Last Australia Day on 26th January, I went to a citizenship ceremony conducted by local council officers. The meeting was addressed by the mayor. He did a fifteen-minute Woke propaganda presentation 'Acknowledgement of Country', suggesting that aboriginal culture and land ownership were the fundamental cultural roots for my country, I got up and loudly said, "In this matter, you do not speak for me!"

I got a hostile reception, but it was the first time anyone had done it. It will not be the last.

Not once in the whole presentation did the mayor make any reference to the contribution made by modern migrants to the construction of the modern nation state that is Australia.


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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Woke Watch Canada

OK another great article, but it's about Education system rights, keep our eyes in the prize, the children need us, great information throughout, we are ready to join other parent groups, we are going to the EDA tonight for Provincial and Federal Conservatives, if you would like to know what we are doing in Windsor reach out www.parentsrights.ca or email me elton.robinson1984@gmail.com,

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Quite frankly I do not understand why you would want to ban anyone who wishes to oppose "Woke" if you start by saying well you are anti vaxxer so you are out of our group and you are Liberal so of you go and you are NDP so on your bike mate then you may ass well include those who wear hats not to your liking or people who drive odd looking cars.

You are either woke or you are not, you ether support transgender or you do not and you either want to see changes to the school teaching standards or you do not.

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Good to see mention of this public response. It will be important to disconnect any pushback movement from partisanship. While true more Conservative members in parliaments are critical of the woke plague than are others, this is not a “conservative” issue, it is a public issue and citizens of all political stripes need to be engaged — or it will not succeed. Similarly the anti-vaxxers need to be put at a distance. The “Democracy Fund” mentioned here is headed up by an anti-vaxxer and that is a seriously problematic connection. Read my reference to this in a recent SAFS bulletin here: https://safs.ca/newsletters/article.php?article=1210&mibextid=l066kq

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If you don't support liberty against coerced administration of medical products, you are no friend of liberty at all. "Anti vaxxer" is an unthinking pejorative designed to shut down thought and debate. You won't get far with it.

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We can discuss your views on vaccinations separate from your libertarian views on coercion vs public health, if you wish. But her views on vaccination mandates are clearly laid out in her book.

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They are indeed, and I am 100% in agreement with them.

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I’ve only read the review but I assume it was an accurate assessment. There’s a quasi religious attachment to vaccination denial that mirrors some of the anti-science, anti-enlightenment woke-theology.

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Given that you've only read the review and not the book, and don't seem acquainted with the data that shows the more covid shots administered, the more cases of covid, the more adverse events, and the more excess mortality, I feel free to dismiss your opinion in turn as a quasi-religious attachment to vaccination.

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Nice try. But I think you’ve filled in the gaps here. Plenty.

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