Thanks yet again for the precise information, to be honest this is an awesome publication you do, as I am shocked yet again, at finding a story I was not aware of till I read your work, let's get Woke Watch Canada out in everyone's hands

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Great summary of recent madness involving trans zealots. Story of Josh Alexander should awaken people to insidiousness of woke ideology in schools: not just teachers like me are cancelled but students who challenge prevailing narratives. Restricted inquiry is antithetical to education.

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If you want to dress up like a clown because of your mental illness, then fine, although therapy would probably be a better course of action. But as soon as these men's behaviour strays into predatorial acts against females, well, if I was around, that type of behaviour would be short lived. It's good to see the Gay community finally starting to call out these perverts. Time to put a stop to the madness before more copycats start popping up.

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