Hamas’s massacre of 1,200 Israeli civilians, in addition to being the greatest humanitarian outrage ever visited on the state of Israel, is also an act of both rehabilitation and self-erasure, and an enormous tactical blunder. Overnight, Hamas reestablished the legitimacy of the Israeli government, which had been hanging by a thread under an authoritarian prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, currently on trial for corruption by a judiciary whose independence he’s trying to destroy. One Hamas gunman filmed himself shooting an elderly woman, using her cell phone, then posted the video to Facebook and set her house on fire. This wasn’t a military operation; it was a Jew-killing spree. Hamas allied itself with its own gravediggers by guaranteeing a furious military response, which has already begun, in which Israel will endeavor to remove every trace of the terrorist group from Gaza.

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Thank you for peeling away some of the tissue of cultural Marxist/Islamic lies. Israel's biggest mistake was succumbing to its own leftist elements - and the lie - that the Arab residents of the so-called West Bank (historically Judea and Samaria) and the Gaza Strip were ever a distinct culture or people who ever wanted statehood. You don't reject all offers with more terrorist attacks if that is your goal. But you do if you've been planted there by an Islamic hegemony who wants you dead.

Said PLO leader Zuheir Mohsen in the Dutch newspaper Trouw (March 31, 1977): "The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism.... [T]he moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan."

I suggest that now is an excellent time for the so-called Palestinians to exit the Gaza Strip (and Judea/Samaria) to reunite themselves with their Jordanian - or Syrian or Lebanese or Egyptian - brothers.

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how many lies and falsehoods are contained in this article? lets count.

but first it must be said that it was israel that financed the creation of hamas. they did this to create an opposition to fatah. just another wrong move by white colonists from NY, LA and europe who are running around an area that has been majority arab for 1000s of years.

- people oppose the israel illegal occupation because of "anti-semitism" becuase of "islamic fundamentalism". this one huge lie. no one believes it except right wing nuts. people oppose the israeli illegal occupation of millions of native arabs because its a crime against humanity, is a racist colonial endeavor that israel has no plans to end and instead hopes to continue ethnic cleansing of native people.

- "The borders of Israel, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank must be tightly controlled by Israeli security at all times, this includes all movements of people and materials in and out of these regions. "

another lie. if israel wasnt illegally keeping millons of natives in a perpetual prison they wouldnt have to protect any borders. the borders israel is allowed to monitor is its own pre 1967 borders. protecting any other borders are illegal and not needed.

israel has never negociated in good faith. so it cant be claimed palestinaisn wont negotiate. israels plan has always been ethnic cleansing.

- "Hamas will absolutely import the materials necessary to destroy Israel and kill all the Jews."

wrong again. again, end the occupation and Israel's security threats would be as any other country. these are blatant lies to justify an endless fascist state and ethnically cleanse native ppl.

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There were neither lies or falsehoods in the article. Everything he wrote was factually correct. You, on the other hand, lie repeatedly, which is not surprising given that you are an apologist for Arab Muslim supremacism and Islamist depravity.

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I've been following your Newsletter about the gender propaganda in schools with interest but this completely biased,nonsensical comment about Israël and Palestine forced me to cancel my subscription and wonder if your previous articles have been completely wrong as well.

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The newsletter is called 'woke' watch. The views expressed here are wholly in keeping with what that implies. The dominant mindset that has been dubbed 'woke' is a dangerous scourge on multiple fronts, not just gender. I think you might discover if you seek to understand what's driving the current thinking around gender, that it maps loosely onto everything else going on in society, including Middle East geopolitics. It's not a stretch once you grasp the basic principles. Good luck.

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there are so many parallels between gender ideology and zionists. both seek to rob the rights of historically marginalised groups for the benefit of white men. gender ideology seeks to robs the rights of millions of women, kids, gays and dysphoric ppl. zionism seeks to rob the land rights of millions of native people. both are financed by big money interests and have spent decades creating mountains of circular propaganda that , when you really look at it, and very few do, one can see zionism and gender ideology are just one big gaslighting campaign promoted by white men. both seek to have US taxpayers pay for their endevors, via tax payer funded pills and surgeries or tax payer military assistance. both are a "wag the dog" situation of the lazy US citizen.

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The Zionist conspiracy, right? All the way from the Protocols of the Order of Zion. You use the term "White Men," but we all know who you really mean, who controls the press, the movie industry, etc. with their "big money." I have read Mein Kampf a time or two, and what you say echoes the writings of that author.

