What the University of Manitoba is doing is unprecedented and it is shocking. It is using millions of dollars of taxpayer and donor funds to deliberately misinform Canadians about residential school deaths, while preventing them from accessing the actual records. The result is shown in the comment below - uninformed Canadians who believe conspiracy theories about thousands of horrific deaths. The University of Manitoba is no longer the honourable institution I knew
The first comment above is false, the second hateful. Nina Green is a brilliant researcher, her point being that “only 423 named children actually died on the premises of an Indian residential school between 1867-2000, an average of only 3 deaths a year in the entire residential school system.” John Rustad said “more than 4000 died in a residential school.”
The misinformation continues, maybe if they think they repeat falsehoods long enough people will believe them, and in fact this seems to be working. For example, the Spring 2025 edition of BC Bookworld there's a book review for Indigeous author Carol Anne Hilton's latest offering,"The Rise of Indigenous Economic Power, Deconstructing Indian Act Economics," and on Page 10 of the magazine, quoting the book, it says "literally thousands of unmarked graves of children who died at these residential schools have been uncovered." among other untruths. Here's the link to the PDF, hope it works, but if not check out the magazine, distributed for free on BC Ferries and elsewhere. https://abcbookworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/SPRING-WEB-version-2025.pdf
Sometimes I follow-up on these things, such as, in this case pointing out to BC Ferries they are supporting the dissemination of false information (Internationally). I don't intend to do so here because I'm very tired of the no response, or the response that there is something wrong with me, or, in some cases, worse. And this is how they win. The Indian activist community has enormous sums of money to convince Indigenous people on small remote reserves to be furious and angry, to produce slick presentations, and to distribute documents and films, while the counter-arguments are left to a few peoople who are retired or been canned to press ahead pretty much on their own, with their own resoures, pretty much frozen out of media (CBC, for example), and to a small group who is already convinced.
I think that until these 'authors' are hit with class action lawsuits they will continue to work to advance the UN goal of destroying the fabric of Canada.
I suggest that sending a copy of this article to John Rustad (John.Rustad.MLA@leg.bc.ca) may persuade him to publicly correct his mistake, and provide an opportunity for more Canadians to learn the truth, and to ask the University of Manitoba to comply with their obligation to share the TRC documents.
A little context is always helpful. How common were child deaths in Indigenous communities themselves, OUTSIDE OF the residential school system? That comparison needs to be made as part of the larger picture. A snapshot of one small reserve might be useful.
The Tsq'escen' (Canim Lake) First Nation is a small Secwepemc band southeast of Williams Lake. The nearby village of Forest Grove has a history site online that includes a page specifically for the Canim Lake Reserve. Link at bottom.
If you scroll down to the bottom of the Canim Lake page, you’ll find 126 death records that have been added as images from an archival search. The records listed cover the period 1924-1986, and include only deaths that occurred right on the reserve itself (deaths from accidents outside the reserve – or at a hospital or a town or another reserve, or at a hunting camp, etc., ARE NOT INCLUDED in this list). Scroll through keeping your eye on the age at death.
Here are the metrics for that 62-year period, for just that one small reserve. I jotted down the age-at-death in two separate lists, one for deaths age 10 and under, and one for deaths over age 10.
Total deaths on the reserve 1924-1986 (all age ranges): 126.
Deaths age 10 and UNDER: 70 (and of that total, 62 were children 3 or under, and most of those were under 1 year).
Deaths OVER age 10: 56. More than half of the “adult” deaths – 29 – were people under the age of 50. We can presume those were not natural deaths. (Note that cause of death is not given in those brief records.)
That’s 70 children (under age 10) who did NOT die in, or go missing from, residential schools. More than one child death per year, from a community of roughly 500 people. If you could tabulate the additional number of deaths that likely occurred in hospitals or traffic accidents or from mishaps at gatherings OFF-reserve, that total would likely swell considerably. Death rates were high in these communities! Child and infant mortality was extremely high: from sickness, poverty, possibly malnutrition, parental neglect, and accidents, with many deaths and injuries related to housefires, drownings, and firearms.
