Good morning Canada

I read your article and it describes my feelings to a T as that is exactly how I have been acting for at least the last few years & this was the first article I read after sending my friend a long list of complaints. Unlike you I am not that optimistic that all will be well eventually, I hope that is the case if not for us old aging bastards but for the sake of our children and the future of Canada.

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Thank you (and Mark Hecht as well for his response). I feel the same. 👊

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Article inspired a post on X.

“What Trump is really thinking…

between all the ‘Fuck Trudeau’ flags and all the anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists, Canada…is a woke empire…infiltrated by the Chinese, the Russians, and by a basket of Middle East terrorists. Not to mention India.”

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I’m glad that Trump singled us out this time. He didn’t pay much attention in 2016, except to force us to renegotiate NAFTA. It will be different this time, as the trade surplus part of his tariff plan hasn’t started yet. Canada is small potatoes in this. Europe will be next. All of this is just the warmup to China. Then Canada will once again return to its role as a little fish watching the big fish swim by, and hoping that they don’t take a bite at us. But I’m glad that Trump at least noticed us this time. He got us thinking. Our ancestors did a lot of thinking about Canada in 1867, but we haven’t done much since.

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Long ago I realized that the problem with Canadians is they are addicted to complaining ...we have mastered it. Equally, we have remained addicted to those politicians and those who wear white coats and regardless how evil and dangerous they show themselves to be, we complain and do nothing.

The thing we can be fairly accused of is being insane. For 45 elections we have dutifully 'voted' i na manufactured consent program set up by an imposter government. All the evidence is there: it has always been an imposter government. It is a series of corporations that have restructured over the years, who are tricking us into letting them rape and pillage with impunity. Heck, even Queen Elizabeth II was phony and clearly stated in 1957 she did not make or assent to laws ... so when we are told these pieces of toilet paper called 'legislation' were assented to, they were again lying.

Canadians now live under almost 1 million regulations! None of which apply to human beings, only to commercial operations, except that we have politicians and experts, such as lawyers, telling us we are bound by them.

Meanwhile, the citizen journalists and investigators who sacrifice their own time and resources and often, their lives, to get at the facts are not 'followed', because they have the truth and the truth exposes that the 'Old Canada' never existed and the top writers with influence don't dare rock the boat.

Canada was always a landmass by criminal corporations, the first one calling itself CANADA, Inc and thereafter with every restructuring, names like 'Canada, Government of'. And it still is. As of the 1960s it was 100% communist thanks to all Trudeau-era politicians and bureaucrats, and in 1985 the United Nations (a communist, privately-owned corporation) was given full governance of the landmass using fraudulent legislation. WEF's Klaus Schwab tells the world the WEF runs the Canadian Cabinet and we just sigh!

In any other country, the men and women would walk into the Parliament and escort out every single politicians that allowed such a thing to happen, and replace them with a provisional government until another fair eletion could be held. No sitting Parliament is needed, as you can presently see for yourself, so why not clean out the pig pen?

Everything that has happened to the landmass Canada since 1985, including the theft of all property titles in Ontario and Manitoba, has been at the hands of the UN-CANADA government, using public-private partnership two-step frauds. Many Canadians work for the UN and it's agencies because by legislation they do not pay taxes of any kind and cannot be prosecuted for wrong doing.

Even the Supreme Court of Canada that is interfering with Indian treaties and giving Indian Status to non-Indians is 100% imposter ... few know that during the lockdowns, even the SCC's coat of arms was changed by the foreign corporation, communist United Nations. That is why their decisions of late, especially regarding Aboriginals and issues of crimes and morality are so damaging and always in alignment with the goals of dividing the country.

Why are we subjected to so much more overt lying, data manipulation and corruption since 2019? Why are MPs, Indian Chiefs, 12 lawyers and band councils able to get away with promoting knowingly false narratives and blood libel: because it is no longer a crime to do so.

In February 2019, the UN-CANADA government led by the WEF/UN puppets Tudeau, Singh, Green and Conservatives, secretly repealed s. 181 of the Criminal Code of Canada that made lying to the public a crime, subject to prison time.

I stopped complaining 22 years ago and as a result of working with other citizen investigators, we can show that (a) there never was a BNA, Constitution, Charter, Confederation, etc, ever, and this was stated clearly in the Parliament, on the record in 1945.

Every province was legally set free in 1931, every province! No battles, no violence needed. Not even a revolution was necessary. All we needed to do was set up a provisional government in every province, put a proper Constitution with an embedded Bill of Rights before those qualified to vote in the province and if it is ratified, then a first election for the Republic is held ... all as delineated in a Consititution for the Republic (eg. of New Ontario).

Quebec has known all this since the Quebec Referendum nonsense and never stop telling us they are a sovereign nation with their own Code (Constitution)...still we ignore their status and do not ask why that is.

It is so easy to be free and live like humans instead of commodities and assets of corporations that masquerade as 'government'.

Why do top writers and those with a voice, not start looking outside the box, start asking people like myself who post comments trying to awaken the masses to little avail? Instead they repeatedly quote imposters, giving them authority they never had and unwittingly keep us trapped in falsehoods.

