Apr 16Liked by Woke Watch Canada

The author writes: “It is shameful to witness people who seem to be hell-bent against anything and everything Western civilization offers and stands for choose to move here and not only claim victimhood but even worse, wreak havoc.” Both the federal government and the NDP government in B.C. where I live are pushing race-based hiring quotas, so those who come here and bash Canada are above all serving their own interests and using their false victimhood to make it particularly hard for old stock male Canadians to find meaningful work. Schools promote this woke communism by describing our country’s present and past as an immoral racist wasteland. One antidote is to promote Canada as “united, proud, strong, free.” Another is to treat Canadians equally and without regard for colour or ethnicity.

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Apr 16Liked by Woke Watch Canada

No prime minister has torn Canada apart more than Trudeau. The absolute worst.

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Wonderful article and absolutely correct in every way, I also immigrated to Canada at age 16 being extremely grateful for being allowed into this great country of ours. I succeeded as a new immigrant by integrating with other Canadians because I was very happy to be given that chance. My friends were people with the same interests as I had they were many and varied from numerous backgrounds and the common denominator was they all held free world democratic beliefs. I was very careful to stay away from those people who showed negative views and or un-Canadian beliefs such as any hatred towards any group.

Having spent 30+ years working in the GTA with people from every strata of life from far flung places worldwide I can state with all honesty that I very seldom observed the outright hostility and anger shown on our streets today by the Palestinian faction and their followers be they from anywhere. I personally feel as does the writer that this has been caused by our current Prime Minister and his political party.

I have also had the benefit of travel to many other countries with my wife and children as well as working in Mexico for several years while there we obeyed the countries rules we were in showing respect at all times for their culture and flag, this is as it should be and in return we deserve the respect of others for our beliefs and ways of doing things while they spend time in our country.

Those of you from other countries who read this and disagree are free to return to your own country so please do this is if you are unhappy with our Canadian ways.

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“The darkest places in Hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality.” -Dante Alighieri

Divide and Conquer: Instil fear through propaganda, divide the masses, create hysteria. Woke hypocrisy, line pockets with other people’s $, Import and Appease racists and radicals, paying protesters to support Hamas, paying eco-activists to start fires, cheer Nazi’s in parliament, arrest Truckers and freedom supporters but violent mobs are allowed, arrest journalists for asking questions, cancel those who disagree, indoctrinate gender bending and dumb down the young, colonial/oppression academic mumbo jumbo guilt narratives, allow Middle East funding of so called Western institutions of higher learning, vilify Unvaxed on a Covid drug that didn’t work, forcing mandates, ignore Nuremberg code, depressed you lost your livelihood by speaking the truth don’t worry there is MAID, normalize garbage, homelessness, crime everywhere. Can’t afford meat/fish for your family, there’s always bugs.

Is this the great Woke Utopia they gushed about?

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The old fashioned word for 'diversity' in this context is 'treason'.....and as I say that, I am conscious that I am using the kind of language that litters the road to war.

But then that is the inevitable outcome that comes with assault on not just our civilizational roots, but our sexual reproductive ones as well. They are the fundamental pillars that hold us up and together in ways that enable us to produce disciplined, coherent and organic personal and collective outcomes that guarantee our fundamental existential security.

People of gone to war for much less than that. So abandoning the civilities, respect and unity that holds us together as characters and communities augurs extremely badly.

The national slogan for Indonesia is 'Unity in Diversity' which was coined for the new officially recognized Indonesian state in 1949. But since then, there have been a series of struggles that have entrenched unity at the expense of diversity. The central power based out of Java has crushed anything that looked like it was going to get too 'diverse', which is why the Indonesian state is still there in one piece and not communist or some version of theocratic Iran.

The Woke take for granted the security and unity we still have, albeit in attenuated form. As things are panning out, that isn't going to last.

The only reason that places like Canada and Australia are single states with common institutions is the British legacy. Pull that out and the structure will start to collapse and then we will just have to slug it out until someone wins.

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This country is rapidly descending into anarchy, with certain groups being allowed to do whatever they want. Housing prices are disgracefully high, taxes the same, and the rule of law seems to be optional. Good luck Canada, you're going to need it.

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Every time I see or read Trudeau's name, I get the staggers and jags.

"It’s too bad that stupidity isn’t painful. Ignorance is one thing, but our society thrives increasingly on stupidity. It depends on people going along with whatever they are told. The media promotes a cultivated stupidity as a posture that is not only acceptable but laudable. ".....― Anton LaVey

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