Such powerful, prophetic words: “If every child truly mattered, we would not repeat the errors of the past, nor would we engage in and endorse the disastrous wrongdoing of our peculiar era - an era that is rapidly resembling a modernized version of similar doctrines embraced by the totalitarian regime from which I fled.”

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Thank you for this piece, laying bare institutional mission creep of OUR public schools and “broken system” on a literal neo-crusade. I can speak to this at length but in sum: Both of my withheld children have been indoctrinated, indeed alienated against the Orders of the Supreme Court by state agents (school board, Ministry of Children Family & Development as well as the RCMP Liaison Program with a designate ‘Informer type’ embedded in the elementary school system of North Vancouver, BC, Canada), and the opposing party, who, as a female within the context of a social housing community with a university degree is able to utilize the “broken system” which preys upon families racked by separation and Divorce law, then aids “mother” using the School Act to further shield all contact from the paternal family with impunity against the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Law of the Land Section (52) of our Constitution of 1982. All under the auspices of the “woke”, catch all. This trending era of blind ignorance and conformity, I draw comparison to the early Inquisition period of auto de fe in the 15th Century. I will expound on this in greater detail in a different medium to hopefully reach another less informed audience.

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I'll never wear an orange t-shirt or ascribe to the "every child matters" narrative until it has been proven, or disproven, using some of the tens of millions of taxpayer dollars that is flowing to Kamloops band, whether there are in fact any children buried there. I think we all know the answer. As to the current status of teachers, this (rather long) video, although American, is entirely applicable to Canada and it's worth a watch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hybqg81n-M

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Thanks for the link, Alison. I hadn't seen this. I just watched the video (it’s the full compilation of a 15-part video series from about a year ago) and found it compelling. Lyell Asher is a convincing speaker and writer, and this video is basically a history of how ideology came to dominate education colleges (“ed schools”) and the US K-12 education system, supplanting knowledge, intellectual endeavour, and literacy as goals in education. For those who can’t watch the long video, Peter Boghossian has a brief intro to the series on his Substack from Feb 2022, along with a guest post by Asher, here: https://boghossian.substack.com/p/dr-lyell-asher-why-colleges-are-becoming. And many good articles by Asher can be found online, for example this 2019 Quillette piece: https://quillette.com/2019/03/06/how-ed-schools-became-a-menace-to-higher-education/, deemed a 21-minute read.

I searched specifically for REBUTTALS or critiques of Asher’s arguments, and found none in my first 4-5 pages of Google searches (all hits seem to be reporting and supporting his views). Can that be? Are there no educational administrators out there ready to stand and defend their training, their profession, their social justice project? Maybe it’s because, as Asher points out in the video, there are basically two reasons one can’t have a debate with social justice ideologues: 1) They’re INCAPABLE of defending the positions they hold, so an open discussion of those views is deemed a threat; and/or 2) They’re UNWILLING to defend their positions because they are SO CERTAIN about them, and therefore feel that further discussion is a waste of time.

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It's a great video. It also rings true in Canada, where ed schools are the institutions of inculcation of ideology.

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Excellent, and very sad, read.

Unfortunately, some of this reminds me of my own experiences in academia.

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Good men who do something and get fired should not be presumed as “doing nothing.” Hiring practices are often designed to exclude such people as well. As “marginalized groups under a special program under the HRC are prioritized for this position,” is rampant in higher education job postings. Even of you are one of those marginalized people--will the institution actually hire you if they catch any whiff of dissent? If they can hire a friend or someone easily controllable, they will do that instead. The “hrc” claim to moral high ground is designed to discriminate and control the hiring pool. And while this happens, many will still send their kids to such institutions, not being aware at how ideological and corrupt they often are.

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Jun 1, 2023
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“Children need to see a flag that represents them so they feel safe” is a claim used to support a rainbow flag over a public school. Yet the Palestinian child and jewish child, do not get their flags hoisted. Though we are told all matter, all really means some more than others. The Canadian flag should suffice to represent everyone. Otherwise we do note that the flags of 200+ bands of indigenous first people appear to be marginalized by their absence.

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