Those of us of a certain age formed our opinion about “race” during the time of Martin Luther King Jr.

His “colorblind” message was, and remains, the advice we will live our lives by. However, what is probably the second best advice comes from the actor, Morgan Freeman. When asked what we should do about the race question he replied “Let’s just stop talking about it”. If we had just listened to both of these men the world would be the better for it

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Typical thinking of any Judge. Once a precedent has been set, "Let's just stop talking about it!" After all, I'm a lawyer. I can't afford to think in this job! This job is about "thinking" that moral and mental degenerates are "equal", as litigants, to my personally august legal self. That's the kind of thinking that makes me want to run head first into the nearest wall thereby destroying my august legal brain!!! [Just kidding. I love to "gadfly" Canadian Judges.]

Kevin James "Joseph" Byrne

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You may find this piece of interest as it reflects a good deal of your description of the "New Left." https://www.jdhaltigan.com/p/the-politics-of-the-psyche-part-2

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I love this passage: Alinsky counsels his activists to get out into the community and to “rub raw the resentments of the people of the community, fan the latent hostilities of many of the people to the point of overt expression... an organizer must stir up dissatisfaction and discontent, provide a channel into which the people can angrily pour their frustrations”

These grievance actors, of all types, are all about stoking resentment.

Even Russell saw it explicitly stated by Lenin - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TK9c-caEcw

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LENIN: The poor farmers were stirred up to hang the rich farmers! (Ha Hah, hardy Har. That's a Russian 'knee-slapper' for you, Mr. Russell.]

Uncle BERTIE [That old Victorian mathematical fuddle-duddler]:- "I didn't like that very much."

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There is nothing more boring to an Albertan than to read about the excessively subjective navel gazing of Torontonians at their Neo-Marxist-Me-Centric navels. But this article was an arguably OBJECTIVE "navel gaze" in the rear view mirror. [YAWN.]

The author argues that (a little less than 1/4th of the way down the essay) quote: "The central TENANTS of the New Left system of ideas can be sketched as follows: etc.". The author means TENETS (from which both "tenure" and "tenacious" are derivatives), as in, quote:

MERRIAM WEBSTER: a principle, belief, or doctrine generally held to be true especially : one held in common by members of an organization, movement, or profession.

The same dictionary authors say, quote:- "Be careful not to use tenant where you want tenet."


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Kevin: Pompous spell-checkers occupy the the absolute bottom rung of online punditry. Everything you've just said about navel gazing and my article was exceedingly stupid and embarrassing for you.

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You spelled "tenant" correctly. I am neither stupid nor embarrassed. You really are from the center of the universe. You may kiss my western donkey.

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