You are a teacher and welcome to have an opinion, I like many others are not and are welcome also to hold an opinion. Let me explain my opinion and try to understand mine.

I was a detective I worked street crime in Toronto I was one of many involved in the Emanual Jacques investigation (the Shoeshine Boy) Homicide sadly that was just one of these types of investigations I was involved in. The type of people involved in this and other sexual assaults on children both male and female of tender years are perverts and mental, sick beyond belief. They show no remorse and will use any means at their disposal to get at these children and have their way with them.

This so called transgenderism is just a tool to them, the drag queen cult just another trick in their cloak to get close and get what they want.

That is not transphobic that is the reality and so are the nightmares that I and many others like me live with for the rest of our lives. Believe me sir when I tell you that Mr naughty should never ever have the right to step into that safe space of your daughter little sweet miss Muffet or your son cute little Billy. However please do not take just my word for that just ask ANY VICTIM of a violent sexual assault because they are not transphobic either so therefore should be able to express their opinion dont you think.

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Couldn't have said it better!!!!!

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regarding the questions at the end, there are many solid indicators that address these questions.

- there have been 11 studys that sought to find out if kids grow out of gender dysphoria. all showed most kids with gender dysphoria grow out of it with puberty, without gender meds or social transition. these results ranged ~65-95% grew out of it. there are no other long term studys regarding this. its also known that once kids take gender meds their dysphoria continues. the gender biz claims "trans" kids continue to be "trans". but they only do so if they take gender meds. the evidence is clear: its the meds, and only these harmful meds, that are causing kids gender dysphoria to continue. if they dont take gender meds most kids grow out of dysphoria and ID again as their birth gender with puberty. these 11 studys are well known and listed in many places such as here https://www.transgendertrend.com/children-change-minds/

imo, james cantor said it well in the state of flora report appendix

"James Cantor, PhD: Science of Gender Dysphoria and Transsexualism"

- theres really no evidence that transitioning creates happy adults. people such as myself who have known agp people for 20 years find the idea that trans people are happy adults to be ridiculous. most are miserable. not becuase their "trans" . but becuase they have untreated psych issues. being "trans" makes this psych issues worse because it attributes their issues to an incorrect self diagnoses. thats just my experience. the government of amsterdam has 50 years of data of people who are receiving gender meds. they say those on the meds die early 2x more than ave and commit suicide 20x more than ave.


being "trans" is miserable for many or most people in the long term. kids with gender dysphoria dont commit suicide much more than ave, as per the actual #s not meaningless online polls, so this should be considered a before and after. if kids have gender dysphoria there are two options. 1. take the meds and die early and become suicidal. 2. dont take the meds, get psych care and dysphoria goes away with puberty.

"A Swedish government-commissioned study [1] found that 39 of 6334 gender dysphoric individuals — 0.6% — died by suicide."


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The dilemma facing people is whether or not to suppress or add hormones in children and whether or not to submit them to surgery. Leaving these treatments until after puberty has occurred will result in a less convincing transition. Performing them will mean permanent life-altering changes that may be regretted later in life.

There is no way that a child is capable of making rational decisions of this magnitude and that is why we wait for a level of maturity before allowing people to drive, vote etc. In my opinion, adults encouraging children to take hormone blockers and/or have surgery are guilty of a form of Munchausen syndrome by proxy.

A common treatment for prostate cancer is hormone blocking. In some men, prostate cancer cells die when testosterone is suppressed. Ask any man who has undergone such 'therapy' - it's vile and you wouldn't wish it on your worst enemy. To subject a minor to such treatment is abuse, no matter how motivated the child seems to be.

Teachers encouraging this nonsense are guilty of whipping up mass hysteria and creating the conditions where children may seek attention through claiming to need 'gender-affirming' treatment.

As you say, the fallout from this won't occur for some time but this is shaping up to be a diabolical experiment on large numbers of really vulnerable children.

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A “less convincing transition” is a cited as a negative but I contend there is NO convincing transition, only a longer amount of time the transitioned person gets someone to believe a lie. Living a lie for as long as possible can’t be considered a positive

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Definitely the latter. I hope the kids ruined by this cult sue schools and the medical community for billions. The PEI and DEI cults seems to overlap on being out to manipulate children and cry prejudice anytime anyone disagrees with them.

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Here's the extreme: Trans Rights protestors confront counter protestors at a rally in Vancouver's Grandview Park two days ago. https://vpd.ca/news/2023/04/01/vancouver-police-investigate-violent-confrontations-at-trans-rights-rally/

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Alice in Wonderland's perspective on transgenderism:

“Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle.”

― Lewis Carroll , Alice in Wonderland

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