I don't even see how technically a law like that could work given the information in the public record (as you have shown) demonstrating that there is contradictory evidence to the RS horror show narrative. There is also no doubt of a large amount of undocumented positive testimony - which COULD be documented if someone had the time and energy. These attempts by authoritarian activists to create such are a law are outrageous.

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There is a new book by Tom Flanagan and C. P. Champion, "Grave Error," just out this week, about the actual evidence around the unmarked graves controversy. I think this book would be banned if legislation is passed re: residential school denial, where only one narrative is accepted as legal, despite any evidence to the contrary. Amazon is selling the book currently, I'd say if you want to buy it, do it now before it's banned, or at least, no-one distributes it due to political pressure. https://www.dorchesterreview.ca/blogs/news/new-book-1

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I already have a copy the truth is coming out aboriginal ppl have lost something precious.... their credibility our ability to believe anything thing they have to say. TRC is the brain child of Murray Sinclair. TRC is not sustainable Canadians are fed up to being lied to. Intellectuals historians who R on top of their game who know this subject extremely well are sounding the alarm that this is all BS. And they are the ones I believe and put my faith in.

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What a powerful retort to those who peddle an absurdly dark image of residential schools:

“These experiences must also be heard” - TRC Chair Murray Sinclair

“I probably would have been found on skid row somewhere dead years ago had it not been for, had it not been for residential school.” - TRC Commissioner Willie Littlechild

“We definitely have heard … appreciation and gratitude for, first of all, the education that people received, and also individual people who were very important in their success …” - TRC Commissioner Marie Wilson

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I really appreciate these discussions. It's a shame that in the future I'll have to read them from my prison cell.

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Functional illiteracy is not a criminal offence. You'll be OK.

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Great article, James, spot on. The audacious duplicity of this minority is appalling. It gives a whole new meaning to the phrase, "speaks with forked tongue".

"… Oh God! Like the thunderbird of old I shall rise again out of the sea; I shall grab the instruments of the white man’s success – his education, his skills, and with these new tools I shall build my race into the proudest segment of your society "....Chief Dan George

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Thank you Jim. You are a man of truth and you hold values that Canadians appreciate. Unfortunately Canada's Judges are not so inclined. Today's Judges are totally Political and the truth matters not!

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I won't join you in the dock. When are you, Brian Giesbrecht, Peter Best, Frances Widdowson [Disrobing The Aboriginal Industry], James Pew and Hymie Rubenstein going to wake up and put the 3 crooked TRC Commissioners and their crooked Executive Director, Kimberly Murray, in the prisoners dock as colluding scoundrels who fabricated bogus evidence of a fake "genocide" (contrary to Sect. 137. C.C.C) in order to aid and abet a fraud on the Canadian public (contrary to Sect. 380. C.C.C.), in the so-called "Day Scholars" suit, initiated by the Secwepemc fraud artists, with whom the TRC and Kimberly Murray colluded in order to have the suit settled out of Court because of their bogus "discoveries" of "bodies" at Kamloops (none found) and at other known cemeteries where there are bodies of people's great great grandmothers and great, great, great grandfathers and a few children who died of T.B., and were placed in marked graves, before the markers disappeared due to neglect?

When are you dummies going to "wake up", in the normal sense of "awake", in contrast to the "woke" sense of fabricating evidence of being a woman despite one's penis, or fabricating evidence of murders despite absolutely no bodies at Kamloops and of Cadmus Delorme's grandmother's unmarked grave (among 750 others) at Cowessess [maybe not her body --- could be somebody else's grandmother's bones upon whose unmarked grave numbskull-Trudeau placed that Teddy Bear], which became unmarked due to neglect by natives, municipal bureaucrats, provincial bureaucrats and federal bureaucrats who were all too lazy to maintain graveyards which were all revealed to the 3 TRC crooks and their crooked Executive Director, Kimberly Murray, by Dr. Scott Hamilton, in 2015, on his Report entitled (Q.)WHERE ARE THE CHILDREN BURIED? --- [ (A.) Mostly in neglected communal cemeteries (Kamloops excepted. Their cemetery is across from St. Joseph's Church --- well away from the school) where the grave-markers disappeared due to neglect and mother nature. KB ]???


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Excellent article,as well as the comments below.Now that the Native Industry, along with the fake Media & hopeless Politicians have the Public brainwashed & feeling guilty the continual demands ( money/land) will become even louder.

Get ready for it!!!

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Commissioner Littlechild is a brave man. He should have been the chair.

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Commissioner Littlechild is a fraud artist in feathers. He belongs in an electric chair [non-lethal shock therapy]. He's a bold liar. But there is nothing brave about that.

Kevin James "Joseph" Byrne

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