I think I'm reasonably tough, and I've winced my way through a lot of media for research purposes and for the sake of hearing what all sides have to say . . . but I couldn't make it past 4 minutes watching that MSNBC interviewer. Wow.

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Sarkonak: "Social justice scholars at Western University recently made a 90-page "toolkit" to help teachers integrate gender ideology into the classroom".

Calling the people who put this tripe together "scholars" is an insult to scholarship. They are activist propagandists with a radical far-left agenda.

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Excellent News from Danielle Smith today! I was not able to attend the summit due to the power being out all day. Is it possible I can get a recording? summer@vanislandalliance.ca

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Hi — I'm from BC and have registered for the Saturday ZOOM Summit, which should be in BC 9:00 am. Haven't received any acknowledgement or any directions how to connect. Nothing to click.

How does this proceed?

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Here is the sign up link - https://prcoc.ca/#/

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I look forward to this event, I hope to attend for at least a little while.

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Unbelievable !!! They have the audacity to call this a tool kit. That is an obvious misnomer. The more appropriate name would be a "fool kit". Do scientists need any more proof than this that extra terrestrials walk among us sabotaging the institutions of our society.

" Well, it started, for me it started last Thursday. In response to an urgent message from my nurse I'd hurried home from a medical convention I'd been attending. At first glance, everything looked the same. It wasn't. Something evil had taken possession of the town."

Dr. Miles J. Bennell......Invasion of the Body Snatchers

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