It seems they have hidden this garbage from parents for years. All of this insanity began when the Trudeau government amended the Human Rights Act to include gender expression. That is what got under Jordan Peterson's skin, because he sensed it would open the floodgates to this kind of assault on our children. Your are so right about the media's complicency in this. A good example is that the legacy media barely covered the obscene fetished teacher at the Halton Board. That should have been on every newscast and on the front page of every newspaper until the board was forced to respond and do the right thing and fire the teacher for his bad behaviour. The reason most parents don't know what is going on is that their kids don't talk about it, just like they don't talk about most things they are taught at school. Even if they do, it would seem parents can do little about it. An Ottawa parent took her case to the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal when her six year old came home and told her mother her teachers said their wasn't such a thing as boys and girls. The Tribunal dismissed her case saying her child hadn't been 'harmed' and hid behind both the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Ontario Human Rights code, which also recognized gender expression nonsense, thanks to Liberal Premier Dalton McGinty and no thanks to Premier Doug Ford who has never thought to amend to stop this insanity. More than a writing campaign, and an army ofparents everywhere need to start appearing at school boards and demand change before this will stop. They have started this is in the states and progress is happening , we need to do the same in Canada. Children need protection from this very blatant indoctrination. Parents must mobilize as true activists for it to happen.

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As a kid who was molested by a family member for years, and raped at 13, my heart breaks for the children of this and all generations who are and will be negatively impacted by this woke gender BS. It took me decades and a ton of determination to heal from the sexual abuse I experienced as a child. Teaching this garbage to children is beyond grooming. It is, in my opinion, abuse in and of itself.

Thank you, James, for having the courage to tell the truth about this nonsense!

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Teenagers are always searching for identity and independence. In the old high school days, the groups were the jocks, the greasers, the nerds, the hippies, and in the eighties, the goths and other added groups. Now the teen peer groups all seem to be various permutations of "queer." from "demisexual" to "transgender" to "cisgender" so much is predicated around sexuality, but kids seem more confused and mixed up than ever about identity. The rates of anxiety and depression and other conditions such as autism are increasing, as kids are being prescribed antidepressants, young boys prescribed ritalin.. for being how young boys usually are, restless and physical... this medicalization and transgender indoctrination is damaging and will have long term effects...I would strongly urge parents to take their kids out of the pubic school system.

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This is why there is still pornography and indoctrination going on in our schools.https://roxannehalverson.substack.com/p/why-parents-need-to-wake-up-to-wokeism

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Growing up on the East Coast I remember concerned parents visiting the school to voice their jurisdiction over their child in no uncertain terms. We, the detained, waited patiently on "the bench" of a closeted administrator who was known to have a penchant for the discipline of young boys. Those were the days when involved parents struck fear into the hearts and minds of anyone who crossed the line of morality regarding their children. Those were the days of men & women. The two genders that were treated equally without mention of race or religion. To the point now - we live in a culture subdued by its own "unthink" and media programmed agenda with trending now bias. The current government seems bent on deviant culture being the normative. Fact is it is not. The hard questions and journalism of written word have suffered the same fate. Citizens have a right to attack those institutions who deign to interfere with child rearing, nuclear families and the vast majority of parents and the electorate. We need to have the courage of our convictions to take on the responsibility of addressing these morally corrupt institutions creating these situations with equal verve and yes, reckless abandon of rules, policy and so-called "human rights."

After all, when it comes to OUR children NO ONE should stand in our way. There's nothing like an impromptu meeting to give distinct "hell" to a dysfunctional school board that has grown beyond its "britches". https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/parents-legal-action-teacher-prosthetic-breasts

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