I find this stuff so distressing that I just can't read it through to the end.....and not just emotional repulsion so much as a particularly dangerous form of existential anger.

This isn't just about intellectual debate or left/right ideological divides, but the nature of reality, being able to distinguish the boundaries of knowing fantasy from unknowing delusion, and understanding the line between what is tolerable and what isn't; between what is robust disagreement and the Wrath of God.

We are all moving into very dangerous territory. I think the people and institutions that are dragging us on this trajectory have no idea what an enormous risk they are taking, not just with us, but our children and our common future.

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The problem is we took all the dumb people and made them teachers. There isn't one teacher in the school system saying "wait a second, this is evil".

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It’s not a matter of intelligence, it’s a matter of morality.

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I think Scott there is much more going on than just the dumbness & pusillanimity of teachers....

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I had great difficulty reading thru it to. It gave me the staggers and jags.

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I couldn't get through it all. I makes me want to vomit to look at the garbage they are teaching kids. Given the amount of time and effort put into it, I can understand why kids cannot read, cannot do simple math and know nothing about history or geography. How did we let this happen? It is recent. My daughter is 27 and thus would have been going to elementary school from 2001-2008 and I never saw any of this crap coming home, nor did she ever mention any of this nonsense about pronouns, sexuality etc. If she had, I would have pulled her out of school and sent her to a private school, that could assure me it wasn't teaching this garbage. The thing is my husband and I had only the one child, two we were financiallly capable of paying tuition fees for private school. What avenues do other parents have? Well homeschool and that doesn't mean they have to do this on their own there are coops and support groups out there.https://www.ochec.org/join-a-homeschool-group/https://www.savvymom.ca/article/homeschool-activities-for-families-in-ottawa/ Maybe as classroom empty out because parents are sick of this bullshit, someone will wake up. Because it would seem the Millions March 4 Children didn't do it., with our Prime Ministers tweeting out that the marchers were haters and bigots, with NDP Leader marching with the counter-protesters and with union leaders, including teachers unions organizing and sponsor counter protesters across the country. This poison has infected so many aspect of our society it is beyond belief, but it has, and somehow we let if happen right under our noses.

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You express the majority opinion very well. My children went to school in the 80s and the only problem we had to deal with was religious fundamentalism in the class room.

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As a neuro-neutral cis-gender self-identified (along with the birth hospital at the time) male I refuse to accept the “fact” that not all lesbians are women. If I did the word “heterosexual” would lose all meaning. Except as a member of the patriarchy, I suppose. But wait! Are biological men who identify as women (or something else) exempted from condemnation?

Tolerance is a good thing, but clearly, this focus on race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc. at an early age is a particular kind of crazy. The kind that does nothing to unite children and everything to drive them apart.

What’s the situation in Canada regarding home schooling?

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From what I know, not a lot of parents are homeschooling. However somewhat of a movement seems to be reversing that trend.

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Think of all the effort put into these lessons and elevating this discussion. Imagine if that effort was put into making sure kids can read! Notice that this is often set up to virtue signal for the teacher because it is public display, keeping up peer pressure for the anti-woke teachers to conform. This is how the woke climb into positions of power and make other staff conform to ideology.

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Read, Read?? Then they might question the teachers! By the way 'teachers' anagrams to 'cheaters'.

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"One wonders if the schools celebrate anything else quite as much as they do LGBTQ identities? One also wonders why that is?"

Yes, the million dollar question anyone with half a brain wants to know. How is it that so much effort is being directed to promote inclusivity for 0.33 % of the population who suffer from the mental disorder of gender dysphoria. Does fairness not dictate that equal time and effort be directed to other mental maladies like, anorexia, bulimia or pica ?? Or, as seems to be the case, only sexual disorders matter. How long will it be before attention is given to the much larger mental disorder of pedophilia ?? Surely this disorder should be afforded equal time with transgenderism.

This article is very troubling to read. The devolution of our education system and its promotion and emphasis on perversity as diversity is, in the language of understatement, "disturbing".

Many thanks to the parents who have taken the initiative to fight back against this vomitus abnormality which has contaminated and metastasized our classroom curriculum. We need to get mad and continue to express our collective anger.

"I want you to get up right now. Sit up. Go to your windows. Open them and stick your head out and yell – ‘I’m as mad as hell and I’m not gonna take this anymore!’ Things have got to change. But first, you’ve gotta get mad!…You’ve got to say, ‘I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not gonna take this anymore!’