And yet people are being asked to believe that “if only” those kids had been at home, in the “safety” of their reserves, they would not have come to harm.
Nina Green gives us a great encapsulation here. To see some of the death records her background research has made accessible to all (at no cost to taxpayers, I might add!), either follow the links provided in the article, or go directly to her website, specifically the death records pages: https://indianresidentialschoolrecords.com/death-records/ Choose a school and start exploring. It's really enlightening.
Rustad, like most sycophantic politicians, speaks loudly and knows little. Recognition and attention is their main objective. One thing they all have in common is an affliction known as hyperbolic, explosive diarrhea which makes standing down wind of them very unpleasant.
Politicians like diapers, must be changed often and for the same reason .... Mark Twain
I find myself always coming back to this fact: simply blaming our leaders and their institutions (while entirely appropriate) is completely useless if we then sit back and do nothing more while the majority of Canadians continue to ignore this issue. What will it take to get more than just the so-called "Fringe minority" interested in seeing the truth come out?
Really, based on the article, the 4,140 number should have no standing because it is not properly and publicly documented despite the availability of such records. That, in combination with it originating in what has become an activist organisation, makes its value doubtful. The obvious solution is, as Ms Green and others advocate, to make the documentation available, at least as it is relevant to children's names on the Memorial Register.
If I recollect, the argument against releasing all the TRC research is about witness privacy. I'm not sure how that would be an issue related to disclosing records collected that support the names on the registry except insofar as we know that there have been claims by people that, as little children, believe they saw gruesome deaths. Perhaps those memories are counted as confirmed deaths despite that there are no records of parents or guardians claiming missing children. Witness names can be redacted, and as much information regarding timeframe, manner of death, and location of death can be retained for released. If that information is released, there will be an opportunity to research and confirm the claim.
At this point, the failure to support 4,140 school deaths with the documentation the NCTR claims to have in its possession seems to be at the same level as the claim that there are 215 children buried in an apple orchard followed by the refusal to release the supporting GPR report, and to follow-up with forensic evidence. More and more, the latter claim seems to be improbable. Without evidence to support it, and given its origins in the same activism, I am inclined to think that the former claim cannot and will not be confirmed either.
Thousands died after the being illegally removed from their homes. The government and agencies simple are trying to hide the truth, bury the information anything to cover their crimes. 🙏 and strength to all families who sustained these horrific crimes against their families and children. The world is waking up to what is really going on. The Covid genocide is the push for humanity to see what real tyranny the government and its system are capable of. 🕊️💡⚖️🇨🇦🌎🇺🇸
Read my writings they are filed and silenced in the courts. The truth is out there and soon enough it will all surface. It’s like believing in present day media completely owed by government and paid for by stolen taxation. Something else imposed illegally on the people.
I’m here to speak the truth - my findings and filings prove it all.
So read my works before you judge they are 💯 factual the documents don’t lie.
I believe that you should be sued and forced to produce your 'evidence' since it completely contradicts the historical records, ethical Chiefs who speak in favor of the schools, the TRC findings and the many Indian friends I have spoken to who say that Canadianw must follow the money because those spewing this endless nonsense are making lots of money from foreigners like the UN for lying.
I doubt very much that 'Nancy' is anything but a UN shill. Only UN shills double down with more BS after the truth surfaces that the UN lied, yet again.
I have lived within 4 First Nation communities and been apart of several for over 24 years as an educator, mother and advocate. I know the reals stories of what happened to the Indian( indigenous) peoples. They were forced and this carried into the 60 scoop, the modern day child and family- child trafficking. I have the Civil filed case 82 pages in length based on 2590 pages and growing, 95 % CROWN affiliation. The governments lie to cover their crimes.
Soon enough I will get my findings out. All the institutions work together to keep the innocent people no matter the race or culture suppressed. For my India (indigenous) brothers and sisters they live in fear inside of the reservations, no voice, no help it is time the truth comes out.
Read my publications on Amazon and kindle based on the law. Ranking number one in 2 categories and # 2 in a third within their first week of publication and holding well. ‘Is this Justice’ Be a voice of reason! They tell the real horrifying tale that continues today 🙏
You reviewed your own self-published book on Amazon and unsurprisingly gave it a 5 star rating as the only reviewer! Seems you fit right in there with the other scammers in the Indian Industry.