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Nice try but characters like this Kyle Reese are as persistent as the cockroach. In every generation they regurgitate a different pile of pseudo-intellectual, anti-Semitic garbage.

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funny. sorry you bought a condo on illegally occupied land. dont blame me.

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Gee Kyle, did the dog eat your homework?

The Peel Commission Report of 1937 stated:

''... illegal Arab immigration was not only going on from the Sinai, but also from Transjordan and Syria ...'' This same report cited the Nazi collaborator , the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem , Amin al - Husseini, admitting to Sir Laurie Hammond that all land had been legally purchased by the Zionists via the Jewish National Fund or individual philanthropists and absolutely no land had been stolen.

Of course, the ultimate authority is G-d. (You remember Him?) The Jewish Torah (parts of which made their way into the St. James Bible as the Old Testament) said in several places that He (the ultimate landlord) gave Israel to the Jews. Don't believe in Torah? Too bad. It was given to several thousand witnesses at Sinai many moons ago after they heard the actual word of G-d and begged Moses to deal with Him. Or it could have been aliens. Either way, the Jews got Israel.

As for occupying Gaza recently well, I guess the Israelis didn't like having the Gazans come into Israel to rape their women, behead their babies and commit other atrocities that probably make someone like you hard. Unless of course, the Gazans decide to switch targets and come to your house.

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you probably shouldnt comment on this issue at all if you dont know what zionism is. thats what the entire israeli issue is about. this is why we can never abolish the electoral college. if we did the US would be a banana republic in about 2 seconds.

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It is impossible to take someone seriously who cannot even be bothered to adhere to the rules of English grammar.

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yup, it costs me nothing to save the world by opposing israeli fascism. but i also dont benefit. im not getting a free condo on illegally occupied land in palestine, im not getting brownie points from my fly over state brain washed christian community, my mother didnt request i support one group over the next even if the group she favored morphed into 100% evil. but i do use spell check at my place of employment if it makes you feel better.

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Will no one shed a tear for the "rights of historically marginalised [terrorist] groups?"

The self-styled "Palestinians" who are a potpourri of various nationalities, all essentially Arab and overwhelmingly Muslim are not "native" to the region in question. Most of these people are the descendants of late 19th to mid-20th migrants from elsewhere in the former Ottoman Empire. There was never a distinct "Palestinian" Arab identity until it was invented out of whole cloth by the newly created PLO and their Soviet backers in a deliberate effort to win support from the Third World by aping decolonization rhetoric of the 1960s.

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arabs have been the majority ppl in the palestine area for 1000s of years. jewish ppl have had only a tiny % in this area during this time. the last time jewish ppl had any significant % in this area was 5th century. that is until my ppl, the US allowed activists to pitch a tent there. we now know that was a huge mistake. truman couldnt have imagined israel would morph into a fascist state and keep millions of people in a never ending harsh prison and literially slaughter them for the benefit white dudes from NY. LA and europe.

since you are likely one of the white colonist you think this is a great idea. since i am one of the people paying for this train wreck i can see this is a huge crisis is 100% caused by israel.

the US had a big problem at its start with slavery. but we figured it out. it wasnt easy tho. israel has a similar problem. but theyre not up to the job.

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You have absolutely no idea what are you talking about. Pathetic, actually. Try visiting a library.

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denial is a infliction that affects many. but only the true narcissist that will remain in denial forever. so, im thinking you'll come to understand eventually.

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You didn’t say what you take issue with. I thought the article was fair and perceptive. You’re using your respect for James’ commentary on gender propaganda is now in question but I’d suggest you have that backwards. You appreciate his analysis there enough to subscribe to his work because it’s fair, valid and perceptive. Suddenly you think he’s uttering “nonsense”.

I’m inclined to think your reaction is emotional and inflamed and unsustainable if examined closely. It’d be easier to see if you explained yourself.

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This was an excellent truth that ties Woke Watch and the hatred toward Jews.

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I'm in your "over everything from issues around gender ideology in schools, to the widely repeated claim that North America is systemically racist, to the promotion of coercive measures that forced reluctant healthy citizens to inject untested vaccines, and on and on and on" ..camp and more,100%.

But I believe you've entirely missing the key historical factor in this tragic and generational stand-off and crisis; that these "Palestinian's" (for the sake of discussion) grandparents and great grand parents were militarily FORCED out of their homes; resisters burned out, and the JUSTIFIABLE fighters MASACERED, to make way for (ushered in) Jews, WHOM (at the very least, the Holocaust survivors), could very well.. instead, been given financial support to buy homes and/or land, ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD they wished to live, INSTEAD of STEALING it from people who had been there for generations.