......Network 1976

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I’m somewhat concerned that in exhibit C, in a piece about schools, the wrong ‘their’ is used BOTH times - as ‘they’re’ on the projected image, and then as ‘there’ in the text 🤦🏼‍♀️. Jesus wept.

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Fixed the text - thank you.

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Awesome, but I’m far less concerned about your mistake than I am about the fact that they’re more concerned about teaching children made up garbage than they are about teaching them correct usage of words - you know what I’m saying? But thank you for fixing it, nonetheless. I’ll be honest and admit I didn’t read the intro properly and thought that mistake was also made by a teacher

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I’m glad for this Chomsky quote: “The indoctrination is so deep that educated people think they’re being objective.” The focus on race and sexual identity at schools, as well as the fetish for indigenization and other dubious social engineering, are ruinous to a traditional, classical, preparatory education. James and Chanel lay it bare. Woke communists and cultists need to be challenged much more by parents.

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it's really too much....however, I am there doing (God's?) good work and try and be the rock for kids who get it.....a lot of kids know and get things more than adults....I have gone to bat for many kids who didn't want to wear masks, that talked against the shots and the LGBTQ+agenda......I don't participate in pink shirt day, orange shirt day, rainbow flag day, etc..... and let me tell you that, again, I am the only staff that doesn't....the principal, many times comes over and gives me pins that symbolize these days...... it's hard....this is my test against evil and I will not kneel for any of these things......

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James. This is incredibly and important. Thanks to Chanel for pulling it together. Personally, I need specific examples of this stuff from the OCDSB. I will review this list to ID any. Some time ago, I recall a story written by a Muslim parent (possibly on this channel) documenting their specific problem with an OCDSB school/principal and they left the school if I recall. Do you know that story? Can you reference it? Thanks. Steven Lightfoot

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Fantastic work both of you! I'm not on X but took a similar evidence based approach to rebut naysayers recently on Meta by incorporation of screenshots of news articles showing a cross section of 'Porn is Porn' delivered as "third party" education materials left behind "accidentally" in BC and Sask from 2013-2023 which also included safe hard drug use tips for minors. All of which was made OK by perfunctory "apology" and zero application of the law for the guilty parties and groups that were complicit in distribution of pornographic materials to school children under the auspices of: 'family planning aka sex-ed' made light of in CBC reports as merely 'Teaching the birds and the bees...'

To amend:

My other concern is no less important and that of the false flag in Canada that we must teach our children critical race theory. People of my generation have natural relations with all races and genders and were not force fed the current CUPE/government agenda. Sadly, I feel this left radicalism has put a chill on some friendships and has divided many causing some to second guess ourselves. Racists are racist and seldom is that unlearned in the public school system or even higher education. Finally, the term "white-settler" is anathema and pejorative, yet an example of reverse racism now given license.

To quote Mark Twain, "Denial ain't just a river in Egypt!"

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Societies rise, and then fall. We should be under no illusions as to which way we are headed.

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I would like to reach out to the author, and appeal to readers here to take tangible steps to eradicating this plague of wokeism and assist in the development of alternative schooling. There are avenues we can take to inform others and to start our own schools. Telegram is one such media channel where likeminded people meet to organize alternative schooling in Canada. But we need a critical mass. I hope you will all explore and take the next necessary steps. It is situation critical.

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If this does not make you to wake up, then I am not sure if anything else ever will!

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Reading through the comments I see there are a few people who wimped out and couldn't get through the whole alphabet of exhibits. While I do sympathize, I'm here to proudly declare that I DID read through the whole thing, and to prove it I'm going to be a prick and point out that Exhibit L and Exhibit U are the same (I think Exhibit L is missing in action, and somehow U found its way into that spot).

Something else I noticed about Exhibit L / U (I'm a glutton for punishment): one of the other colouring pages on that table reads: "I can choose exactly how I am referred to by the people in my life and this can change over time for any reason." OMG. Colour me green around the gills.

Good work on this James and Chanel.

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Kids can spend their time in the classroom doing this disgusting nonsense, but teachers apparently have no time to teach kids how to read, write and do maths properly. Or even, for God’s sake, teach them what the capital of their own country is or any of its history.

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Sooner or later this bunk will be recognized for the harm it has done and will be a punishable crime in a court of law, one would hope. "I was only doing my job", will of course be a line of defense. I wonder how this is all going to play out in the future. F'n teachers!!

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