There is no question that the community of Norwich has shown leadership, commonsense and courage in a Province intoxicated by Woke Extremism. People are tired of the constant deluge of gender inclusivity being propagated by those in constant need of gender validation. Enough, is enough. It is time for the tail to stop wagging the dog!!

"Extremism thrives amid ignorance and anger, intimidation and cowardice". Hillary Clinton

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Shannon Douglas has remarkable insight into our culture war and offers signs of optimism, from a rejection of the pride flag by a town to the negative reaction to “rainbow jackboots” who seek to cancel unpopular opinion.

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And one further thought - with regards to the Rainbow - Many parents (including me) DO have good faith problems with some aspects of gender ideology - BUT, if one takes the Rainbow to broadly mean holding moral value of pluralism and tolerance, then pretty much everyone I know (or have ever met, frankly) supports that. So again, our issue with the Rainbow Jackboots isn't really the Rainbow, its the Jackboots.

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LGB people ARE the Rainbow. They have been swallowed up by the TQ critical theory folx. Just like with liberal feminism (equality focussed), it was done before we knew what was happening.

The Rainbow needs to go back where it belongs: with LGB gay rights elders, former AIDS activists, Lesbians and everyone else who nursed men dying from AIDS, Anyone who wept watching Philadelphia and BrokeBack Mountain, boring middle aged married LGBs in suburbs who are doing their taxes today and of course, teens who think they might be gay or maybe not, but are free to figure it put for themselves with the love and support of their parents. All the teens who have religiously conservative parents who feel tremendous shame and uncertainty.

Finally the Rainbow belongs to all the feminine boys and tomboy girls (aka children) who don't fit in with gender stereotypes and think they are weird but parents will reassure them, support them protect them from trans ideology at school and on social media and they will just be gay, or straight or bi. This is where the Rainbow belongs.

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It is about time that common sense rules the day when whackos, outright idiots and perverts are listened to by academics, school teachers and such it is way overboard and needs to be corrected. The political elite are not blameless either we all know they are liars who would turn in their own mothers to remain in power but enough is enough.

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I love this post Shannon, especially when you explain a ratio. I didn't understand all those comments about smackdown ratios. I am glad you are in my life.😀 oh, and wasn't Julia's video perfect?

Steve Lightfoot's comment below really resonated with me. The Jackboot describes the TQ++ threat to a T. It infuriates me that the Rainbow, a symbol of human rights and dignity for LGB humans has been co-opted. I offer another image that might be more specific to the actual threat - Genderist Jackboots, or Gender Jackboots. Just a thought...thank you for all of your work.

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I just wanted to add one more thought - The Rainbow Jackboots meme is perfect. I think this idea has legs. And, its a simple way to describe the basic problem. Most people, and parents, aren't so much opposed to the Rainbow per se, its the Jackboots that are the problem.

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Rainbow Jackboots. Love this. Perfect description. I am going to use it, going forward.

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