What has struck me most about university encampments in favour of Islam-inspired, repressive, misogynistic, and massacre-celebrating Palestine was their rank stupidity. Civilian Palestinians have suffered greatly and tragically because their deluded, virgin-seeking martyrs use them as shields.

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All while they take humanitarian aid and use it for tunnels and terror and indoctrination, as leaders live elsewhere and are worth Billions (not millions). Hypocrisy at its finest.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21Liked by Woke Watch Canada

Student occupiers' accounts of the Palestine-Israel conflict leave out the most basic thing about it: from the Palestinian point of view, it is a holy war for Islamic supremacy. It is as if they have never read the Hamas charter, or any of the basic works of the Muslim Brotherhood, or noticed that the second strongest Gaza terrorist group is called "Palestinian Islamic Jihad [holy war]." Palestinians hate Jews, as they make clear in every survey. But above all, Jews (and Christians" must be subservient [dhimma] to Muslims, and may not have an independent destiny.

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15

Gosh, if these students are mad and are going to the trouble of camping out in the quad in donated tents during spring semester, not to mention and making signs and memorizing rhyming chants, they must be right. Student movements are always right. Think about it: no one knows more about history and geopolitics than 18-year-old college students.

And it's utterly unfair to slur them as "Jew Haters." Just because they block Jewish students from using occupied parts of the campus, spit on Jewish students, stalk and abuse Jewish students on social media, punch and kick Jewish students, graffiti swastikas on Jewish students' dorm rooms, brandish swastikas at their rallies, use mob tactics to shut down events where Israeli speakers are scheduled and Jewish students are attending, vandalize Jewish businesses, boycott Jewish authors and entertainers, vandalize the homes of Jews, and kill a senior citizen simply for holding the flag of Israel on a street corner, no mature adult could possibly label any of this antisemitic. Because, because, because ... genocide!!!! If they just type it into a comment and post it, and chant it from behind a mask while burning an American flag and and Israel flag and defacing a memorial to veterans, then that makes it true.

It simply *must* be genocide if the Kymani James', James Carlson's, and Calla Walsh's of the world, and their BIPOC/genderqueer/2-spirit/ supporters say it is, especially when "ze/zir" believe so strongly in the beleaguered, heroic, immaculate Palestinians, that zirs shriek it from behind K95 masks and mirrored shads, and post it under a fake name so they don't actually have to stand behind it.

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The students are all emotion. No education or knowledge and they think that history and knowledge have nothing on their opinion. Do not give them media coverage. Truly do not waste time and resources on them. When I went to university we had a speakers corner - it was a forum, a legal venue where anyone could speak during allotted times. Anyone who wanted to discover what they had to say, and then perhaps refute that, attended. In the long run people like these are exposed and they will hang themselves with nothing but unsubstantiated opinion. They will prove themselves as the little IDs and egos they are. The questions of other level headed educated students opens them up and reveals their ignorance. This is providing of course, that there are still currently students on campus who have real knowledge, have been educated, and have the ability to think coherently.

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The rhetoric I read in this essay sounds eerily similar to the dialogue used by Archie Bunker in the iconic 1970s TV sitcom, "All in the Family".

"No bum that can't speak poifect English oughta stay in this country—oughta be de-exported the hell outta here!" Archie Bunker

Most intellectually mature adults past the age of puberty must know that student protests occur in settings of grave moral dissatisfaction and blatant episodes of dire social injustice, the likes of which are occurring, as I write, in the genocidal slaughter by Israel in its murderous onslaught against the Palestinian people. Nothing could be more obvious. Student protesters become the conscience of the nation and its catalyst for change as did the student protests against the war in Vietnam during the 60s and 70s. Of course they will cause disruptions and inconvenience to the universities but that is the price of redemption. So what should the state do. Denigrate them with slurs of "Jew Haters" or perhaps call in the army to shoot them like was done at Kent State in 1972. Perhaps a more prudent approach of simply recognizing their importance as the catalysts of political change, as Professor Philip G. Altbac suggests in his published comment that ,“students have served as the vanguard of political dissent and activism in many countries, and often reflect the unarticulated concerns of larger groups in the population”, in their advocation for a better society. They deserve our support, not sanction.

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Archie Bunker? There you are name calling like a true Woke - simplicity at its finest.

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Thanks, Edith. Just a quote, not name calling.

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Edith is a name that you are calling me.🙄

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Hi Donna !

Forgive my 1970s dated sense of humor. Edith was Archie Bunker's wife. Just trying to assuage potential conflict.

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