The author writes forcefully: “You should be embarrassed and ashamed that you are trying to trick people, hide what you are really doing and steal jobs from decent, hard working white men (and their wives and children).”

As a white man who worked hard and was last promoted almost four decades ago, I know how many doors are closed, but also how much those of a different stripe have benefitted from preferential hiring. Merit is often a secondary consideration. I worry for my grandsons, and I worry for the new Canada of unfair competition.

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Sep 25Liked by Woke Watch Canada

Ever since Obama was elected President of the USA White men in the military have been denigrated and the proof is in a book entitled “The War On Warriors” Behind the Betrayal of the Men Who Keep Us Safe written by Pete Hegseth an American Military Warrior! Available at Amazon! Please read to see how Woke and destructive this is to the safety of our countries! Meritocracy be damned!

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