Michelle! You should try to get over these false dichotomies! Louis Clexlixquen and the whole darn Kamloops tribe (all 200 of them) converted to Roman Catholicism in the 1870's. So there is no "Catholic Church" versus "First Nation" distinction at Kamloops. The Catholic Church WAS the Kamloops Secwepemc band from the 1870's until, most probably, the 1960's!
Chief Louis converted in the 1860's and subsequently persuaded everybody to join up and, thereby, became a Church Chief, for persuading the whole tribe to obey the 6 precepts of the Roman Church. There is arguably nowhere else in the world that such a thing has ever happened --- an entire community where every adult obeyed Catholic rules along with their kids. It never happened at Jerusalem, Antioch, Corinth or Rome! Yet it did happen at Kamloops among Canadian natives for quite awhile. That was amazing.
Secwepemc youth once competed to be 1 of the 3 crucified guys in their version of the Oberammergau Passion Play --- probably for the same reason that our Southern Alberta Siksikaitsitapi/Blackfeet "liked" to be tortured at the local Sun Dances until Crowfoot and the missionaries, like Albert Lacombe, said "Knock it off". Being tortured and taking it, constitutes some sort of "bravery" for/to Canadian First Nations youthful male lunatics. The European descent "lunatics" are much more civilized/sophisticated. They shoot rubber pucks at each others faces! Sometimes, but not always, they are clever enough to actually "dodge" the flying pucks.
It is nice to see from your post that Catholic corruption was at work at Kamloops in the person of Louis and his new wife in that they sold their own land [actually the wife's land] to the government of Canada for 165 bucks which doesn't seem like a lot of money. But it was 165/20.67 [165 dollars at 20 dollars and 67 cents per ounce = 7.982 ounces of gold] ounces of gold at the time, which works out to over 19 thousand dollars in today's money. 19 thousand doesn't seem like much today for 160 acres of land. But back then 160 acres was being given out "free", by Canada, to anyone who brought the land into production or who improved it. Bet you that others would have liked to sell their land for that kind of "big money". But the Chief got to sell his wife's land to Canada for their Catholic school because he was "The Chief" --- the Roman Catholic Chief!
Thus "neotribal rentierism" [Frances Widdowson's term] was alive and well at Kamloops long before Frances coined the term. And another thing. One Caucasian Archbishop of Vancouver and one Vietnamese Bishop of Kamloops do not constitute the Catholic Church. Emeritus Bishop Fred Henry of Calgary has been "going nuts" trying to have the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops explain to him who exactly are the supposedly "missing children" when, historically, none of their nearest relatives ever reported them as "missing". So far, he hasn't received an answer. Bishop Fred was/is a big fan of the Dorchester Review and Professor Tom Flanagan.
I wrote to both of those Bishops (Kamloops and Vancouver) and Calgary's Bishop [McGrattan] on exactly June 2nd 2021, after Murray Sinclair went on T.V. with his "bodies" discovered at Kamloops bald faced lie of June 1st, 2021. Then I wrote again to them on June 28th after the Marieval "discovery" of June 24, 2021. This is what I wrote and they received it. Quote:
The series of so-called "discoveries" of unmarked graves at or "outside" Residential Schools at Kamloops in B.C. and at Marieval in Saskatchewan are deceitful and so-far successful gambits to embarrass and ultimately condemn the Roman Catholic Church. But it is no such thing as a "discovery" when you are simply confirming information that you have been previously given by an expert in both Anthropology and Archeology named Scott Hamilton at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay Ontario. In 2014, Professor Hamilton provided a 44 page report to the 3 Commissioners of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission entitled "Where are the Children buried?" The report may be accessed on the web at:
Below the link to the written report, there is a link to the satellite images which Hamilton referenced in his written report. What he reports on are 1. well maintained Residential School Cemeteries, 2. Neglected Cemeteries (like Marieval) and 3. apparently non-existent Catholic Residential School Cemeteries, like Kamloops.
There is a huge difference between an unmarked grave in a neglected but known Catholic Cemetery [which is the actual case for both Kamloops and Marieval] and an unmarked grave OUTSIDE-OF or "hidden" on the Grounds of a Catholic-run residential school. The media is all for the 2nd portrayal of the unmarked grave scenario. But Hamilton's report proves the first scenario of neglected graves at Catholic Cemeteries.