THIS is the crux of the Palestinians pain ..and score to settle, admittedly (now), spread, and a world-wide and emigrant phenomena, but that YOU"VE entirely missed ..and conveniently painted over with a fear-mongering CLAIM of a forever and always Islamic intolerance.

Personally, and I've been on the planet considerably longer than you, I was aware of NO international Islamic threat prior to 1948, and more over, prior to UNJUSTIFIED US MILITARY INVASIONS of the middle east. - Kenneth J Clark, Retired Albertan

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I'm in you "over everything from issues around gender ideology in schools, to the widely repeated claim that North America is systemically racist, to the promotion of coercive measures that forced reluctant healthy citizens to inject untested vaccines, and on and on and on" ..camp and more,100%.

But I believe your entirely missing the key historical factor in this tragic and generational stand-off and crisis; that these "Palestinians" (for the sake of discussion) grandparents and great grand parents were militarily FORCED out of their homes; resisters burned out, and the JUSTIFIABLE fighters MASACERED, to make way for (usher in) Jews, WHOM (at the very least, the Holocaust survivors), could very well instead, been given financial support to buy homes and/or land, ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD they wished to live, INSTEAD of STEALING it from people who had been there for generations.

THIS is the crux of the Palestinians pain ..and score to settle, admittedly (now), spread, and a world-wide and emigrant phenomena, but that YOU"VE entirely missed ..and conveniently painted over with a fear-mongering CLAIM of a forever and always Islamic intolerance.

Personally, and I've been on the planet considerably longer than you, I was aware of NO international Islamic threat prior to 1948, and more over, prior to UNJUSTIFIED US MILITARY INVASIONS of the middle east. - Kenneth J Clark, Retired Albertan

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No problem Nervous. I am very happy to leave it at that.

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James, here is a little bit of overview on the always vexed issue of the status of Jews throughout history, whether being kicked or doing the kicking. It starts with a lamentation and remonstrance with God by a very disillusioned Jew, set just after the end of the holocaust, and then goes from there. I wrote it back in 2009 and it seems more apposite now than it did then


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What sanctimonious, ahistorical garbage that exhibits a complete indifference to Jewish claims to the region in question, nor acknowledges the religiously mandated hostility to Jews that is codified in the Quran, Hadith, Sunnah and Islamic jurisprudence, as well as the brutal treatment of Jews and other religious and ethnic minorities at the hands of Muslims over many centuries as has been documented by many reputable scholars, such as Bat Ye'or, el al. (although, to be fair, you do at least acknowledge the existence of these "Dhimmis"). You claim that "Zionism was always a bare faced colonialist enterprise," while neglecting to mention that a sizable percentage of the non-Jewish population in "Palestine" were likewise the fruit of colonialism, not just of the Arab Conquests from more than a thousand years earlier but of contemporaneous population movements from elsewhere that was occurring simultaneously as the initial waves of Jewish settlement and economic activity and as a consequence of numerous social and political upheavals then roiling the former Ottoman Empire. You don't even bother mentioning the estimated 850,000 to a million Mizrachi Jews who were driven out of Arab-dominated lands where their forbears had resided for upwards 2,500 years in a wave of pogroms between 1941 and the early 1970s, a majority of whom were absorbed into tiny Israel and whose descendants now comprise roughly 60% of Israel's Jewish population. Makes me feel nauseous just to read such antisemitic tripe. Boy, did I ever misjudge you.

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But let me be plain Nervous. If the rest of the world operated antique land claims like the Zionists, it would be even more of a mess than it is. I think the Zionist claim to Palestine is an ideological vanity for which they and everyone else in the region will pay very dearly. The entirely predictable wars of toleration that the 1948 folly triggered are the worst there is and they usually end either in complete destruction of one side, or common exhaustion after protracted struggle sometimes lasting centuries.

I have said nothing for which I need to apologize. You don't have to like it.

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Still don't understand why the only identity politics this newsletter ever condones are those concerned with Jews. If there's a bias, that's fine. It just doesn't seem to be disclosed anywhere.

Why am I supposed to care about this conflict at all, either way, as a Canadian?

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Why should you care about this issue, as a Canadian?

1. The obscene, vile attack on children should be reason enough.

2. The same Hamas child murderers are working to export their hate and violence to other countries, including Canada.

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