I am glad you wrote this. These graves, if they even are graves, were from a time when women would have ten children. It would be typical to lose three before they reached adulthood. Take one hundred families. In one generation they would lose three hundred children alone. Having a couple of hundred child graves beside a school would be typical. The death rates of First Nations families and children were a bit worse than white families but this equalized as epidemics came under control. The hysteria sowed by Justin disgusted me.

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There is no evidence yet that there are "a couple of hundred" child graves beside any residential school. Ground penetrating radar has detected anomalies. There were graveyards near or beside some residential schools, however, they were for the whole community, as at Marieval in Saskatchewan or St. Eugene's in the Kootenays. The problem is that there's a hypothesis that hundreds of children were murdered and buried secretly at schools like Kamloops. People have believed this hypothesis, without forensic evidence or proof, from stories handed down. The first person stories are fuzzy on the dates and locations, and include priests throwing babies into furnaces, priests hanging groups of kids from rafters in barns, kids being woken up in the middle of the night and told to dig shallow graves in an orchard, the Queen and Prince Philip kidnapping kids from a residential school who were never seen again, etc.

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I know. It was disgusting what the government did over this. People can’t think through anything. A FN friend was decrying the whole unmarked grave thing. He has twenty acres on a reserve near Vancouver. He was open about it. He said we were doing this for money but it has come back on us. He said they can’t develop their own land because of middens. His twenty acres was being held up because one of his FN political enemies ‘discovered’ a midden on his land. I asked if they were not all known and he said people just buried bodies all over. They weren’t marked, that is a European thing. It was only Christian teachers that collected them in one spot. No one kept them up. A wooden cross might last some years but it would rot and fall over. I am sure some bad stuff happened, humans were involved. But systemically bad? No. Or at least not much different than the systemic badness that always goes on. Institutional stupidity. Which is always an issue.

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Thank you Michelle for your very articulate and informative article. For my generation, Canadian History all but died with the passing of Pierre Burton, whose well written books entertained and edified an entire generation. Few people today are aware of the Cypress Hills Massacre, the creation of the NWMP and MacDonald's actions in ridding Western Canada of the American whiskey traders. It simply doesn't fit into todays narrative of victimhood and presentism. It is truly a tragic reflection on a superlative country to see our defining moments relegated to what Trotsky called the, "dust bin of history". "Requiescat in Pace."

“To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child. For what is the worth of human life, unless it is woven into the life of our ancestors by the records of history?”

– Cicero

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My ancestry can be traced back directly to the 14th century with accurate birth marriage and death records from parish registers in England for about 90% of the people, missing parish records account for the rest. Burials even from that date were recorded for individuals giving the Parish Church yard and location even then. Quaker records are amongst the best as they often give not only the age but other information regarding spouse and quite often other family members. most of these graves were marked with stone markers carved in the usual manner you see in North America however even they have been weathered, cracked, lost, buried or as in most cases put one side and disappeared to make more room for new burials these consist of hundreds if not thousands of gravestones.

I believe that the majority of people are aware of this and we have been sold a bill of goods by none other than our idiotic prime minister and his toadies for a nefarious reason which beggars belief. The natives are interested in only the money that they have received in very large amounts since this entire fiasco started, they are indeed quite happy to continue with this narrative bolstered by our left wing government and so called scholars of dubious standing. History is being re-written as we speak so I do not see any remedy coming anytime soon.

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My favourite part of this splendid article: “Indeed, the smallpox epidemic of the 1870s wiped out thousands of aboriginal people who had no natural immunity to the virulent disease as it swept across North America. Yet today, with modern sanitation, good food supply, excellent public health standards and the smallpox vaccine, the disease has been declared to have been eradicated.”

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Excellent article! I have heard you were fired from teaching for speaking to the facts you learned through university! My understanding is you have a masters or PhD in a relative field. I hope you sue the pants off the clowns who came after you! These days it seems like the clowns are the ones holding the power!

