100%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had to sit through a whole day of re-education at my school for a professional development about colonization, and what I am doing or not doing to perpetuate and continue this....then in the hallways the secretary was putting up anti-racist posters on the walls at which point I asked her if the kids would understand the posters or just be confused...I said that the context was more geared to high school...she said she is only doing what she is told....I said, that I see that but was genuinely wondering what SHE thought of the posters since her kids go to this school....no comment from her...she just shrugged her shoulders.... AND then the principal went on the PA system and reminded us to see her about ordering PRIDE SWAG..... at one point she came and found some us and REMINDED us to order...I and some others said that we would not be and she said, YES, because the school is paying for it....we all want to look, sound, and propaganda the same... (last comment is mine lol!) SOOOO, that was my professional development day...where I learned that I pretty much suck as a person because I don't know that I am racist, homophobic and a colonizer.....

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Bravo. Comprehensive and cogent argument against ILAs. “No one likes the feeling of being compelled to mouth words they may disagree with,” especially to a single racial group that is financially dependent on all other racial groups - also known as taxpayers.

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This is excellent and needed. Its clear these ILAs were never properly thought out by the majority of people who use and developed them. Some of the people behind them MAY have been Machiavellian, knowing they would sow division and potentially cause legal problems, though many others, being simply emotionally driven, have never thought out their social and legal implications. This is an important contribution to the discussion.

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Land acknowledgements, unmarked graves, indigenous genocide, residential schools are all manifestations and collateral damage from the monstrous lie about the Kamloops apple orchard grave yard, which has spread like a malignant cancer, facilitated by are own delusional government. Every institution and government official anxiously compete to get a prominent seat on the twilight zone band wagon (pun intended) and compete in the virtual signaling competition. Its enough to give you the staggers and jags.

The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive and unrealistic. John F. Kennedy

Read more at https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/lie-quotes

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BC has written UNDRIP into legislation, and now proposes to make sweeping changes to the Land Act which are proposed to say that indigenous "consultation" has to occur by the government's (or anyone's) use of ALL CROWN LAND in BC. WTF. what the serious fuck. Sorry for swearing. And this will get implemented because of the absolute obesiance that is being paid by the BC government to UNDRIP. We aren't talking about any land ceded through land claims or rights claims, but ALL CROWN LAND. The relevant point to Mr. Best's article above is that land claim acknowledgements will actually have some basis in truth in BC if the proposed changes to the Land Act are made. It's a recipe for disaster in BC. https://www.fraserinstitute.org/article/bc-plans-to-reconcile-by-giving-first-nations-veto-on-land-use#:~:text=These%20agreements%20will%20empower%20B.C.,of%2Dway%20over%20Crown%20land.

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“Our government has become incompetent, unresponsive, corrupt. And that incompetence, ineptitude, lack of accountability is now dangerous.” ~ Carly Fiorina

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I said three years ago to my husband that we are setting amazing legal precedent by admitting millions of times over that we are living on stolen land. We are admitting to something we haven’t done and all complying in the name of inclusivity. At the time I felt a bit hyperbolic but after learning of the NDP’s plan this week…….a chill went down my spine.

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Personally I find it very awkward having ONE FN guy come to our members meetings and recite an LA even though we only have one white passing FN member in our whole agency. He doesn't come to member's meetings!

There is no concrete effort to reach out to FN people so why this? It's wokism at it's finest and it doesn't belong in any public (or private!) institutions in Canada as it raises one religion above all others. It's also awkward for atheists.

And it's part and parcel of the TQ+++ and DEI shite that's being propagated there without members' consent. Not sure how we are going to deal with this.

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Those of you who live in BC have until March 31st to respond to the proposed Land Act amendments. Link below. I encourage you to do so. Public outrage was enough to stop a billion dollar spend on the RBCM and more or less force some backtracking in the Museum's "decolonization" efforts. Let's see if the same level of outrage can be met for something much, much worse.


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Sharing with everyone I know. The changes to the land act should be put to a province wide referendum and a petition put forth to demand this level of engagement.

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“Incompetence is often highly regarded in governmental circles.” ~ William Wallace

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Right. And Trudeau and our Supreme Court are assisting in this tearing apart of Canada.

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I attended a European dance event at UBC a few years back at which the White ILA faculty member presenter added in rather menacing tones "and we are not welcome here". I was so shocked in the moment that I didn't, as I should have, jumped up and called out the faculty member. This would have disrupted the event and embarrassed our European guests, but in retrospect I regret not having done so.

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Newly elected Ontario Liberal leader Bonnie Crombie has stated that O Canada should have the words, "Our home on native land" substituted for the current, "Our home and native land".

I wonder if she'd be ok with donating her property to the nearest aboriginal reserve.

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>>So there cannot be any room in all of this for the existence of numerous, separate, autonomous, Indigenous Nations, “mini-states,” which are illiberally based the race of a group of people.<<

This sounds like a profound statement — but I can't seem to make sense of it ????

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Multiple countries can't be one country.

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The disaster of multi states is referred to as Balkanization, based on the disastrous wars of the Balkans.

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deletedFeb 3
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I worked on the Williams Treaties case a few years back. That was presided over by Justice Mandamin, as his last case before retirement. hmm. The settlement in that case was $1.1 BILLION. That was basically for compensation for hunting, fishing and trapping revenues they COULD have earned on land surrendered in 1923 from that date until I think 2010. So any time I hear BS about Canada not respecting treaties I have to say bullshit. Canada isn't the party that is disrespecting treaties. What is more problematic I guess is that courts just continue to side with native claimants. I bet the average Canadian has no idea how much money is being funnelled to 5 percent of the population.

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"History is an account, mostly false, of events, mostly unimportant, which are brought about by rulers, mostly knaves, and soldiers, mostly fools." ~ Ambrose Bierce

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