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It appears the slimiest Prime Minister in Canadian history has frustratingly chosen a cowardly pathway out of his wildly unpopular premiership. Of course, anything but an honourable and immediate exit is what Canadians should have expected.
In surveying the commentary concerning Little Potatoes resignation, and the prorogation of Parliament, I am a little surprised to not see more outrage at the precarious position Trudeau has put the country in. Who is going to be negotiating the trade dispute with the in-coming Trump administration? It’s true that a January non-confidence vote triggering an election would have interrupted and complicated the process of trade negotiations, but now, with the Liberals still in power, instead of focusing all of their diplomatic resources at solving these pivotal trade issues, they will be mired in the squabbles and drama of an internal leadership race.
I have not hid my opinions on the history of Canada’s political class. In my view, they have been for the most part, since Trudeau senior, an ineffective bunch of elite business types who sold out Canada’s cultural heritage for a utopian dream of multiculturalism and globalization. In spite of the results, they have doubled-down on their social vision over these decades, consistently rebranding and repackaging it into novel new terms and catch phrases. It has become increasingly radical and further away from the interests of the majority of Canadians. Trudeau and his band of hapless Liberals have, more so than any other disappointing past members of the political class, exemplified the unhinged attributes of what Thomas Sowell called the unconstrained social vision.
The left is unable to see their unconstrained excesses. When their policies fail, their own analysis does not find fault with the central premises of their grand vision. Instead, they determine that the vision wasn’t effectively implemented, or not enough of it was. This is a lack of self-awareness that defies belief. When I see it in action, I turn away in disgust. I find it incredibly uncomfortable to listen to insincere elitists like Justin Trudeau or Chrystia Freeland explain how their unpopular ideas are actually the dreams that Canadians hold and discuss around the kitchen tables of the nation. Yuck, nothing could be more revolting than the utter pablum these infantilizing creeps insult us with.
But the prorogation, the extension of this awful Liberal purgatory, is just too damn much for me not to bust out my pen and comment. Here is what I noticed in Trudeau’s resignation speech. Immediately after he announced the prorogation, with nothing less than a serious countenance and a somber tone, he shifted the subject to himself, his family, and his future. It was after letting the country know that in spite of the exigency of these times, which includes a compendium of issues stacked on top of the impending trade dispute, without missing so much as one beat, Trudeau’s expression changed instantly, unnaturally, from the somber statesmen play act, to the self-absorbed smug egoist we all know him to be.
Please dear readers let me know if I am seeing things, or imagining things. Maybe I am projecting? Maybe my dislike of the man utterly restricts me from assessing generously anything about him. The way he looks, every damn expression he makes. The tone of his voice, that wimpy subtle lisp. The insufferable and uncountable interjections, of “um” and “ah.” The staggering and halting cadence. And finally, the content. The insulting pure stupidity: “The economy is not numbers. The economy is people” ; “the budget will balance itself” ; “You’ll forgive me if I don’t think about monetary policy.” Not to mention the admiration of “China’s basic dictatorship.” And the repeated black face minstrel shows, the countless scandals, the identity politics, the virtue signalling, the constant cringeworthy declarations of being a dedicated feminist. It rattles the brain, it exhausts the nerves.
How the hell did this idiot ever get to where he got, and how the hell did he stay so long? The historians will struggle for generations to come over this grammatically unstable question. The phenomenon of Justin Trudeau is not likely to make sense any time soon. For now, what an awful set of circumstances, initiated of course by him, the one person who could have commanded a different course. A course which might actually have been to the benefit of Canadians. But that is far too much to expect from Little Potatoe.
Canadians need an election, not a Liberal purgatory. We need brighter days, not sunny ways.
Enjoy the memes.
Thanks for reading. For more from this author, read Are We In Canada?
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Well said, and, no you are Not alone! Time to make again Canada free, proud, radical and woke free, clean, use of safe medical drugs over unsafe profits for companies, Judeo-Christian values, appreciation for western civilization, and the list goes on… But at least I won’t see the biggest fake leader I’ve ever seen.
Your description of him and his antics are actually too kind. He’s more despicable than Freeland’s voice