Aug 6Liked by Woke Watch Canada

Gotta say … I enjoyed this personal exposition of what this science is at a most basic and understandable level. I very much enjoyed reading your good writing and look forward to the next installment. TM

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Aug 6Liked by Woke Watch Canada

So much to praise here, such erudition, at times simple: “We often displace our problems and believe they are something else or caused by someone else.” My focus of late has been residential schools and how woke progressives are teaching the Indigenous to blame long-ago schools for current dysfunction in their communities.

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Last week Michael Shermer (Skeptic Magazine) shared an article written 20 years ago by social psychologist Carol Tavris. She outlined the crucial differences between psychological SCIENTISTS and today's “psychotherapists” and clinical psychologists. The article contained a lot of food for thought, and got into some of the ways psychology has been captured (anthropology, too). https://michaelshermer.substack.com/p/the-scientist-therapist-chasm-in

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7

So what's 'non-woke' about this personal library, and what are its 'saving virtues'?

Not a Freud aficionado myself, but I would recommend Philip Rieff's works on the subject, Freud: The Mind of a Moralist, and The Triumph of the Therapeutic. They make very clear the Freudian underpinnings of 'woke-ism.'

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