Why was a century-old septic field installed to dispose of the Kamloops Indian Residential School's sewage mistaken for 'the remains of 215 children'?
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By Nina Green
Facts matter.
Since facts matter, what facts do we now have about the Kamloops Band's reckless claim to have discovered 'the remains of 215 children' in the old apple orchard in its Heritage Park at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School?
Here are the facts:
(1) We know a septic field consisting of 2000 linear feet of trenches lined with clay tiles was installed in that specific location in the fall of 1924 to dispose of the school's sewage. See the 1926 report by E.H. Tredcroft available here.
See also the overlay image below which establishes that Dr Sarah Beaulieu's GPR results line up with the old septic field trenches.
(2) We know Dr Beaulieu had no idea of the existence of the century-old septic field when she did her GPR work because she hadn't done the necessary archival research, and the Kamloops Band hadn't told her about the old septic field.
(3) We know Dr Beaulieu has never released her GPR results so that they can be independently verified.
(4) We know the Kamloops Band has never released Dr Beaulieu's detailed written report, despite the Band's promise to do so.
(5) We know from Dr Beaulieu's oral presentation at the Kamloops Band's media event on 15 July 2021 that Dr Beaulieu's GPR results run east-west ('There was an east-west configuration of the sub-surface anomalies in the orchard'). See the attachment below for a transcript of Dr Beaulieu's oral presentation.
(6) We know from the 1926 Tredcroft report that the 2000 linear feet of the 1924 septic field trenches lined with clay tiles also run east-west. See Tredcroft report (linked above), and photo at the top of this post showing the configuration of Dr Beaulieu's GPR results marked with red-tipped stakes.
(7) We know from Dr Beaulieu's oral presentation at the Kamloops Band's media event on 15 July 2021 that her GPR results are only about .7 metres (2.3 feet) below the surface, and are thus far too shallow to be graves.
(8) We know from the 1926 Tredcroft report that the 2000 linear feet of septic field trenches lined with clay tiles were dug about 3 feet 6 inches deep, and that the depth of the septic field trenches thus corresponds quite closely with Dr Beaulieu's GPR results.
In short, Dr Beaulieu's GPR results match the septic field trenches in both east-west direction, and in their shallow depth.
(9) We know from Dr Beaulieu's 15 July 2021 oral presentation at the Kamloops Band's media event that in her opinion only excavation can determine what she actually found ('I will call the targets of interest ‘probable burials’ . . . but only forensic investigation with excavation will be able to conclusively determine this.').
In summary, although the Kamloops Band sent out a media release on 27 May 2021 claiming it had found 'the remains of 215 children', none of the hard evidence confirms the Kamloops Band's claim.
Instead, all the hard evidence establishes that Dr Beaulieu found the trenches of an old septic field used to dispose of the school's sewage, and that Dr Beaulieu mistook the septic field trenches for graves.
There can be no objection to excavating the trenches of a century-old septic field.
It's time to excavate so that the truth is revealed, and Canada can move forward, and restore its international reputation.
Thanks for reading. For more from this author, read In promoting Sugarcane, did Julian Brave NoiseCat accuse his paternal grandmother, Antoinette Archie, of infanticide?
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All of Canada's politicians (from all three political parties) fell for this hoax and doubled and tripled down in it. indigenous activists and leaders have made it the foundation of thier rent-seeking and reparations claims. This lie is now being presented as a fact in the training of lawyers. Thus, there will never be excavations or any effort made to ascertain the truth in this matter. The police have been forbidden to investigate it. The Kamloops grave hoax is in fact the base of a house of cards holding up the entire Indigenous Grievance Industry as well as our major political parties. We are at a point where the truth simply cannot be told.
On target, as usual. Thanks again, Nina, for sharing your research. As Kelley Ann Conway once famously said, perhaps Beaulieu's interpretation is just a question of presenting "alternate facts". Regardless, it's hard not to see the symbolism between the septic tank tile bed and the Kamloops narrative in that they both are full of __it.