Writer N. Invictus is dead right about the compelled speech in the teaching profession. This example is the most relevant to me: "Teachers in Ontario are implicitly and explicitly expected to accept fiction as facts and to be dishonest to parents." Educational authorities have lost their integrity. Their commitment to woke communism is such that they forget the rights of those they are trying to indoctrinate. They falsify our past, as with the genocide lie, and they excitedly push children toward transgenderism, which is why there is no communication with parents on controversial school practices - they know it's wrong!

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Remedial training, contemporarily translated, means re-education camps used by Joseph Stalin during the repressive Soviet Regime of 1930s, later adopted by China's Mao Zedong's Communist China and refined by Cambodia's brutal Khmer Rouge rule. As Karl Marx once famously said, "History repeats itself, first as tragedy then as farce". This is a farce.

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what a useless twat that lecce is but then this entire Govt has turned into a shit show with the only interest is grabbing greenspace to sell to their business buddies and feathering their own nest.

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Thank you so much for trying. We need more to step up.

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Answer: NO. Stephen Lecce is the worst Minister of Education in decades. He's totally woke.

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