Delighted that school boards are being challenged for their autocratic and ideological tendencies.

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Keep it up - word is getting out and your actions are inspiring others!

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Thank you, we all will make this return to middle ground

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Yes, more and more parents are waking up. The things that Kathleen Wynne and her fellow travelers did to the school system was done mostly on the down low, and only now, years later, are parents becoming aware of the radical nature of the changes made by radicals like Wynne.

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Great article Elton. Your group has obviously had a significant affect, significant enough that they are now circling the wagons to stay safe, “ Unfortunately the loud minority has caused some disruptions and has made some of the trustees and other people that attend the meetings feel unsafe,” Just a word of caution, you will likely find some difficulty in softening the hearts of people that don' t have one.

"Carry the battle to them. Don't let them bring it to you. Put them on the defensive and don't ever apologize for anything." Harry S Truman

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Obviously no one will get anywhere with school boards in Ontario my advice would be forget wasting your time on them. Organize this summer to try and get a million + moms and dads to help MPP,s open parliament at Queens Park if you bus in those types of numbers it will force them to address the problems immediately. Take back control it is the taxpayers these clowns are responsible to and should report to and anything else is not acceptable.

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Thank you for your heroic fight on behalf of the children. God bless you.

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Thank you to you and parents doing this across Canada

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Thanks so much for fighting for our children, Elton. We have the same type of trustees in Delta, BC sneaking around pretending the parents are irrelevant..it is truly despicable. Every time this action is tracked, they are digging a deeper hole for themselves . Once parents wake up on mass, there's no turning back!

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The TCDSB is a shambles. It is allowing a teacher who is challenging admin at all levels, OECTA, as well as priests, the Archbishop and the Cardinal to interact with elementary children with impunity. The trustees and the director appear to be turning a blind eye, this teacher has been an activist for many years and has yet to be dealt with, he gets shuffled around to another school and continues his diatribe. If only the largest Catholic school board in Ontario had a vocal parent group. I fear Catholic Education in Ontario.

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Great summary Elton!

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Excellent report Elton, thanks for this. The authoritarian inclinations of many Ontario schoolboards is a sight to behold. And not in a good way.

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