Is MAID is part of the 988 service? Because as far as I can tell, the government wants to make it easier for us to kill our selves, not prevent it.

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Good catch!

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Amen brother. Thank you. A small dose of that exceedingly rare elixir….hope.

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When growing up in North London, UK, I had my heroes of Scott of the Antarctic and Hillary and Tensing of Everest. Trained and qualified as a woodwork teacher the prospect of teaching for 30 years in this subject horrified me. I emigrated and experienced the North Atlantic in winter, hove to for a day and the immense Canadian Shield and prairie distances before arriving in Edmonton over the High Level bridge. Within 3 hours I had a teaching position for the Fall and within a day I was laboring on the U of A,s Biological science building phase two. ......... Since then I have a Phys. Ed. degree and Masters writing on the fur trade Cree snow shoe and its indigenous manufacture. It was much appreciated by the Museum of man since I had incorporated my Snowshoe racing experience into the examination equation of mechanics and material limitations. With my academic training I have been able to develop XC skiing for the handicapped and young Jack Rabbit skiers and publish technical examinations of the intricacies of waxing XC skis. I have skied 100 mile overnight marathons and encouraged the use of the Edmonton river valley trails by mapping routes and publishing the results. In retirement I still push the limits with an attitude of Why Not? rather than Why? and have no end of activities during the day.

I would never have been able to live such a productive life if I had not come to Canada and I am grateful for the opportunities given me. I am deeply disappointed with negative developments in Canada. I have been cancelled as Town Crier in Duncan because of historical injustices, so called, occurring in Kamloops with the alleged discovery of bodies.{ I taught in a residential school .} I refuse to be cancelled and still have High level Gigs on Vancouver Island and the lower BC mainland. Research and publication by recent authors in substack and Utube give me hope that a developing awareness of the situation will turn events around. Change begins with the individual drawing a line in the sand and saying " No more" and pushing back with reason and facts.

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Yes. Hope is essential.

And Trudeau is rotten, which is what MAID has become.

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Wow! This is an excellent article. Everything I'm feeling. I'm going to print it out. Thank you!

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