From Hamilton's report, where both Marieval and Kelowna [sic; should have been Kamloops KB] are mentioned on page 15, it appears that the next large revelation of unmarked gravesites will be on the Siksika reserve near Gleichen mentioned upon page 30 of Hamilton's report and documented as images 75 and 76 of his satellite based survey of 2 or possibly more cemeteries outside the Old Sun Residential School. There could be over a thousand unmarked graves out there in long ago neglected cemeteries from the late 1800-es or turn of the Century 1900-es.
The R.C.M.P. will not take a formal complaint from me. 3 Bishops who have been profuse in "apologies" for long dead Catholics doing the corporeal work of mercy of "burying the dead" [which is diametrically opposed to secretly disposing of bodies in unmarked graves] have failed to reply and our local lector for Council 1186 "thinks" that "all is written in stone". That assertion is analogous to saying that it was "written in stone" that Joan of Arc was a "witch" in league with the devil or that it was "written in stone" that Christ wanted to become King of Judea or overthrow Augustus Caesar or Thomas More intended to dethrone Henry the 8th!
This is just a simple case of simple minded Anti-Catholics "framing" the Church in collusion with one another which is grossly illegal. So WE KNIGHTS need to wake up our Bishops before we find ourselves in a Canadian version of Crystal Nacht per 1930s Germany. We have already had 5 Church burnings and 2 serious vandalizations. Apologies won't do.
Kevin Byrne
Recorder Council 1186 [end quote]
2 days later, the so-called "discovery" of 182 unmarked graves at St. Eugene's at Cranbrook [also mentioned on the first paragraph of page 15 of Dr. Scott Hamilton's Report of 2015 to the 3 TRC Commissioners and their Executive Director (Kimberly Murray)] got the fires and vandalizations of Roman Catholic Churches going full tilt. Incidentally, rcav.org means the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vancouver and rcdk.org means the Roman Catholic Diocese of Kamloops, while calgarydiocese.ca is self-evidently the diocese of Calgary.
The fact that those Bishops did nothing about that letter, nor about the subsequent Church burnings and vandalizations could get all 3 of them potentially excommunicated in/by a Canon Law tribunal. And they know it, which is, arguably, why the Archdiocese of Edmonton refused to provide me a Canon Law File Number after several refusals by officials in the diocese of Calgary to give me a Canon Law file number in the Calgary Diocese. As I said to Kemosabe --- a man's enemies will be those of his own household. Cheer up, Michelle! Nobody will dare take the witness stand in an indictment of you for "denialism", provided that you are intelligent enough to counter-prosecute while saying the magic legal word COLLUSION in any such potential case.
By the way, when Edmonton's Judicial Vicar suppressed my Canon Law Case, he earned himself a "Latae Sententiae" automatic excommunication for dereliction of duty. As the Bible says, "a man's enemies ..."
Thank you Michelle for another enlightening article. We will all miss your insightful comments when you are sent to the big house for denialism and spend eternity in purgatory. Perhaps, somewhat out of context but the Church might reflect on the wisdom of Mark 8:18 before entering into secret covenants with the Kamloops band and committing intellectual heresy:
" 18 Do you have eyes but fail to see, and ears but fail to hear? And don’t you remember?"
Where did you two "dopes" get the idea that a public covenant is secret? Don't worry about Michelle going the big house for denialism. If I ever bother to darken the door of my local Court House again, I'll ask whoever that is seated on the Bench in that Courtroom to jail you, Kemosabe, for being an "accessory after" to a fraud on the government of Canada. So, you better hope that no one drags me back into one of those courtrooms before I die, because I have no present plans to "gadfly" local Courts about how dumb they are, given that our Law Court "system" is absolutely and incontrovertibly flawless --- absolutely perfect CONTRARIES --- which you are way too slow to understand.
As to the Bible, have you never read that "a man's enemies will be those of his own household" [Hint: Matthew 10. vs. 36]? Wilton Littlechild is an apparent good friend of Archbishop Richard Smith of Edmonton, which is arguably why the Spanish Pope visited Maskwacis; a.k.a. Hobbema; on his papal apology tour. Littlechild is a Mascwacis "star"! Our "liberation theology" Jesuit seems to think that the French and English "settlers" of Canada are/were just as murderous of the local indigenous populations as were the Spanish-Conquistador-Psychopath "settlers" of Latin America. How would he know the difference?