I’m not the reviewer sir, it’s quite right now but only for a matter of time - read it first yourself and maybe your eyes will open we are all born slaves to the system. 🙏
Yes, and you have the reputation of being a manufacturer of tall tales for the Aboriginal Industry fraudsters headed by the UN and their well-paid elite trying to destroy Canada.
I understand you borrowed your name...why not use your true name and tell us who is paying you and how much?
How do you feel about Kevin Annett's books? They already seem to have covered the same ground. Even Queen Elizabeth and the Royal Family are in on this. Even though there's no names of anyone who disappeared and no parents ever complained that their child was missing, we do have 1964 as the year of the kidnappings at Kamloops Residential school by the Royal Family, as witnesses such as Billy Coombs have told Mr. Annett.
See the three dots at the right margin on the same line as your name? Click on it. If you're the author of a comment, you have the option to edit (and then save) or delete the comment.
It wasn’t giving me the option before - I’m preparing an email right now that will be sent to around 200 lawyers 5 within the Justice department- it takes president today 😊
Nancy, since you're a keen researcher, I've just posted a comment in this thread about child deaths at the Canim Lake Reserve that you'll find interesting. The source page linked has a lot of interesting historical photographs as well.
I encourage read the introduction to both books - I served the Queen and all members of parliament in 2022, the case is posted on CalII, for genocide in 🇨🇦 many of my documents are of CROWN affiliation.
I as well had my civil filing heard April 29th 2024. The judge went in my favor putting the onus on the Justice Department to stop me. Now I have the Justice Department and the King of courts bench in fraudulent activity again.
The defendants are the pope, King Charles, Justin Trudeau, and the attorney general of 🇨🇦. They can only commit more crimes to keep silencing me.
The government slaughtered the innocent during colonization 🌎 aristocracy’s. I have done massive amounts of research to support my findings, documentation and lived amongst the first people.
Remember who wrote the textbooks, history those controlling the narrative.
It’s time the truth is told, I have severed these books on the government at multiple levels my pdfs as they are named in there with multiple organizations and institutions.
I’m not in this for money I’m in this to help be a voice for all those who are suffering under the hands of this false democracy.
If you do your research you will see the constitution is false and the government is operating illegitimately. I would never speak words I don’t research. The government and systems on the other hand, just look at what happened during Covid mass genocide 🌎🙏
Typical of fabricators ... as their story unravels in the face of actual facts, they change the subject. Now it is that the government is operating illegitimately.
People like Nancy, or whatever her name is, take a bit of truth and totally spin it to appear as though they are 'experts' and first-hand witnesses.
Most people know by now that the corporations running Canada are masquerading as government and always have been.
Please move on to suckers who will 'believe' your baloney. You are actually ruining a great article.
You need to meet Annett ... once you start to ask him questions about how he 'worked' his drunken Indian friend and then embellished the stories for profit, you will demand he be sent to prison, too.
The truth be damned the CBC & far left nutters will have nothing less than blatant lies to back up their disgusting read on a so called genocide. I truly think these very dangerous people get their rocks of on destroying Canada
What the University of Manitoba is doing is unprecedented and it is shocking. It is using millions of dollars of taxpayer and donor funds to deliberately misinform Canadians about residential school deaths, while preventing them from accessing the actual records. The result is shown in the comment below - uninformed Canadians who believe conspiracy theories about thousands of horrific deaths. The University of Manitoba is no longer the honourable institution I knew
The first comment above is false, the second hateful. Nina Green is a brilliant researcher, her point being that “only 423 named children actually died on the premises of an Indian residential school between 1867-2000, an average of only 3 deaths a year in the entire residential school system.” John Rustad said “more than 4000 died in a residential school.”
I was just going to send this to you.
