Great post.

The Iroquois wiped out many other Indigenous bands including the Huron (Wendat), Neutral, and Erie.

So few know that.

The best tagline ice seen is that we live on land permanently ceded by aboriginal groups.

Bonus points if you know the treaty #.

It's like a real estate transfer from hell we paid for the land and they keep wanting more and more payment.

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A very scholarly article. Thanks for sharing. There is nothing more repugnant than having to listen to a land claim acknowledgement before an event and realizing, like a metastatic cancer, the Kamloops lie has pervaded every aspect of our society. Its enough to give you the staggers and jags.

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In the wars between the English and the French, the Iroquois that lived in Upper New York, allied themselves with the British against the French and the Huron.

They then went on to exterminate the Huron who the French could not defend. The Hurons became extinct.

During the American Revolution, the Iroquois sided with the British. That was a mistake. Fearing American revenge, many then fled to Ontario. So instead of being here first, the Iroquois were settlers who arrived after the British-speaking Europeans.

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The “land acknowledgment” is built on the premise that “settlers” received something from Indians, but Indians received nothing from “settlers”. This is false. Indians received a few thousand years of accumulated western knowledge and technology from the “settlers”. For the wise Indians who chose to acquire and use those gifts their lives are immeasurably more comfortable and much longer than in their pre-contact Neolithic period. For those who remain stuck between two worlds it is up to them and their leaders to get them out of their rut

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I once read (can’t remember where) about someone who asked an Inuit woman in the early days if life was better or worse since Europeans arrived. She hesitated but said it was better because there were no more famines.

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This is why MY "land acknowledgement" includes, "You're welcome! Freely use the flush toilets, combustion engines and electricity that my forebearers developed for us all!

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Great commentary, and the 'land acknowledgments' are social poison, building guilt and resentment and going to to take us to an ugly place. Its almost like Marxists designed them to create resentment as a starting point for some revolution.....I don't know or if they will go out of the Overton window or if they will ever end, but they are doing latent destruction as we speak, that will likely manifest is actual destruction at some future point.

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They’ve spread to the US too. Harvard has one, for example.

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There seem to be a thousand or more Chiefs throughout Canada, depending on each individual. There are at least that many versions of everything. Chief Gimmee Gimmee Money seems to be the overall theme, i.e., it's all about the money.

Billions of taxpayer dollars later, they are no happier than before; they are, in fact, even more hostile.

I choose not to attend any show, festival, or meeting where I am made to listen to ridiculous drivel and or indoctrination to any people regardless of where they come from, more the fools you for willingly attending and listening to these lies and falsehoods sheeple.

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My feeling exactly.

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Interesting that the photo of the traditional longhouse features metal pots and woven blankets, but of course they gained nothing good from their contact with Europeans.

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When Premier David Eby gave his post election speech Saturday night the first thing he said was not "I am proud to be here in British Columbia," but (loosely quoted) "I'm proud to be here on the lands of the Lekwungen, Salish, Tswasssen, and..... peoples." Ay caramba!

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did he? that wanker. The MST own, through some method undetermined, vast swaths of prime lower mainland land. Any time any Crown or city land disposal comes up there is now a "duty to consult" that basically dictates that any band can lay claim to that parcel. I can only surmise that the toadying to natives done at the Canucks games is in part due to the Aquilinis pursuit of some of that MST development business.

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So, “the Iroquois wiped out many other Indigenous bands including the Huron (Wendat), Neutral, and Erie.” They tortured the men for days. They threw babies on fires. They raped and enslaved women.

Now school kids hear how noble they were and bend heads during land acknowledgements.

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I don't think we completely want to go from one extreme to the other in the schools, but a critical thinking approach would be best, not the current identity politics idealization of the Indigenous way of life as some kind of Garden of Eden. Life was pretty brutal in the old days, for everybody.

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FYI One school district in B. C. has changed its name.....from North Okanagan-Shuswap to K̓wsaltktnéws ne Secwepemcúl’ecw.. Check out the video in the link, it's quite odd. Okanagan and Shuswap are both Indigenous names to start with...

I wonder how much this is costing.... there was no consultation with the general public.

This sort of thing is happening all over. https://sd83.bc.ca/2024/10/16/sd83-embraces-new-secwepemctsin-name/

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I am tired of all this Land Acknowledgement, as mentioned you cannot escape this, funny enough, our Schools Catholic and Public, PLUS Mayor's office recite this 'acknowledgement..

They seem to have a problem reciting the Lord's Prayer, but not this false 'acknowledgment', name one country that were not inhabited and 'settled' by people seeking lands and a place to live.

By far, the Natives, are given a free card to live in Canada, rewrite history, burn churches, free taxes, education and a lot of reserves...so a lot of good came out of 'settlers'..

this is just getting suffocating!

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United Nation's nonsense! Imagine Israel starting it's day paying homage to the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, Jebusites and the numerous Kings conquered! It would be an insult to Heaven! This is all about division. Not unity!

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Right now, the Toronto Maples Game, has a huge announcement , sounds like a robo voice about Land Acknowlegement, and how evil we 'settlers' were. I don't understand why that has to be announced at the Toronto Maple Game..

this to me is racist and hateful, division and just plain wrong! leave this political garbage out of these Games!

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Those land acknowledgments should include all that history. Better yet, get rid of them.

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I'm not a scholar on the subject so open to correction but the Wendat (or Wyandot) were not "wiped out" but were forced south by the Iroquois (that had moved north from the New York area) into the area now known as Ohio. They survived here for approximately 150 years and then were forced west to reserves in Kansas by the US government. This certainly does not refute the fact that people of all races and identities moved, conquered, abandoned and occupied territory all over the US and Canada. Land acknowledgment's never capture the complexity but serve only the political interests of small groups.

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Speaking of land acknowledgements, the Canadian Legion is recommending them to start Remembrance Day services. Welcome to the Woke.

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In my view, it isn’t just the land acknowledgements, but other language like “First Nations” as a replacement for “tribe” or “band”, and “indigenous” for “aboriginal” and “native”. The land acknowledgments and these changes in language occurred at roughly the same time, and are driven by the same motivation, which is to undermine the the validity and claim of non-native people who continue, on the shoulders of their ancestors and new immigrants, to build Canada while others struggle to tear it down in favour of a fable.

The band of 320 near me refer to themselves as a First Nation, as to do each of the several other small bands nearby. Previously, some of them were friendly with each other, and shared relations; others were constantly at war or at least involved in constant and deadly rivalries. The villages were a collection of a few or several social units (now called a FN), and there might be a few or several villages who met for feasts and winter dances. But these groups have adopted the modern usage of word “nation” to refer to themselves, in a slight of hand to suggest they have equal status to, and the capacity to build, an idea such as Canada. They do not.

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