Bogus, but baptized, "Catholics" in his country "disappeared" Marxists when he was the local Bishop. In Canada "woke" professors (who are post modern marxists) are "disappearing" (more gently; by firing/s) classical Marxist professors like Frances Widdowson! So how would he, a "woke" theologian, know the difference between Samuel Champlain and Jacques Cartier vs. the Pizarro brothers (Peru), Hernan Cortes (Mexico) and the Portuguese thugs, like Cabral, who enslaved the indigenous folks of Brazil? It can be very confusing to be a "Catholic" --- just imagine how confused "we/they" were when Martin Luther [a "nice" Catholic Augustinian monk] started saying nasty things [95 of them] about his Pope and that Pope's crooked friends who really were selling "seats" into the heavenly throne room!
Martin Luther was simply "annoyed" that the Augustinians no longer had the monopoly on selling indulgences. His local Pope had transferred the monopoly to the Dominicans! FAUGH! Catholics are so hilariously corrupt --- I oughta know. I'm one of them.
In fairness to Pope Frank (none of this 'His Holiness' nonsense), why should he be expected to know much about Canadian history? Obviously he's gotten bad intel and hasn't done due diligence before opening his big mouth, but this if Jorge Bergoglio we're talking about, that's his MO. As for the Canadian bishops (not to mention Canadian journalists, politicians, school teachers, etc.), "He will come again to judge the living and the dead." They'll have their day of reckoning. For every idle word, they will render account. I don't know what else to say about them. To Kevin and the all-too-rare Catholic men of integrity (no, not you vast majority of Knights of Columbus) who try to get through to these deadbeats: thanks for trying!
"Without Truth, there is no Reconciliation."
Michelle! You should try to get over these false dichotomies! Louis Clexlixquen and the whole darn Kamloops tribe (all 200 of them) converted to Roman Catholicism in the 1870's. So there is no "Catholic Church" versus "First Nation" distinction at Kamloops. The Catholic Church WAS the Kamloops Secwepemc band from the 1870's until, most probably, the 1960's!
Chief Louis converted in the 1860's and subsequently persuaded everybody to join up and, thereby, became a Church Chief, for persuading the whole tribe to obey the 6 precepts of the Roman Church. There is arguably nowhere else in the world that such a thing has ever happened --- an entire community where every adult obeyed Catholic rules along with their kids. It never happened at Jerusalem, Antioch, Corinth or Rome! Yet it did happen at Kamloops among Canadian natives for quite awhile. That was amazing.
Secwepemc youth once competed to be 1 of the 3 crucified guys in their version of the Oberammergau Passion Play --- probably for the same reason that our Southern Alberta Siksikaitsitapi/Blackfeet "liked" to be tortured at the local Sun Dances until Crowfoot and the missionaries, like Albert Lacombe, said "Knock it off". Being tortured and taking it, constitutes some sort of "bravery" for/to Canadian First Nations youthful male lunatics. The European descent "lunatics" are much more civilized/sophisticated. They shoot rubber pucks at each others faces! Sometimes, but not always, they are clever enough to actually "dodge" the flying pucks.
It is nice to see from your post that Catholic corruption was at work at Kamloops in the person of Louis and his new wife in that they sold their own land [actually the wife's land] to the government of Canada for 165 bucks which doesn't seem like a lot of money. But it was 165/20.67 [165 dollars at 20 dollars and 67 cents per ounce = 7.982 ounces of gold] ounces of gold at the time, which works out to over 19 thousand dollars in today's money. 19 thousand doesn't seem like much today for 160 acres of land. But back then 160 acres was being given out "free", by Canada, to anyone who brought the land into production or who improved it. Bet you that others would have liked to sell their land for that kind of "big money". But the Chief got to sell his wife's land to Canada for their Catholic school because he was "The Chief" --- the Roman Catholic Chief!