Trump knows very well that every province is a sovereign nation since 1931 and that there never was a federal government, ever. He knows full well that if any part of Canada joined the States, it would first have to become a State (Republic), with a proper Constitution, just as all other US States.

Every US State is a sovereign state with it's own Constitution. Any US State can leave the Union by the authority of a referendum of all eligible voters of that State. That is sovereignty and Statehood, aka Nation-State.

Every province on the Canadian landmass is a nation-state: the people need only Claim their Right to that status and then act like it, instead of acting like slaves to corporations masquerading as governments that do not exist.

Stop and think: do you really think that Americans fought and died in 1776 for their own republic in every state (at the time), so that in 2025, they could bring into the fold more of what they broke away from in 1776? They didn't want a corporate monarchy system then and they would not allow one now.

So, we can either continue to waste time quoting those who keep us trapped in an illusion because either they are paid to write falsehoods, or they drank the 'Confederation-Constitution-Charter' koolaid, OR we can get on with setting up our Constitutional Republics in every province, where the people speak and the elected class, including elected Judges, listen.

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This article has officially pushed me from a Free Subscriber to a Paid Subscriber. Great article and I congratulate you on a very accurate assessment of Canada and where we fit into world affairs. The victimhood mentality and entitlement group think in Canada is now going to be on full display as our leaders posture and fumble on how to respond to an aggressive negotiating neighbor.

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Thanks a million Michael!

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A Good read James. Thanks to Mark as well as his insights into your pain and grief help me gain perspective into my own as I’ve watched the woke Lib/NDP government, media, institutions and the woke intelligencia burn down my Canada. It’s up to all of us who love our country to lead by picking up its remains and forging it into a better and even greater country it was before.🇨🇦

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I hope Mr. Hecht is right, but I am afraid that there won’t be a ‘new’ Canada if Mark Carney becomes PM and the Liberals rag the puck until October, by which time the gaslighting will have convinced the sheeple that the ‘new’ LPC would lead the grateful nation into the new green nirvana by spending their way to prosperity. Recall Parliament now. We need an election.

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Old Canada will come back, because the state we are in is not sustainable

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I feel the same as you. But I acknowledge that was a great reply by Mark. I have zero faith I'll fit into this New Canada. It's far too woke and that's clearly not going to change anytime soon.

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I feel uplifted by your article that I could identify with. We immigrated happily to Old Canada 53 years ago. I now feel betrayed by the wokeness and all the immorality that this present kakistocracy under Trudeau and his supporters promote.

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Canada to become a republic you need all three territories and provinces to get together and agree. You would need all FN Métis and Inuit to agree and work with the 9 provinces and 3 territories. Every treaty would have to be rewritten every symbol be redesigned. We would have to negotiate with England we are part of the commonwealth. All of these factors and considerations Canada becoming a republic will never happen.

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Your article echoes our daily conversations! Thanks for your courage to say what you think. As a dual citizen living in BC again since 2019 - it has been a grieving process and has been difficult being here.

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I understand Trump…he’s a narcissistic bully. Treat him accordingly.

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JP: America has earned its sovereignty and its right to make its own choices. America can back up its words with action. America has the most powerful military in the world.


One has to wonder, really wonder, why a body would try to defend usa war crimes, usa Wars of Aggression, usa Holocausts and all the other evil actions in the totality of its existence.

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Wow, sad that you are such an unappreciative Canadian. It gives me chest pain to read that Canada is a cancer, that we don't deserve to be absorbed into America. We would ruin America with all our democrats, our free health care, our decent gun laws and banking regulations. You might consider surrendering your passport.

I acknowledge that we have coasted on US coattails as far as national security, but our border and our presence to the north provides them great safety as well. Presumably you are aware that they purchase our energy at a great discount to global prices.

I am assuming you are an anti-woke warrior by your handle. You might try spreading tolerance and minding your own business rather than control what other Canadians are up to. If you don't want to read it, don't read it. If you don't approve of gay people, just stay away from them, etc. There is no understanding Trump. He is a greedy sociopath who only cares about himself and money and power. He is a disaster. His insurrection resulted in people being killed. He is a chronic liar and confabulist. He is nuts. He IS an enemy of Canada now. He has clearly stated it by saying he intends to annex via economic pressure/hardship. Have you even been reading about the various programs and services to Americans he is cancelling? It is hard to read another Canadian praising Trump or justifying anything he is up to.

I note that one of your followers is complaining about Canadians complaining and then carries on complaining herself.

You sound a bit like Trump supporters when they refer to him, saying nothing you write should be taken literally.

I get that you wish to be provocative, but is is sad that you perceive the concept of "woke" as a danger to you and your community. I assume you are a white Canadian. Is it bad woke that women should be paid the same as men? Is it bad woke that sexual assault victims should have better treatment within our legal system? Is it bad woke to accept that our opinions may differ but we should have the same rights and opportunities regardless of sex, sexual orientation, color of skin, country of origin etc.? If it wasn't for woke, you wouldn't vote, hold a credit card or a bank account and your husband would have the right to strike you. Woke is good.

Where you see more discord this month, I see more patriotism and engagement by Canadians in a common fight. I was sorry to come across this.

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Don't forget to get your Bird flu shot when it comes out.

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This is what Trump Derangement Syndrome looks like.

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You mean that you have it?

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