Well said, and, no you are Not alone! Time to make again Canada free, proud, radical and woke free, clean, use of safe medical drugs over unsafe profits for companies, Judeo-Christian values, appreciation for western civilization, and the list goes on… But at least I won’t see the biggest fake leader I’ve ever seen.

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Your description of him and his antics are actually too kind. He’s more despicable than Freeland’s voice

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My question is how to deal with the woke Senate and judiciary which is Trudeau’s ball and chain on the next likely Conservative govt?

How can the senate and judicuary abide by the will of the people who will elect a conservative govt?

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I’d like to ask if you could write about the priorities a new Conservative government should do to get as much change as quickly as possible?

We need people to be writing to their MP to get action.

We need to rally the troops

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Time to abolish ALL current sitting senators, then have an election for them, non of this appointed patronage crap, our constitution needs a complete overhaul

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"How the hell did this idiot ever get to where he got,"...look no further than our fawning establishment mainstream media who fell in love with his hair and arrogant Laurentian pedigree!

What kind of criteria is that for leadership to govern a country? ....but it worked!...for nine years!

It was these media elitists (literally bought and paid for) who have until the recent advent of Social Media, been the self anointed "King Makers" to we, the woefully uninformed masses.

Mercifully the old imbedded elitist's are fast becoming irrelevant and facing the same ignominious fate as yesterdays eight tracks and cassettes!

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I think the socks might have had something to do with it.

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We must demand ⚖️👊🇨🇦

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How did we get here?

Because Pierre Trudeau, an Laurentian Establishment icon died and his son captured the heart of the Laurentian Nation and Media by delivering a made for politics eulogy.

Simple as that. The crowd that mattered was there to watch, as was the legacy media who immediately saw the potential for Camelot North dynasty politics that could turn into a father-son Prime Ministership.

Trudeau surrounded himself with capable political operatives, charmed his way into the Liberal Party and leadership and the rest is history.

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To your question why did he get there and stay so long? Canadians put him there. Canadians elected him. Canadians thought he was wonderful. He legalized pot. Canadians kicked out Harper who if nothing else, was a smart and decent man. So look in the mirror and let it be lesson learned not to elect the Liberals ever again. He did not do the damage single-handedly. He had support from MPs, from the NDP and many fellow Canadians. He likely is a narcissist and a coward but he was elected to the position. The nation gets the politicians it deserves. It should be a wake up call to the entire country, this train wreck. The truckers helped to bring it to a head and look how Tamara Lich and Chris Barber and others have been made to suffer. Look at how the Liberals divided the country. Look at Prof Byram Bridle, another decent man who has been locked out of his lab at U of Guelph for over three years. Look at Dr Trozzi, Dr Philips, Dr Kovinder Gill, Randy Hillier, and many others who stood up to the tyranny and have been treated abysmally by the courts, by the government and by the people who have not stood up in massive protests over the way many individuals have been treated by these little dictators. Canadians ought to hang their heads in shame at their collective failure to protest the actions of this government. Yes there are many who have and have paid dearly for doing so but where are the rest? Shame on them all.

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How bout Convoy '25 for an immediate election? Demand a new government, not a new Liberal leader. A May election is too far away.

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Nail firmly hit on the head. That is exactly what is needs but are Canadians up for it? Do they have the guts? I think not.

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Plenty of outrage out west, James, but - thankfully - Danielle Smith doesn't let emotions (anger) overtake logic.

Further, according to a Western Standard News article, "Lawyers claim Trudeau’s prorogation of Parliament 'illegal' - Justice Centre to challenge Prime Minister Trudeau's actions (https://www.westernstandard.news/opinion/carpay-lawyers-claim-trudeaus-prorogation-of-parliament-illegal/60965, and the first 5 articles are free).

Eva Chipiuk posted a good commentary on X today about the illegality.

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Liberals are powerful. They placed their soldiers almost everywhere in every governmental institution. Just think of Canadian Tribunal of Human Right witch imposed a 23,3 billions payment to Indignenous child, and their parents, that could amount up to 120 000 $ per family! In the judgment, the Tribunall fully accepted dominant Indian Residential School narrative. Even the Supreme Court has been contaminated by wokisme views.

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the 2024 contingent liabilities report pegs the potential contingent liability amount in the next decade (solely for settlement claims thanks to Jody's practice directive) at around $2 trillion. next year's budget should be something around 76 billion in claims. Taxpayer need to stop this grift gravy train.

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Considering he just had a house fall on him and a young girl from Kansas stole his ruby slippers, perhaps it might be prudent to soften our appraisal of him. Let us not forget he is no stranger to prorogue which is what Pierre did to Margaret in order to prolong her labor so baby Justin could be born on Dec 25th and have a messianic equivalent to Jesus. As to equivalents, his resignation will in no way cut of the head of the snake. His inherent arrogance will be prolonged for as long as he is able in the effort to somehow come up with an event to suddenly change his public image.

"The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions." ~ Leonardo da Vinci

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Agree wholeheartedly with your assessment of that vapid, smug, arsehole!

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Everyone donate to The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedom who have submitted a claim to the Supreme Court for Trudeau’s illegal prorogue of parliament. More info at info@jccf.ca

Their website is www.jccf.ca

Lawsuits cost but can be very effective in making governments accountable.

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I am with you all the way on this. From the moment Trudeau was proclaimed Liberal leader and won the election in 2015 I knew Canada was in for trouble. It was beyond me how anyhow could fall for this card board cut out of a man -- and I use that term loosely, because he was more like a child reaching for candy. Who couldn't string a sentence together to save his life and throughout his entire career has relied on five or six talking points when he speaks in Question Period or to the media, who of course, don't push him any further, despite the fact that he has never given a straight answer to a question during his entire term as PM. I don't know how many countless times I wrote on various online forums that Trudeau was coasting on the coat tails of his father. Another PM that did his best to ruin the country, but the media have manage to somehow paint him as one of the greatest ever. I wasn't fooled and everything about Junior and his minions -- most of whom know they owe their political careers and perks to him, were going to take this country down a very dark road with Trudeau's 'sunny ways'. The promise of sunny ways and transparency quickly turned into one of the most scandal ridden and secretive, and controlling governments we have ever seen. Trudeau called Harper a control freak -- JT and his PMO staff --- ie. Telford and Butts (who isn't but still is there) have out controlled Harper by leaps and bounds. Their woke polices, their failure to implement anything that is reasonable, their destruction of their military through their DEI initiatives, there contempt for western Canada and western Canadians has been so bold it borders on the obscene. As as you have said it is all driven by Trudeau's ego, and his malignant narcissism. I wrote in a recent substack column of my own that I believe he has all the signs of Narcissist Personality Disorder, which is actual considered the psychiatric field to be a bonafide mental disorder.https://roxannehalverson.substack.com/p/is-trudeau-having-a-joe-biden-moment

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The Liberals will spend three months banging their heads together and fighting for control, only to be sacked at the first opportunity when Parliament reopens. Should things go to hell while this dog-and-pony show continues, I would hazard a guess that they will lose every single seat they have.

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