At 2pm I removed the post from X. It didn't appear like anyone else had commented or come forward with any new information., so I axed it. I fully admit that when I first posted it, I didn't question its veracity at all. After I saw that many commented that it was fake, I was going to remove it, but I left it up to gather a list of witnesses who claimed to have heard JT say it. There was enough of them to warrant me doing so in my opinion. I contacted as many eye witnesses as I could but no one responded with anything definite in terms of when and where it was said.

I want to write a piece that explores false memories, bias, and what Michelle Stirling has called "Ambiguous Losses." Frances Widdowson's piece "Billy Remembers" is another good one that deals with the false memories associated with the 1990s era Satanic Panic and compares it to the Kamloops unmarked graves story.

I understand some of the concerns of readers - that is why I removed the X post. But I stand by my contention that this entire little escapade is interesting for a variety of reasons (I explained some in a different comment on this thread somewhere). Even my own bias and willingness to believe it when I first read it. I'm glad I wrote this piece and I plan on bringing it up again when/if I write about false memories.

Thanks for reading everyone!

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You have a valid point in the false memories thing. Why is it that you would be castigated for posting this when "truths" from indigenous people are revered as being accurate? There isn't really any difference at all.

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Ah, but we're not them, Alison. Let's not be tempted by "whataboutism" : )

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Alison, are you questioning the insight and historical accuracy of the knowledge keepers ?

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Statscan did a study that showed 50 percent of Indigenous people in correctional services suffer from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome so, if Alison isn't questioning the insight and historical accuracy of the knowledge keepers, I sure as hell am!

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Kwe kwe, Ullukkut

Sorry, Joanne !! We are not allowed to talk about the (pink) "Elephant in the Room" in our new "Post National State" and to question the veracity of the "Knowledge Keepers" is DEI heresy. You know that your backyard could suddenly become the next location of unmarked graves if this continues.

"Meegwetch Qujannamiik"

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i might be...

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Good for you being self-aware enough to recognize that you can be subject to biases and logical fallacies.

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I agree. To be honest, I hadn't looked that one up because of my dislike for the man but, it is important to attempt to verify whenever possible. I will remember.

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It goes viral because it vibes with his famous intention to make Canada "the first post-national state", which he has done by trying to demolish any national pride in Canada. I really doubt the quote is actually true, and from what you say here those who think it is true simply "remember" it, rather than having evidence. I think he is so hated, that the quote probably appeals to most imaginations (the only requirement for going viral).

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That quote seems far too on the nose to be real. Even *if* he has those intentions, people don't normally state their nefarious intentions so blatantly in public. Journalistic integrity would demand that if a quote can't be verified, it shouldn't be repeated.

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That is absolutely true, but, "journalistic integrity" has become as scarce as hens teeth.

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All the more reason we should make every effort to practice it.

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Uttering falsehoods is of course a bad idea.

Nevertheless, Skippy has said and done more than enough to convince me that he is the worst prime minister Canada has ever had. And needs to get booted from office asap.

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Ahem. "Skippy" is Poilievre's nickname. Skippy will have to wait his turn to be the worst prime minister.

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I can find it posted online as early as the fall of 2017, so one thing is certain: it didn’t originate with Randy Hillier in 2021.

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What the Hell? You post a quote that you think is probably fake, find out that it is fake, track down the source even, and then keep it alive just because it sounds like something you imagine Trudeau would say even though you know he didn't, just because he disgusts you?

Maybe I shouldn't believe anything you say, Hmm?

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I agree. I was disappointed to read this. An irresponsible move.

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Mr. Pew was checking the veracity of the quote and when he wasn't convinced, removed it.

Irresponsible, not a bit.

It reeks of that narcissist in the PMO.

Hence the experiment.

The only thing worse than Trudeau are the people who would vote that sock puppet.

He's definitely not there for Canadians.

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I have never read that comment, but in fairness, it sounds exactly like something he would say. I think it prudent to simply comment on the obvious and not the obscure and whether or not he said it does not in anyway detract from what he has already said about his, "post national state". Frankly having read his 2017 speech to the U.N. clearly delineates his bizarre vision for Canada, which to sum up in one word, is "vomitus."

"An inflated consciousness is always egocentric and conscious of nothing but its own existence. It is incapable of learning from the past, incapable of understanding contemporary events, and incapable of drawing right conclusions about the future. It is hypnotized by itself and therefore cannot be argued with. It inevitably dooms itself to calamities that must strike it dead." ~ Carl Jung

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I don't really care whether it's something he said or not. It's close enough to what he likely believes and what has transpired in the past almost decade to be representative of some kind of "truth".