The misinformation continues, maybe if they think they repeat falsehoods long enough people will believe them, and in fact this seems to be working. For example, the Spring 2025 edition of BC Bookworld there's a book review for Indigeous author Carol Anne Hilton's latest offering,"The Rise of Indigenous Economic Power, Deconstructing Indian Act Economics," and on Page 10 of the magazine, quoting the book, it says "literally thousands of unmarked graves of children who died at these residential schools have been uncovered." among other untruths. Here's the link to the PDF, hope it works, but if not check out the magazine, distributed for free on BC Ferries and elsewhere. https://abcbookworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/SPRING-WEB-version-2025.pdf
Sometimes I follow-up on these things, such as, in this case pointing out to BC Ferries they are supporting the dissemination of false information (Internationally). I don't intend to do so here because I'm very tired of the no response, or the response that there is something wrong with me, or, in some cases, worse. And this is how they win. The Indian activist community has enormous sums of money to convince Indigenous people on small remote reserves to be furious and angry, to produce slick presentations, and to distribute documents and films, while the counter-arguments are left to a few peoople who are retired or been canned to press ahead pretty much on their own, with their own resoures, pretty much frozen out of media (CBC, for example), and to a small group who is already convinced.
I think that until these 'authors' are hit with class action lawsuits they will continue to work to advance the UN goal of destroying the fabric of Canada.
I suggest that sending a copy of this article to John Rustad (John.Rustad.MLA@leg.bc.ca) may persuade him to publicly correct his mistake, and provide an opportunity for more Canadians to learn the truth, and to ask the University of Manitoba to comply with their obligation to share the TRC documents.
Truth is key to real reconciliation.
I sent him a copy of Michelle Sterling's article that went through each line of Rustad's first statement. and then he expelled Brodie.
I didn’t expect Rustad to bow to Woke pressure. Disappointing.
A little context is always helpful. How common were child deaths in Indigenous communities themselves, OUTSIDE OF the residential school system? That comparison needs to be made as part of the larger picture. A snapshot of one small reserve might be useful.
The Tsq'escen' (Canim Lake) First Nation is a small Secwepemc band southeast of Williams Lake. The nearby village of Forest Grove has a history site online that includes a page specifically for the Canim Lake Reserve. Link at bottom.
If you scroll down to the bottom of the Canim Lake page, you’ll find 126 death records that have been added as images from an archival search. The records listed cover the period 1924-1986, and include only deaths that occurred right on the reserve itself (deaths from accidents outside the reserve – or at a hospital or a town or another reserve, or at a hunting camp, etc., ARE NOT INCLUDED in this list). Scroll through keeping your eye on the age at death.
Here are the metrics for that 62-year period, for just that one small reserve. I jotted down the age-at-death in two separate lists, one for deaths age 10 and under, and one for deaths over age 10.
Total deaths on the reserve 1924-1986 (all age ranges): 126.
Deaths age 10 and UNDER: 70 (and of that total, 62 were children 3 or under, and most of those were under 1 year).
Deaths OVER age 10: 56. More than half of the “adult” deaths – 29 – were people under the age of 50. We can presume those were not natural deaths. (Note that cause of death is not given in those brief records.)
That’s 70 children (under age 10) who did NOT die in, or go missing from, residential schools. More than one child death per year, from a community of roughly 500 people. If you could tabulate the additional number of deaths that likely occurred in hospitals or traffic accidents or from mishaps at gatherings OFF-reserve, that total would likely swell considerably. Death rates were high in these communities! Child and infant mortality was extremely high: from sickness, poverty, possibly malnutrition, parental neglect, and accidents, with many deaths and injuries related to housefires, drownings, and firearms.
And yet people are being asked to believe that “if only” those kids had been at home, in the “safety” of their reserves, they would not have come to harm.
I urge you to take a look at these records yourself. https://sites.google.com/site/forestgrovehistory/canim-lake-indian-reservation
Nina Green gives us a great encapsulation here. To see some of the death records her background research has made accessible to all (at no cost to taxpayers, I might add!), either follow the links provided in the article, or go directly to her website, specifically the death records pages: https://indianresidentialschoolrecords.com/death-records/ Choose a school and start exploring. It's really enlightening.
Rustad, like most sycophantic politicians, speaks loudly and knows little. Recognition and attention is their main objective. One thing they all have in common is an affliction known as hyperbolic, explosive diarrhea which makes standing down wind of them very unpleasant.
