By N. Invictus (an anonymous Canadian teacher)
I do not have any formal education in psychology; however, the topic has always been one of my interests. In addition to being generally observant, this interest has led me to read extensively about the subject. By no means am I claiming that I have the solution to address the issue of suicide nor am I discouraging anyone from using the 988 hotline. However, I think part of the solution may lie within the realms of understanding how our government and our society have become perversely progressive and trying to change course. Something worth pondering.
To prevent any misunderstanding, let me begin by stating that I do not take suicide lightly. One life untimely lost is far too many. So, if you are a reader who might get offended by the expression of my thoughts, relax! Drawing from personal experience, I am intimately familiar with the profound emotions that can lead someone to the brink of taking their own life. I have lost friends to this too. Moreover, over the past 15 years, I have witnessed a disheartening number of young people, students at my school, who have tragically ended their lives. This devastating reality prompts me to question how youth in the supposedly modern, democratic, and free world find themselves at such dark junctures, especially with all the support available and when compared to their counterparts facing far worse conditions in other countries, where the prevalence of such incidents is not as pronounced. Only to conclude that we are neither truly democratic nor free, and the so-called support is superficial.
In late November 2023, Canada announced the launch of its 988 hotline. “If you need someone to talk to, remember you are not alone.” This initiative is primarily a response aimed at tackling the increasing number of suicides, as reported by the Statistics of the Government of Canada. While one can acknowledge the effort to address this grave and life-threatening issue, I remain unconvinced that establishing this call centre will revive a nation that has been experiencing both spiritual and literal decline. A dying nation, a nation under attack from within, I am sad to say.
988- "You are not alone; speak with someone today." Wrong! we are very much alone, and I would not dare speak with a government agent about how I really feel and think. I do not want my bank account to freeze, nor do I wish to—once more—become the subject of an investigation by my Professional College! We are alone, as the focus has been and continues to be on dividing this great nation into as many tribal minorities as possible. To facilitate this process, there is a constant invention of new identities, fragmenting us into powerless particles floating in the air. We become scared of each other, perpetually feeling lonely.
So many "isms," "phobias," labelling, name-calling, and a long list of hyphenated Canadians—how could we not be alone? When our minor differences are exaggerated, our shared humanity is undermined, our Canadian identity is frowned upon, and our heroes, our history, and our heritage are deemed something to be ashamed of and necessitates regular apologies and acknowledgements!
The desire to live, beyond being a survival instinct rooted in our biology, is fundamentally propelled by one simple yet powerful word: HOPE. I fail to recall any incident, any attempt, or any speech from our government that has truly conveyed the message of hope. "Hope" is a single word, yet it encompasses numerous profound concepts, including:
Honour, Oneness, Pride, Education
Hardworking, Opportunity, Prosperity, Empowerment
Heritage, Outstanding, Patriotism, Endurance
Heroism, Obliged, Perseverance, Empathy
Not to mention freedom, stability, gratitude, and predictability.
If there is any hope of rectifying the tragic suicide phenomenon, it needs to, at a minimum, involve infusing hope among people, specifically the most vulnerable. With hope comes strength, the drive to take charge, a boost in one’s agency, and empowerment of one’s autonomy. While it is great to have the opportunity to speak with someone—someone who is willing to listen—how does the government expect people to trust the 988-line when our Prime Minister made no effort to listen to our truckers, whom he had called our heroes just a year before that? Who calls concerned parents "far-right"? Who is the master of division? Who labels anyone who opposes his ideologies? Nor would I want a digital record of my distress to be used against me at any point in time, to discredit my objections, or to brand me as someone with a mental disorder or emotional instability. I will pass!
Our Prime Minister claims that diversity is our strength. In its real essence, it may very well be. However, I refute this, as it is quite clear that our diversity is his strength. Just imagine.
If only Richard Bilkszto was not a white man, if only Madame Kojo was a white man, and if only Madame Kojo had told Richard, you in your blackness (instead of you in your whiteness). Undoubtedly, our Prime Minister would not have remained silent! Not that I believe he cares either way, though he seems very much inclined to virtue signalling. Whether what he wants to signal is actually a virtue is questionable, to say the least.
