While we were all sleeping, changes have continued to take place in our institutions and regulatory bodies. You might not feel it today, but those changes will impact your future, especially if we allow them to continue unchallenged.Â
A battle took place at the Ontario law society as two ideologically opposed groups of candidates were fighting to be elected as Benchers, the Board of Directors to the Ontario Law Society.
On one side, the FullStop slate hoped, among other things, to put an end to the divisive issue of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI), but their efforts were ultimately unsuccessful. The election has come to a close and it was announced on Monday that all candidates from the "Good Governance Coalition" were successful. This, unfortunately, means that politics will play a significant role in the law society going forward and that the Coalition will be the ones to usher it in - unchallenged!Â
"The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd "Â
~Bertrand Russell
While all elections have an ugly side, it was jarring for some of us to see just how low it could go. As lawyers who are public trust individuals, one expects a certain level of civility, decorum, and professionalism, along with passionate and reasoned debate.Â
This is not what we observed during the election.
The divisiveness between the two groups brought out the worst in some lawyers/paralegals and we were disappointed to witness personal attacks and mudslinging. We believe that those in the legal profession should be held to a higher standard of conduct.
As "Citizens for Justice", we are deeply concerned about identity politics and its negative influence within public institutions and the illiberal policies that result. Our aim during this election was to share our concerns and remind voters that the benchers they elect must govern in the public's interest.Â
We represent that public, and we are paying attention. Though we wish we did not have to remain anonymous, based on the past experiences of some of our members at the hands of ideologues, we choose to remain so.
While we received positive feedback from many individuals, we were also met with messages like these on Twitter and in email responses to our letters:
It should be noted here that we are an independent group of citizens, not legal professionals. All email addresses were publicly available.Â
It's frustrating that some individuals like the two above are quick to resort to name-calling and ad hominem attacks. Sadly, it is on brand and seems to be a feature, not a flaw, of those who engage in this type of politics.
Our letters presented a thoughtful and well-reasoned perspective and we stand by the importance of our message. It's difficult to imagine that anyone who read our letters could view us as anything other than what we presented ourselves to be; concerned citizens who care about access to justice, and the removal of politics in the regulatory body.Â
These legal professionals are out of touch with the public they serve. Around many kitchen tables cancel culture, free speech and censorship ARE topics of discussion. Many Canadians are becoming wise to authoritarian governance in other areas like psychology, medicine and education. These are critical issues that matter to citizens who want to live in a place where all have the same right to voice a personal opinion, where all are treated equally and are free to live according to their own beliefs and values.Â
Citizens need to a keep a vigilant eye on professional regulators in Ontario. They have been gradually taken over by ideology that has nothing to do with the mandate of the profession.Â
It’s within our power to make choices to actively show what is important to us and make our opinions known to members of these bodies. Carefully research the professionals you choose. Follow their direction with eyes wide open. Are they truly acting in your best interest or is their judgement swayed by the pressure to follow the ideological direction of their professional regulators?Â
Read the letters we sent to members of the Ontario Legal Profession at
and find us on Twitter https://twitter.com/_Citz4Justice
Read more on the election: (Law Society HYPERLINK "https://wokewatchcanada.substack.com/p/law-society-of-ontario-elections"Of HYPERLINK "https://wokewatchcanada.substack.com/p/law-society-of-ontario-elections" Ontario Elections - Action Needed Today! (substack.com)
Thanks for reading.
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What is occurring in the legal profession is occurring everywhere. Common sense and reason have been subjugated to a comatose state by Orwellian sycophants desperately seeking acceptance by the visually impaired herd. Albert Einstein puts it this way:
“He who joyfully marches to music rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice. This disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once. Albert Einstein"
I just wanted to add that is so obvious that the Establishment is now composed of authoritarians, in large measure. I don't know this was always the case. The very idea that a professional governing body would impose ideological loyalty tests on its members is totally outrageous.