Politicians like diapers, must be changed often and for the same reason .... Mark Twain
I find myself always coming back to this fact: simply blaming our leaders and their institutions (while entirely appropriate) is completely useless if we then sit back and do nothing more while the majority of Canadians continue to ignore this issue. What will it take to get more than just the so-called "Fringe minority" interested in seeing the truth come out?
Again, I must thank you for all the accurate research you have done. The Canadian public owe you
an enormous debt for shining the bright light of truth on all the misinformation and lies that have
been promulgated by the media, by Trudeau and Marc Miller and many others in government who
know they have been spreading lies. I hope we have seen the last of them.
Thanks for exposing this. Nina is doing important work.
Once again, another article I appreciate.
Really, based on the article, the 4,140 number should have no standing because it is not properly and publicly documented despite the availability of such records. That, in combination with it originating in what has become an activist organisation, makes its value doubtful. The obvious solution is, as Ms Green and others advocate, to make the documentation available, at least as it is relevant to children's names on the Memorial Register.
If I recollect, the argument against releasing all the TRC research is about witness privacy. I'm not sure how that would be an issue related to disclosing records collected that support the names on the registry except insofar as we know that there have been claims by people that, as little children, believe they saw gruesome deaths. Perhaps those memories are counted as confirmed deaths despite that there are no records of parents or guardians claiming missing children. Witness names can be redacted, and as much information regarding timeframe, manner of death, and location of death can be retained for released. If that information is released, there will be an opportunity to research and confirm the claim.
At this point, the failure to support 4,140 school deaths with the documentation the NCTR claims to have in its possession seems to be at the same level as the claim that there are 215 children buried in an apple orchard followed by the refusal to release the supporting GPR report, and to follow-up with forensic evidence. More and more, the latter claim seems to be improbable. Without evidence to support it, and given its origins in the same activism, I am inclined to think that the former claim cannot and will not be confirmed either.
Since the University of Manitoba seems to be contravening the terms of the Trust Deed, can a lawsuit be brought?
Thousands died after the being illegally removed from their homes. The government and agencies simple are trying to hide the truth, bury the information anything to cover their crimes. 🙏 and strength to all families who sustained these horrific crimes against their families and children. The world is waking up to what is really going on. The Covid genocide is the push for humanity to see what real tyranny the government and its system are capable of. 🕊️💡⚖️🇨🇦🌎🇺🇸
Residential schools were never mandatory. Schooling was after 1920. For non-indigenous kids it was 49 years earlier.
A simple question: where is your proof? Such a crime would not go unnoticed in Canada. When you have proof, I'll listen.
Read my writings they are filed and silenced in the courts. The truth is out there and soon enough it will all surface. It’s like believing in present day media completely owed by government and paid for by stolen taxation. Something else imposed illegally on the people.
I’m here to speak the truth - my findings and filings prove it all.
So read my works before you judge they are 💯 factual the documents don’t lie.
I believe that you should be sued and forced to produce your 'evidence' since it completely contradicts the historical records, ethical Chiefs who speak in favor of the schools, the TRC findings and the many Indian friends I have spoken to who say that Canadianw must follow the money because those spewing this endless nonsense are making lots of money from foreigners like the UN for lying.
I doubt very much that 'Nancy' is anything but a UN shill. Only UN shills double down with more BS after the truth surfaces that the UN lied, yet again.
They can’t refute the evidence- I’m trying to share it and they silence it like anyone who goes against their narrative.
Not everyone is awake 🙏 to them there are many trying to wake up the country. Have a good day 🕊️
I have lived within 4 First Nation communities and been apart of several for over 24 years as an educator, mother and advocate. I know the reals stories of what happened to the Indian( indigenous) peoples. They were forced and this carried into the 60 scoop, the modern day child and family- child trafficking. I have the Civil filed case 82 pages in length based on 2590 pages and growing, 95 % CROWN affiliation. The governments lie to cover their crimes.
Soon enough I will get my findings out. All the institutions work together to keep the innocent people no matter the race or culture suppressed. For my India (indigenous) brothers and sisters they live in fear inside of the reservations, no voice, no help it is time the truth comes out.
