Thanks for this great piece, Igor Stravinsky. Please note there's a need for a bit of editing in some of the paragraphs under the heading "Reason for Increased Violence Proposed Remedy" (The Star's reasons and proposed remedies got tangled up in a few places in your summary transcription.)

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Thank you.

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Woke policies have indeed failed children. The changes in school, such as the entitlement of misbehaving children from imagined victim groups, have reduced value of a public school education.

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Nov 28, 2022
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I do find your answer and hypothesis interesting but incomplete in its narrow scope. To elaborate briefly - In my view a large segment of our western society has been summarily made dysfunctional in relation to the destructive "broken system" of family law in North America, which targets all males, men, fathers and boys regardless of race or in your argument "intelligence quotient". Generational dysfunction and codependency due to adversarial litigation, gender bias aka sexism wreaking havoc increasingly since WWI.

A study should indeed be made on the middle class, homeless, opioid addicted, fatherless, teenage children, with children who are but grist for the mill of ministries like the MCFD in BC with an annual budget of 1.3 billion dollars! Many of these parasitic organizations including "woke" school boards who stream those deemed "not meeting expectations" rather err so-called low IQ into generic pastures languishing, helpless in apathy. And we wonder why there is violence in our communities...

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The answer is really quite simple remove your non-black children to a school in a predominately white neighborhood where they can study and grow in peace and not have to worry about unruly children from broken homes.

How strange that all our grandchildren received decent educations in decent schools in areas where all races were present but in much smaller numbers without any major problems and it does not take any Einstein's to figure out why but here is a clue for the clueless "there are no ghettos in the burbs" and very little of the us against them attitude fostered by people such as BLM.

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The key line is here: "Now you might ask any number of questions about this hypothesis, such as, “if schools are systemically racist, why are Asian kids doing better than whites?”. But no one asked."

This is the problem when ideology rather than reasoned evidence is used before drawing conclusions. It would be wise of educators to find out why Asian students are doing well, and apply those methods to the school system, rather than relying on unquestioned identity politics to figure out why some students are not doing so well.

I don't believe IQ is much of a factor. Students from diverse places like Ghana, Kenya, and Egypt do very well.

From my observations as a former teacher, it's a matter of attitude and motivation and family support, followed by practical application.

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One of the myths of late Indulgence Capitalism, whereby an economy and culture of disciplined needs and wants is subsumed by fantasies of desire and urgent satiation, regardless of long-term ecological and social/governance sustainability issues, is that the 'left wing' Woke represent some kind of radical/'progressive challenge to 'the system'.

The reality is that The Woke are the system. They control and administer the institutions of social reproduction. They are regime hegemons and they are as much a part of the extremely radical and commons infrastructure damaging long term deregulatory and privatization thrusts of Indulgence Capitalism as their heavy industries and services regime counterparts. They represent exactly the same fantasy modus operandi, whereby not only is the reflective objectivity of citizen buyers-of-stuff replaced by the marketed perception of consumer shop troops, but the reified postmodernist 'higher culture is exactly the same.

The entire agenda of what used to be called 'liberal'/socialist radicalism in the universities was part of a regime deregulatory and privatization thrust to nobble the traditional 'authoritarian' and 'repressive' social relations of reproduction, and replace them with not laissez-faire, but the system of marketed consciousness, in an economy where the main output is consciousness, in which traditional goods and services become mere icons of veneration and behavioral control.

It is an extremely elegant set of very radical mechanisms that have worked incredibly well in concealing their real nature. They evade detection by traditional warnings of totalitarian governance, because in this firmament, the state is almost redundant. The unprecedently massive mechanisms to saturate consciousness are privately orchestrated at a scale never even approached before, even by Mao's China.

The different wings of Indulgence Capitalism may quarrel like the Church and Crown once did in another age, but at a fundamental level, they both prop the system up in exactly the same fashion, using exactly the same mechanisms of control.

But the system is unsustainable at all levels, because it eats commons infrastructure, whether it be the natural environment or our social/existential software. Both are crumbling.

As to the latter, we do not live by fantasies alone, let alone the goods and services that prime them. If you pull out on the social software in favor of marketing, what you get is enormously high levels of marketed conformity, but absolutely smashed social product that has lost all its autonomy software, and reduces grown adults to adolescent narcissism, which they then relentlessly open their children to, so that they become existentially destabilized and desecured as characters, because they only mentorship they now get is from the proud sponsors. Family life and solid character development has disintegrated, producing the really great pandemic of our time, which is existential annihilation.

And while social privilege is no particular defense against this plague, it absolutely devastates indigenous communities, and has been doing so since the roll out of Indulgence Capitalism, now moving into its third generation, which is why the Woke are getting extremely nervous about the legitimacy of their regime, and why they are now going to extreme lengths to evade responsibility and shift blame, just like their opposite numbers when it comes to the chronic environmental damage we are now faced with having to repair, at a cost totally beyond the economic system's capacity.

The asylum grade behavior of the Woke is a measure of not just the trouble they are in, but all the rest of us, and particularly our children and grandchildren. Similarly with the other side, as we saw back in 2008, when the financiers started to cannibalize the financial system. Less than 10 years after this near death experience, we in Australia had a Royal Commission into abuses within the financial system, which demonstrated beyond any doubt, that right up to board level, they had learned nothing about the need for responsible stewardship of the commons.

Their mummies and daddies just hadn't toilet trained them in even the basics. And that is reflected at the other end of the social system in indigenous communities, that live in absolute chaos.

So, it should come as absolutely no surprise at all that the school system is falling to bits, because the mentoring capacity of social authority no longer exists. It is obsolete and been systematically discredited and dismantled. The only sort of organization that might still work up to a point is one based around marketing and sales, like say McDonalds, that could package and sell education like hamburgers; you know, McEducation....

And when I say up to a point, I mean the McDonalds business model only works with volunteers, both as workers and customers. Education is compulsory, which means that if the marketing and social/team pressure aren't enough, they are out of bullets, in the same way that the traditional teachers are.

It isn't just the education system that is in trouble. The whole system is across all its platforms, which is why our propaganda engines are working overtime to keep reconstructing reality, much in the same way that Reichminister Goebbels' propaganda apparatus had to do after Stalingrad. He couldn't change reality, but he could change the perception of it, which is what is happening now, to keep the system going for a bit longer, until it can't.

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