Apr 7, 2023Liked by Woke Watch Canada

It makes sense to put these trans activists in context of the abuse cycle like you said. It does seem like the far left is aiming more for "minority mascots" than never having real relationships or interactions with other people. They are truly a member of a cult or gnostic religion led by the education system.


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Apr 7, 2023Liked by Woke Watch Canada

Thank you Shannon have an awesome Easter

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I think this is less about psycho-dynamics and more about what is turning into a politico-ideological heist/cultural revolution within a culture that over a 50-70 year period has so damaged the boundaries of knowing fantasy and unknowing delusionality, it has allowed delusionals to colonize and take over the institutions of social reproduction and administration, because objectively rational thought has been completely marginalized both in the realms of commercial public relations and marketed consciousness and its postmodernist academic analogue.

This is not to say that this essay isn't true as far as it goes, but the context is much deeper and far more frightening. It is as if the characters in Lewis Carroll's stories about Alice have come back to us out of their psychological burrows and the mirrors of narcissistic reflection, and taken over the shop.

Alice no longer has to wander

through a looking glass

to check out Cheshire cats,

all shiny furred and sleek

with well filed claws

such flawless smiles

and eyes that prey upon

victims yet unseen

while still digesting

on their pawns

sacrificed upon the table

of a heartless Queen

atop looking glass towers

where all the clubs are exclusive

and the breathtaking views

go for thousands of miles.

M Hatter in marketing still does teas

with focus groupies on his knees

but now inspired guesses

scuttle back beneath

imagination’s tresses

giving way to science

interrogated, quantified and engineered

in full house suites

of diamonds steeped in blood,

And polished for their views

On Foxtel News.

Alice eventually stayed

Doing awfully-Important-Work

for White Rabbit solutions,

down labyrinthine burrows

at Wonderland Inc

designing algorithms and reality syncs

for the spades in suits

Who carry guns they like to shoot

‘cos all their cards are bulletproof

And though the maths is good

the calculations stink.

The only dissonance to be found

is the whining doggerel whimsey hound

that occasionally embarrasses guests

by pissing from pots to the clash of spoons

and restless rattle of half full cups

who've heard it all before

but only recall the suck and lap

of pursing lips

not what they said

nor the howling lament

of tea gone cold

forgotten in the rush of feet

to make it past the golden door

before it forever shuts

the last remaining trading floor

on the last remaining chequered board

where all the pieces must be sold

and the king will do as he is told.

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This is a good column on gender ideology vs gender dysphoria. it helps shed some light on the current hysteria, social contagion, or whatever you want to call it. https://buttonslives.substack.com/p/stop-conflating-gender-ideology-with?utm_source=cross-post&publication_id=337059&post_id=111340188&isFreemail=true&utm_campaign=73620&utm_medium=email

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Great article!

Sadly, abused children who age out and leave, usually end up marrying and working for abusers, so the cycle continues until that magical day, when they finally say "I've had enough" and seek help. I was 30 when I woke up. Then I spent the next 15 years trying to undo the psychological and emotional damage inflicted by the abusers. I barely had a handle on it when the government, swayed by Big Pharma's money and Big Tech's power, stepped into that abuser role locking us down, muzzling us, and manipulating and coercing people into taking experimental gene therapy shots just to live.

When I think about the current situation of our world, it seems to me the number of people who either escaped childhood abuse altogether, escaped the damaging effects of it, or healed from it are the few who recognized the abuse, and are the fringe minority. That means the majority have yet to heal their inner child and become self-actualized adults.

I hope it doesn't take the masses too long to hit that proverbial bottom and find their own inner power, otherwise we are collectively in for a lot of turbulent years.

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fair comments, except mRNA vaccines are not gene therapy. The mRNA from the vaccines does not enter the cell nucleus or interact with the DNA at all, so it does not constitute gene therapy. There are other types of covid vaccines available if you can't bring yourself to admit that scientific fact, so in the interests of public health and of your own health I hope you availed yourself of non-mRNA vaccines. Me, I took any one that was offered. I didn't want to become a statistic of this very unpredictable virus.

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