Draws strength from our divide
His DEI we must abide
To instill hope among people, we need to foster love, respect, and pride for our country, rather than holding everyone accountable for the wrongdoings of the past. Every nation, tribe, or culture has had its flaws, wrongdoings, and even atrocities— it is high time to move beyond this once and for all. Let's educate our children in school about all the positive aspects of our country, our system of government, and the dedicated efforts of our founding fathers to shape Canada into the nation it is—or was before deviating too far in the wrong direction. This way, they can learn to appreciate being Canadian, take pride in their Canadian identity, and grow up with hope for a bright future that they can build for the next generation, just as those before them did.
We need to focus on and emphasize our shared Canadian identity, our shared humanity, and our Canadian values—the ones we used to have, including things such as freedom of speech, expression, thought, and conscience. To put our country before ourselves and our pathetic self-centred immediate and hedonic feelings of identity. Revive gratitude as opposed to entitlement, replace victimhood with agency, and infuse a sense of responsibility and drive to combat the feeling of being oppressed. Opening one's eyes to the minuscule fortunes one has may bring a sense of satisfaction and appreciation that could become the drive to move forward.
Even bringing back prayer has its merits. There is something to be said about believing in a higher being—something more important than us. Though this might sound superstitious, old-fashioned, religious, or not highly intellectual, however, it has helped many people overcome adversities. Faith has kept people away from addiction, from depression, and has given them hope. There is tremendous value in things that worked in the past, such as setting boundaries, respecting family values and traditions, collectively attending a place of worship, focusing on giving back to the community and helping someone who is in a worse condition than ourselves.
Economic stability, predictability, and fiscal restraints will empower people to plan for their future and instill hope that they can create a solid financial plan. Individuals of all age groups and families of all backgrounds would be able to trust that in Canada, by working hard, studying diligently, saving, and making sacrifices, their efforts will pay off. This not only contributes to society but also ensures the possibility of living a financially secure life.
With a government that does not seem to believe in fiscal restraints, we are left with a national debt beyond comprehension. According to the Fraser Institute report, Mr. Justin Trudeau increased government spending immediately upon taking office in 2015 changing the course of the $1.4 Billion surpluses planned by the previous government to a $2.9 billion deficit. This is pre-pandemic. “During Justin Trudeau’s tenure, federal per-person debt increased by 35.3 percent between 2015-2022.” ( Fraser Institute )
There goes our money, there goes our hope!
Hope is a wonderful, life-saving word. Like all immigrants throughout history, hope is the driving force that led me to Canada. Immigration is one of the most difficult things anyone can do. If you do not believe me, feel free to try it! Leaving everything behind, cutting oneself from one’s roots, starting over, adapting, adjusting, and trying to fast-track as much as possible can only be done when one has hope. After all the turmoil and turbulence and becoming a proud Canadian, I am faced with a government that demonizes my Canadian identity, holds me accountable and wants to make me feel guilty for occupying someone’s land every day and in every meeting, calls this nation and its institutions racist, forces me into group identity, and pities me for being a minority of ethnic background by assuming that I am not able to attain things and positions based on merit. To make things even worse, it legalizes narcotics and other mind-numbing substances, making them easily accessible- to almost any age group, if you think this is not true you have not been at schools for a long time- and safe to inject while providing an overdose prevention kit with them!
I take pride in being a Canadian, and I hope we all do, but my government and its institutions are sucking hope out of me, and I am resisting with as much power as I can muster. Please do the same! Without hope, we may continue to exist, but our spirit will wither. Without hope, we will perish.
During the dreaded lockdowns, a remark from one of the school's office staff struck a chord with me, encapsulating the essence of our situation: "They won't let us die, but they don't let us live either." While it is crucial to invest in and initiate support that may prevent untimely deaths, our nation needs much more than a 3-digit hotline; it is in dire need of hope. We need to be able to live, not just be alive. We need
Honour, Oneness, Patriotism, Empowerment
Thanks for reading. For more from this author, read Thank you Carolyn: For holding the line!
Also, for more evidence of the ideological indoctrination in Canadian education, read Yes, schools are indoctrinating kids! And also, Yes, The University is an Indoctrination Camp!
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2) By making a contribution to the Investigating Wokeism In Canada Initiative, which raises the funds necessary to maintain and expand Woke Watch Canada’s research and investigation into Dysfunctional Canadian School Boards, Education, Indigenous Issues, Free Speech, and other areas of Illiberal Subversion and the Canadian Culture Wars.
Is MAID is part of the 988 service? Because as far as I can tell, the government wants to make it easier for us to kill our selves, not prevent it.
Amen brother. Thank you. A small dose of that exceedingly rare elixir….hope.