Thus "neotribal rentierism" [Frances Widdowson's term] was alive and well at Kamloops long before Frances coined the term. And another thing. One Caucasian Archbishop of Vancouver and one Vietnamese Bishop of Kamloops do not constitute the Catholic Church. Emeritus Bishop Fred Henry of Calgary has been "going nuts" trying to have the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops explain to him who exactly are the supposedly "missing children" when, historically, none of their nearest relatives ever reported them as "missing". So far, he hasn't received an answer. Bishop Fred was/is a big fan of the Dorchester Review and Professor Tom Flanagan.
I wrote to both of those Bishops (Kamloops and Vancouver) and Calgary's Bishop [McGrattan] on exactly June 2nd 2021, after Murray Sinclair went on T.V. with his "bodies" discovered at Kamloops bald faced lie of June 1st, 2021. Then I wrote again to them on June 28th after the Marieval "discovery" of June 24, 2021. This is what I wrote and they received it. Quote:
calchappres@kofc.ab.ca, communications@calgarydiocese.ca, communications@rcav.org, bishop@rcdk.org, HOFFMAN, Ryan
Mon, Jun 28, 2021 at 7:45 PM
Hello Brother Knights:
The series of so-called "discoveries" of unmarked graves at or "outside" Residential Schools at Kamloops in B.C. and at Marieval in Saskatchewan are deceitful and so-far successful gambits to embarrass and ultimately condemn the Roman Catholic Church. But it is no such thing as a "discovery" when you are simply confirming information that you have been previously given by an expert in both Anthropology and Archeology named Scott Hamilton at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay Ontario. In 2014, Professor Hamilton provided a 44 page report to the 3 Commissioners of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission entitled "Where are the Children buried?" The report may be accessed on the web at:
Below the link to the written report, there is a link to the satellite images which Hamilton referenced in his written report. What he reports on are 1. well maintained Residential School Cemeteries, 2. Neglected Cemeteries (like Marieval) and 3. apparently non-existent Catholic Residential School Cemeteries, like Kamloops.
There is a huge difference between an unmarked grave in a neglected but known Catholic Cemetery [which is the actual case for both Kamloops and Marieval] and an unmarked grave OUTSIDE-OF or "hidden" on the Grounds of a Catholic-run residential school. The media is all for the 2nd portrayal of the unmarked grave scenario. But Hamilton's report proves the first scenario of neglected graves at Catholic Cemeteries.
From Hamilton's report, where both Marieval and Kelowna [sic; should have been Kamloops KB] are mentioned on page 15, it appears that the next large revelation of unmarked gravesites will be on the Siksika reserve near Gleichen mentioned upon page 30 of Hamilton's report and documented as images 75 and 76 of his satellite based survey of 2 or possibly more cemeteries outside the Old Sun Residential School. There could be over a thousand unmarked graves out there in long ago neglected cemeteries from the late 1800-es or turn of the Century 1900-es.
The R.C.M.P. will not take a formal complaint from me. 3 Bishops who have been profuse in "apologies" for long dead Catholics doing the corporeal work of mercy of "burying the dead" [which is diametrically opposed to secretly disposing of bodies in unmarked graves] have failed to reply and our local lector for Council 1186 "thinks" that "all is written in stone". That assertion is analogous to saying that it was "written in stone" that Joan of Arc was a "witch" in league with the devil or that it was "written in stone" that Christ wanted to become King of Judea or overthrow Augustus Caesar or Thomas More intended to dethrone Henry the 8th!
This is just a simple case of simple minded Anti-Catholics "framing" the Church in collusion with one another which is grossly illegal. So WE KNIGHTS need to wake up our Bishops before we find ourselves in a Canadian version of Crystal Nacht per 1930s Germany. We have already had 5 Church burnings and 2 serious vandalizations. Apologies won't do.
Kevin Byrne
Recorder Council 1186 [end quote]
2 days later, the so-called "discovery" of 182 unmarked graves at St. Eugene's at Cranbrook [also mentioned on the first paragraph of page 15 of Dr. Scott Hamilton's Report of 2015 to the 3 TRC Commissioners and their Executive Director (Kimberly Murray)] got the fires and vandalizations of Roman Catholic Churches going full tilt. Incidentally, rcav.org means the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vancouver and rcdk.org means the Roman Catholic Diocese of Kamloops, while calgarydiocese.ca is self-evidently the diocese of Calgary.