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Michelle Stirling is well known to Woke "apparatchiks" as a Climate Science "denialist" in her capacity as a spokesperson for "Friends of Science" --- which seems to be a fairly intelligent group of engineers, geologists, ecologists and economists who really do know that the science is indeed "settled" on the matter of climate change. Since the climate-crisis "asserters" rely on Computer Models, the matter is settled in terms of GIGO [garbage-in = garbage-out] computing science. That means not settled at all. And even if the matter was "settled", in favor of crisis, the idiots who have now run up our federal debt to over 1 trillion dollars couldn't solve any kind of crisis --- especially the critical mass to which their collective greed and stupidity has "led' Canadians --- let alone fixing the climate of an entire planet.

Even though almost everything Michelle Stirling says is corroborable from historical records, she is simply too much of a "wind-bag" who entirely misses the point. Hymie Rubenstein is much better as an historian. And Stirling misses the point right from the get go with her 2 interrogative sentences title, requote:-

Unmarked or Mass Graves? Epidemic or Genocide?

Those are entirely the wrong questions called FALSE dichotomies by logicians. The real questions should be: 1. Unmarked graves in known cemeteries or graveyards? or 2. Unmarked graves near residential schools?

If 1. is the case, then we have a case of neglected cemeteries or graveyards. But if 2. is the case, then we have a possible crime scene to wit, Homicide?; Genocide?; Indignity to a corpse?; Neglected Grave site (so back to Q. 1.)?

And 1. is the case, which is proven at the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation website at:


It is proven on page 15 of Dr. Scott Hamilton Ph.D.'s report, of 2015, entitled "Where are the Children Buried?", which is a report on neglected cemeteries and graveyards in Canada, with about 3 actually well-maintained and preserved burial sites. That report went to all 3 Truth and Reconciliation Commissioners in 2015. There is also a companion set of Illustrations, where Hamilton also demonstrates to the Commissioners what a Ground Penetrating Radar Scan "reveals" --- which is certainly neither graves, nor remains, nor bodies, as asserted by both Murray Sinclair and Chief Roseanne Casimir of the Secwepemc Kamloops band, in 2021, when Murray Sinclair KNEW, in 2015, where all 3 of the first so-called "discoveries" were located.

Everyone of the first three so-called "discoveries" is named as a cemetery on the first paragraph, of page 15, of that Report, of Dr. Hamilton --- known to all 3 Truth and Reconciliation Commissioners as of 2015. And somebody among us, named Jack, has named 2 of those places in another post to this list. #1 Was Kamloops [bottom of pgph. 1]. #2 Was Cowessess, misspelled as Cowesess, at the top of page 15 and #3 was St. Eugene's school at Cranbrook B.C. in the middle of that 1st paragraph. Everyone of those locations was named as a CEMETERY by Dr. Hamilton, in 2015, some 6 years earlier than the alleged so-called "discoveries".

So when you people corroborate these allegations, go down to your local police station and ask any policemen at that police station for a complaint form. Then report your local M.P. to the police for being an accessory after the fact to a fraud on the Canadian people perpetrated by the 3 Truth and Reconciliation Commissioners in collusion with any number of the members of the Assembly of First Nations. And if you are unwilling to do this, then shut your stupid mouths --- because YOU are the real Government of Canada and everything else is your stupid civil servant. If you don't know that, then shut up again. Only complete and utter idiots fail to distinguish their servants from their rulers or governors.

Michelle Stirling's "wind" consisted of 4 thousand 4 hundred and Sixty Two words excluding the title of her piece. This bit is 681 words. Your complaint to the police will require many less words.

Kevin James "Joseph" Byrne

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The best ironic joke with respect to all of the Orwellian efforts of the media class and its activist fellow travelers is that George Orwell himself died of TB.

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Full of dangerous and destructive errors I will soon expose.

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