Read my publications on Amazon and kindle based on the law. Ranking number one in 2 categories and # 2 in a third within their first week of publication and holding well. ‘Is this Justice’ Be a voice of reason! They tell the real horrifying tale that continues today 🙏
You reviewed your own self-published book on Amazon and unsurprisingly gave it a 5 star rating as the only reviewer! Seems you fit right in there with the other scammers in the Indian Industry.
I’m not the reviewer sir, it’s quite right now but only for a matter of time - read it first yourself and maybe your eyes will open we are all born slaves to the system. 🙏
No, no, no Nancy -- we are slaves to well-paid, foreign-directed liars who get way too much press time and far too little prison time.
Thank you for pointing out yet another scammer. I wish the author would block this fool.
Yes, and you have the reputation of being a manufacturer of tall tales for the Aboriginal Industry fraudsters headed by the UN and their well-paid elite trying to destroy Canada.
I understand you borrowed your name...why not use your true name and tell us who is paying you and how much?
Sorry but I have paid with my own money and will continue to seek ⚖️
How do you feel about Kevin Annett's books? They already seem to have covered the same ground. Even Queen Elizabeth and the Royal Family are in on this. Even though there's no names of anyone who disappeared and no parents ever complained that their child was missing, we do have 1964 as the year of the kidnappings at Kamloops Residential school by the Royal Family, as witnesses such as Billy Coombs have told Mr. Annett.
Sorry for the typos I can’t seem to edit them, my worst pet peeve
Thank you 😊
See the three dots at the right margin on the same line as your name? Click on it. If you're the author of a comment, you have the option to edit (and then save) or delete the comment.
It wasn’t giving me the option before - I’m preparing an email right now that will be sent to around 200 lawyers 5 within the Justice department- it takes president today 😊
Nancy, since you're a keen researcher, I've just posted a comment in this thread about child deaths at the Canim Lake Reserve that you'll find interesting. The source page linked has a lot of interesting historical photographs as well.
I encourage read the introduction to both books - I served the Queen and all members of parliament in 2022, the case is posted on CalII, for genocide in 🇨🇦 many of my documents are of CROWN affiliation.
I as well had my civil filing heard April 29th 2024. The judge went in my favor putting the onus on the Justice Department to stop me. Now I have the Justice Department and the King of courts bench in fraudulent activity again.
The defendants are the pope, King Charles, Justin Trudeau, and the attorney general of 🇨🇦. They can only commit more crimes to keep silencing me.
The government slaughtered the innocent during colonization 🌎 aristocracy’s. I have done massive amounts of research to support my findings, documentation and lived amongst the first people.
Remember who wrote the textbooks, history those controlling the narrative.
It’s time the truth is told, I have severed these books on the government at multiple levels my pdfs as they are named in there with multiple organizations and institutions.
I’m not in this for money I’m in this to help be a voice for all those who are suffering under the hands of this false democracy.
If you do your research you will see the constitution is false and the government is operating illegitimately. I would never speak words I don’t research. The government and systems on the other hand, just look at what happened during Covid mass genocide 🌎🙏
Yes, you and Kevin Annett seem to have similar theories. Thanks for explaining, Nancy.
Typical of fabricators ... as their story unravels in the face of actual facts, they change the subject. Now it is that the government is operating illegitimately.
People like Nancy, or whatever her name is, take a bit of truth and totally spin it to appear as though they are 'experts' and first-hand witnesses.
Most people know by now that the corporations running Canada are masquerading as government and always have been.
Please move on to suckers who will 'believe' your baloney. You are actually ruining a great article.
You need to meet Annett ... once you start to ask him questions about how he 'worked' his drunken Indian friend and then embellished the stories for profit, you will demand he be sent to prison, too.
You got that right
So it seems the post that this comment was aimed at is gone or kaput as pete would say. Progress I guess...
Duhh ...so much for progress
Body count = still zero and counting
The truth be damned the CBC & far left nutters will have nothing less than blatant lies to back up their disgusting read on a so called genocide. I truly think these very dangerous people get their rocks of on destroying Canada