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I'm rather disappointed with this post, James. You have not confirmed that this was in fact stated by Trudeau. Indeed, all such sources state otherwise. Your persistence amounts to rumour mongering. The man (Trudeau) is indeed disgusting, and his political leadership is pathetic and incompetent. But this takes the rumour-mongering to new heights (or lows). You're better than that.

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He does not even need to say it - it's obvious what he thinks about Europeans and his father was the same. This creep has been brainwashed by marxists from a very early age. He is not redeemable. He must go and all of his DEI appointee's in our government.

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Trudeau is the perfect example of, 'you are what you do and not what you say.' He embodies the idea that Canada is a land in transition. It matters not to him or others of his ilk that this country has been built by hard-working folks from 'white' European countries who came to these new lands looking for a better life and in a space to grow. They came with knowledge and a range of progressive ideas and methods and tools and they were filled with unbounded personal and social energy. First Nations people who were sprinkled across parts of these northern lands

are the enormous beneficiaries of this immigration. If it was not for this migration of people the Indians likely would still be hanging on to their stone-age past. Trudeau and others who share his level of ignorance can take their theory of post-national evolution and shove it where Paddy put the pineapple.

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I’m with X commenter Dan (@DanGoorevitch): “It does no good to dirty our hands opposing him.” And by that I mean, of course, in this particular way.

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There is evidence that people believe statements the more often they are exposed to them, no matter what the veracity of the statement. Your post simply adds to the incredulous belief that an "old-stock white Canadian" would actually say that they will get rid of them, presumably including themselves. All you have done in my mind is raised my threshold for believing anything you write, much of which needs to be said, given you don't seem to always value the truth and don't mind spreading politicized fictions.

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Clearly I’m questioning the veracity of the quote. I neither believe nor disbelieve it, and I haven’t encouraged others to believe it. I’m asking for evidence. People claim they heard him say it, I’m simply asking my readers if they know anything about it.

In addition, the stuff about false memories is interesting. And, that JT seems to be acting out the substance of the quote is also interesting (at least to me).

Not trying to spread misinformation, just questioning whether it is or not. And discussing why people might “remember it” even if it isn’t true.

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Should be "whether" or not ... "weather" refers to the outdoor atmosphetic conditions. I mention it because the same error appears in the article should you wish to correct it.

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Both words are stored on the same brain cell :(

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Dear James, l am a huge fan of Canadian author Gabor Mate and his knowledge of the ME. Unfortunately at 14'34 of this interview with Katie Halper, he speaks about the 215 graves in Kelowna. I don't have his address in Vancouver but, perhaps you could find it and send him your book GRAVE ERROR.


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Thanks for the link, Shelley. It's important to note that the interview, although just posted to YouTube yesterday, was recorded more than two years ago (per Halper's preamble). Back in 2022, Maté was not alone in still believing there'd been 215 "bodies" found (though of course he should have been more skeptical, even then). It would be interesting to know what he'd say TODAY. It's possible that he's still convinced that those anomalies are graves, I don't know.

I transcribed the segment in question, for anyone curious about his remarks.

Gabor Maté, starting at about 14:20:

“I’m not taking . . . Jewish suffering out of the equation. That certainly is [an] important part of the dynamic. But even if you take them out of the equation what you have is a typical colonial project that’s ongoing now. The same cruelty that any colonialist imposes on the natives, like here in Canada, where you probably read the news of the bodies of 215 native – For, for just, you know, they here in British Columbia and they died in the residential school and they had to use earth-scanning technology to find their bodies. And there’s thousands more of these kids whose bodies have never been found, so from that point of view it’s typical colonialism. As you colonize people you have to dehumanize them, and you have to also dehumanize yourself, so that’s a big part of what’s going on. It’s not just about Holocaust shame and all that. Having said that, that’s certainly a part of it, and, um, this false image of the Jew who goes mildly to slaughter, you know, it’s a complete misreading of history.”

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Thank you Joan. I saw that someone forgot to record Katie's part 1 but, l must have missed the record date on part 2. I was actually trying to find something about todays visit to DC by Netanyahu. Max Blumenthal (Grayzone) and Aaron Mate are currently live-streaming the protest on You Tube.

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James Pew. There was a time during J Trudeaus 1st term. He was in Quebec helping out at some community, region fire, flood, can't totally recall.

A mature lady asked Trudeau in french about how he would, does help, ancien stockiste, old sock people. Trudeau made a reply in french.

Not sure, this french lady may be a source of what you are looking for... Did Justin Trudeau Say This...

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J Trudeau was also a guest on french language TV station Quatre Saisons (TQS). Covid 19.

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Weather? Really?

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In addition, the stuff about false memories is interesting. And, that JT seems to be acting out the substance of the quote is also interesting (at least to me).

And, discussing why people might “remember it”even if it isn’t true.

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