The fact that those Bishops did nothing about that letter, nor about the subsequent Church burnings and vandalizations could get all 3 of them potentially excommunicated in/by a Canon Law tribunal. And they know it, which is, arguably, why the Archdiocese of Edmonton refused to provide me a Canon Law File Number after several refusals by officials in the diocese of Calgary to give me a Canon Law file number in the Calgary Diocese. As I said to Kemosabe --- a man's enemies will be those of his own household. Cheer up, Michelle! Nobody will dare take the witness stand in an indictment of you for "denialism", provided that you are intelligent enough to counter-prosecute while saying the magic legal word COLLUSION in any such potential case.
By the way, when Edmonton's Judicial Vicar suppressed my Canon Law Case, he earned himself a "Latae Sententiae" automatic excommunication for dereliction of duty. As the Bible says, "a man's enemies ..."
Kevin James "Joseph" Byrne
Thank you Michelle for another enlightening article. We will all miss your insightful comments when you are sent to the big house for denialism and spend eternity in purgatory. Perhaps, somewhat out of context but the Church might reflect on the wisdom of Mark 8:18 before entering into secret covenants with the Kamloops band and committing intellectual heresy:
" 18 Do you have eyes but fail to see, and ears but fail to hear? And don’t you remember?"
Where did you two "dopes" get the idea that a public covenant is secret? Don't worry about Michelle going the big house for denialism. If I ever bother to darken the door of my local Court House again, I'll ask whoever that is seated on the Bench in that Courtroom to jail you, Kemosabe, for being an "accessory after" to a fraud on the government of Canada. So, you better hope that no one drags me back into one of those courtrooms before I die, because I have no present plans to "gadfly" local Courts about how dumb they are, given that our Law Court "system" is absolutely and incontrovertibly flawless --- absolutely perfect CONTRARIES --- which you are way too slow to understand.
As to the Bible, have you never read that "a man's enemies will be those of his own household" [Hint: Matthew 10. vs. 36]? Wilton Littlechild is an apparent good friend of Archbishop Richard Smith of Edmonton, which is arguably why the Spanish Pope visited Maskwacis; a.k.a. Hobbema; on his papal apology tour. Littlechild is a Mascwacis "star"! Our "liberation theology" Jesuit seems to think that the French and English "settlers" of Canada are/were just as murderous of the local indigenous populations as were the Spanish-Conquistador-Psychopath "settlers" of Latin America. How would he know the difference?
Bogus, but baptized, "Catholics" in his country "disappeared" Marxists when he was the local Bishop. In Canada "woke" professors (who are post modern marxists) are "disappearing" (more gently; by firing/s) classical Marxist professors like Frances Widdowson! So how would he, a "woke" theologian, know the difference between Samuel Champlain and Jacques Cartier vs. the Pizarro brothers (Peru), Hernan Cortes (Mexico) and the Portuguese thugs, like Cabral, who enslaved the indigenous folks of Brazil? It can be very confusing to be a "Catholic" --- just imagine how confused "we/they" were when Martin Luther [a "nice" Catholic Augustinian monk] started saying nasty things [95 of them] about his Pope and that Pope's crooked friends who really were selling "seats" into the heavenly throne room!
Martin Luther was simply "annoyed" that the Augustinians no longer had the monopoly on selling indulgences. His local Pope had transferred the monopoly to the Dominicans! FAUGH! Catholics are so hilariously corrupt --- I oughta know. I'm one of them.
In fairness to Pope Frank (none of this 'His Holiness' nonsense), why should he be expected to know much about Canadian history? Obviously he's gotten bad intel and hasn't done due diligence before opening his big mouth, but this if Jorge Bergoglio we're talking about, that's his MO. As for the Canadian bishops (not to mention Canadian journalists, politicians, school teachers, etc.), "He will come again to judge the living and the dead." They'll have their day of reckoning. For every idle word, they will render account. I don't know what else to say about them. To Kevin and the all-too-rare Catholic men of integrity (no, not you vast majority of Knights of Columbus) who try to get through to these deadbeats: thanks for trying!
Kevin, I would appreciate it if you didn't call me using your middle name.
Your appreciation and a bus ticket will get me a ride on a bus! ???