All of Canada's politicians (from all three political parties) fell for this hoax and doubled and tripled down in it. indigenous activists and leaders have made it the foundation of thier rent-seeking and reparations claims. This lie is now being presented as a fact in the training of lawyers. Thus, there will never be excavations or any effort made to ascertain the truth in this matter. The police have been forbidden to investigate it. The Kamloops grave hoax is in fact the base of a house of cards holding up the entire Indigenous Grievance Industry as well as our major political parties. We are at a point where the truth simply cannot be told.

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well, do we know that the police have been forbidden to investigate it? Or were they satisfied there was nothing to investigate and turned it back over to the band. I don't know the answer to that.

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The band claimed that the most horrific crime in Canadian history had occurred. The police did not investigate. If they had, they would have issued a report of their findings. If you reach out to the Kamloops RCMP and ask what the results of their investigation were they will tell you there was no investigation. They can't just “hand back” a criminal investigation to civilians.They dropped it like a hot potato and our corrupt politicians let them get away with it. There is no proof any Indigenous kids were murdered at the KIRS, but 60% of Canadians believe it.

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On target, as usual. Thanks again, Nina, for sharing your research. As Kelley Ann Conway once famously said, perhaps Beaulieu's interpretation is just a question of presenting "alternate facts". Regardless, it's hard not to see the symbolism between the septic tank tile bed and the Kamloops narrative in that they both are full of __it.

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Excellent, fact based. What started as a likely mistake by a young and inexperienced supposed 'expert' has morphed into a monster that no one originally involved can tame.

They simply cant walk it back and still save face (this applies to all the cohorts involved in spreading the message) and hence it just sits there, unaddressed and festering.

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We know why..... The peddling of Canada’s Indigenous mass grave and genocide libels

From Anthropologist, Hymie Rubenstein


"As for the federal government, unable to substantially reduce Indigenous adversities and pathologies, it is indifferent to such revelations. Instead, it is content to shamelessly divert public attention away from its failed Indigenous policies by pouring millions in blood money as reparations for a historical genocide that never took place."

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I can’t believe she published that she found graves, without excavation to confirm?? That’s wildly irresponsible.

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“All residential school landscapes are likely to contain burials of missing children.

Remote sensing such as GPR merely provides some spatial specificity to this truth.”

-Dr Sarah Beaulieu

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This is all about the money it is that simple. P/S I have Jewish friends who are very trustworthy & besides they had nothing to do with this debacle

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They are as trustworthy as the jew.

We, the Canadian taxpayers want reparations from these liars.

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Nice one pete ,that first sentence really sums you up.

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Thank you.

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“Dr Beaulieu's GPR results match the septic field trenches in both east-west direction, and in their shallow depth.” I’ve heard that professors from SFU confirmed her suspicions. Most people in positions of influence went along with fraud. The story is no longer about human remains but human corruption.

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I also now think the probability of there EVER being an excavation is nearing zero, as the ambiguity is increasingly valuable to the parties promoting the narrative.

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It is so typical of today’s collusion, follow the money, truth doesn’t seem to matter, create propaganda, threaten people if they question the propaganda, integrate the false narrative into the education system, NOW IT IS TRUTH. 1984 all over, no just continuing, just an example of laundering our tax dollars, controlling the media.

Thank you, thank you, so refreshing to read the truth. I am so happy there are still people out there who do not want to live iv such a dystopian world.

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The stench of this “anomalies” project has gotten so bad that even the Justin Trudeau Liberals have quietly withdrawn funding that had failed to produce any proof that substantiated “mass graves” claims.

As an advanced G7 country, we have gotten where we are today on those “nasty” colonial concepts of inquiry, analysis, record keeping and accounting. Canadians might think that when claims of a “mass grave” of over 200 children were made that an immediate police/forensic team would have yellow taped the area in question and began a criminal investigation. Not in Liberal Canada. No police. No forensic team. Obfuscation from those making serious claims, and failing to provide ONE person to speak on the record with first hand knowledge of what occurred in BC.

Canadians were misled and have ponied up millions in tax dollars for nothing. Our flag was coopted by politicians for crass purposes and denigrated at half mast for months.

In the coming days, we will have an opportunity to clean house in Ottawa and send a message: it’s time to change the narrative about our relationship with our First Nations neighbours. What we are being sold these days isn’t selling.

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Just to be clear Darcy, the feds have declined to renew funding for a couple of orgs: the National Advisory Committee (on Missing Children and Unmarked Burials) and the Survivors’ Secretariat (a Mohawk group). But as far as I know, there has been no change to funding promised through the Residential Schools Missing Children Community Support Fund. It was the latter fund that Crown-Indigenous Relations attempted (last summer) to CAP at $500,000 PER COMMUNITY, and then almost immediately capitulated and restored the open-ended funding model that had been in place.

If I'm mistaken on this, I hope someone will correct me. I think the misperception that all funding had been halted arose from a video made by a misinformed Matt Walsh. I've seen that notion repeated in a number of comment threads lately. Personally, I wish Matt Walsh would keep to his own knitting; I think he does us more harm than good with his abrasive, gotcha-style commentaries.

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Oral histories and elder knowings are pure nonsense. Greed for money and 15 minutes of fame or infamy are irresistible to these indigenous lie-tellers. Not one current allegation of abuse has been proven, simply accepted by our softminded politicians and gullible taxpayers.

43 percent of Canadians aged 18 to 34 expressed the desire to become Americans in a recent Ipsos poll. No wonder! We are not only losing our senses; we are at risk of losing our country if this woke and green nonsense continues.

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if Canada were the 51st state there wouldn't be any of this multibillion dollar handout continuing, that's for sure. that's a not unattractive prospect.

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This analysis of a septic field has credibility for sure. However, as other readers comments intimate, unless this becomes broadcast by the MSM NEWS-papers and the CBC - which will never happen - this has zero chance of this finding, to becoming "mainstream" in the understanding of even the 20% of those interested of the Canadian Joe Public. Any digging/excavation of this site and the probable adverse findings, would blow the top off this deception. This would be too great to accept by even a Liberal party in opposition. This is political dynamite and should be persued relentlessly by Poilievre and the Conservatives, but this won't happen. Why? Because the last ten years of the Trudeau government has had the rest of us Canadians travelling on the highway to Hell, telling us "settlers" that the Indigenous are "victims" of all this "colonialism" garbage. All that and flying the Canadian flag at half mast for six months - yes 6 months - to tell the international community of the "guilt" of the 94% of the Canadian populace's abuse of the 6% of the Canadian Idigenous populace, would be too much shame for any Canadian political leader, past, present or replaced, to bear. That said well done for all your efforts to expose this dispicable fraud. 😵‍💫

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Sick end tired of this type of manipulation

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And maybe get some of the friggin’ money back.

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