hope you are eventually able to de-anonymize your self, we need more public intellectuals like you. And we needed them yesterday. Keep up the great work.

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Excellent writing. This is the kind of article, so clearly empathetic with the plight of citizens, that can make a difference. Bravo.

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The line I like best: “Ask yourself, has any of this racist pandering actually helped Indigenous peoples?”

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An excellent article and timely as "modern" medicine seemingly begins to adopt mystical nonsense as part of its list of science-based treatments. However, the author should make an effort to find out what the "60's Scoop" was actually about. HInt, it addressed situations on the reserves that were causing children to be neglected, undernourished, abused, etc... Children were at the same time being removed from homes of non-indiginous parents for similar causes.

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Re your ‘bollocks on stilts’ comment about ‘actual and unrepentant homeopaths’. There is a huge problem with homeopathy. It works. It either makes no sense, or one has to come up with a rationalization that sits well. But it actually effects real cures. Not treatments. But cures. In many many people. If it were ‘bollocks in stilts’ it would have died out a hundred years ago. A friend had a horse about to be put down with colic. She was heartbroken. She asked me to come over. I explained it was unlikely I could do anything. But I went over, taking my kit, asked some questions and gave the horse two remedies. The first remedy had no effect. The next day my friend tried the second remedy. The horse took it, by way of a sugar cube. It let out a giant belch two minutes later and then had a magnificent bowel motion. No colic. Gone. But...thats one of those weird coincidences that makes people believe things that aren’t true. Right? But, the problem is every time she needed it, as he did get colic from time to time, it worked. I could give you a hundred examples of instant cures in people but you claim it was a placebo. The horse though? Was that a placebo?

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Full disclosure: I have had freat success with chiropractic treatment over the years, and with osteopathy. I know nothing of homeopathy and naturopathy and avoid them.

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