This is the best article I have come across yet on real residential schools. We hear so much about the phone charge of culture genocide. Dr. Rubenstein finds a hole in this hyperbolic charge and lists the many examples of cultural empowerment.

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Another articulate and informative article by the master of critical enquiry. One would hope that if Hymie is ever arrested for "Residential School Denialism" that Greg Piasetzski will step forward to defend him.

“Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who cannot, are fools, and those who dare not, are slaves.”

― George Gordon Byron (Lord Byron)

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The defamatory propaganda tropes aimed at the Indian residual school system carry the same cultural hostility and preparedness to make up false narrative as the writers and supporters of that infamous intercultural libel, 'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion'.

The fact that the latter was repeatedly proven to be a nineteenth century forgery in no way slowed down or mitigated its usefulness as a tool to persecute Jews.

Bullshit beats brains and nowhere is that more evident than in the uneven match up between carefully and honestly researched evidence based historical writing, and the institutionalized faith based fantasizing that we are witnessing now, as semi-educated Woke indoctirnaires run amok through our social institutions, destroying them as they go.

Woke and Nazi ideologues have a common ideological modus operandi and will look equally evil and intellectually incompetent when the former gets its turn to fall down an existential cliff into the valley of the shadow of marginalization and discredit......but not before they have done endless damage to everything they have touched in the meantime.

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Nice to see you posting again. Unfortunately we seem to be living in a fools paradise these days.

"A fool's paradise is a wise man's hell" - Thomas Fuller |

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Amen to that.

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The other element of this targeting of the Catholic Church is that it has been a long standing and steadfast faith based enemy of 'The Rational Enlightenment'; an enmity that goes back centuries

Petty bourgeois libertarians have always hated its influence and power, which means that as that has attenuated and found itself often victim of the deregulation and privatization of the means of social reproduction, it has been easy to blame shift the less attractive effects of the dominant paradigm of disinhibited-conformity-without-responsible-adult-agency, onto them.....which the Church was no more immune to than its enemies.

Sticking the knife into the hated Catholic church has been a regular and longstanding liberal 'industry', made even juicier by increasingly being able to blame church moral 'repression' (discipline) for its burgeoning latter day clerical moral failures......rather than the inevitable effect of the dominant consumer paradigm of 'liberation', whereof anything goes because anything does.

And like the 'Protocols', the Catholic Indian Residential school murder/genocide meme conflates old prejudices with new, which makes the new almost immune to critical analysis, just like 'The Protocols' were.

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Great job debunking the indigenous propaganda. How about you tackle the Israeli/Zionist propaganda next? Maybe we can avoid WW3.

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Thank you for giving a side to the story that most of the media will not touch.

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Filled with informative detail.

The TRC are a net negative for Canada.

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New Rule: Whoa, Canada | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)


...he nailed it!

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RUBENSTEIN (Quote):- "Equally important, how can John Paul II’s and Pope Francis’s incompatible versions of the Catholic Church’s interaction with Indigenous people be reconciled, especially coming from two men whose moral opinions are said to be infallible because they are divinely inspired?"

Hymie should stick to Jewish theology and not try to interpret Roman Catholic theology. According to Vatican I [Dec. 8, 1869 to Oct. 20, 1870 (adjourned) - 1960]; which had about 1 year of sessions, then nothing for 90 years 'til it was declared "over" in 1960 by John the 23rd as he"prepped" for Vatican II; the Pope was decreed to be infallible when speaking from the pulpit [Ex Cathedra] on faith or morals. Neither John Paul II nor Francis the "liberation theology" Jesuit Spaniard spoke "ex Cathedra" on Canadian indigenous fraud artists or, alternatively, very-lively-genocide-victims!

The initial debate among the Bishops and initial vote on the matter of papal infallibility was 451 Bishops in favor, 88 Bishops against and 62 in favor with amendments. Seeing the proverbial "writing on the wall", 60 Bishops went back home so that they could not be associated with the final declaration of papal infallibility. The final vote was 533 in favor and 2 against.

But the other major function of Vatican I was a dogmatic constitution, where Bishops wanted that papal infallibility "back up" to declare that modernism, etc. etc. was heretical. Bishops wanted both the dogmatic constitution and papal infallibility in order to get their "biblical critical theologians" back into some sort of Catholic Order because heresy was becoming rampant at bogus "theology" colleges in the so-called "west". It was the same "critical crap" that we see in "post modernism" today, with so-called "critical race theory". The "criticism" wasn't directed at race, gender, economics or politics, like today. It was directed, instead, at biblical passages and philosophy --- the old Faith and Reason tenets of The Church. I love what the Constitution "condemned", to wit, and quote [Wikipedia:- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Vatican_Council ]

[Vatican I condemned] " ... the errors of rationalism, anarchism, communism, socialism, liberalism, materialism, modernism, naturalism, pantheism, and secularism."

In other words those old school Catholic Bishops condemned almost every "ism" in today's present world! They did not condemn Thomism in theology (although Aquinas quoted 800+ folks as authorities as those with whom he agreed or disagreed) or Aristotelianism in philosophy. So, then, clerics started banning books in Boston [which almost guaranteed new "best sellers"], while most everybody else counter-condemned the Catholic Pope and Bishops as goofy old clerical reactionaries in cassocks with goofy hats and skull caps --- possibly including some of the 60 Bishops who vacated Rome before the vote, and others, who called themselves "Old Catholics" who split from the "new" Church over papal infallibility.

The rest of the world that didn't condemn those wonderfully diverse and equitable "isms" is presently stuck with their consequences and "fall out", to wit, DEI, critical race consciousness, cancel culture, socialism, world wide communism and a 1 trillion dollar debt for Canada, which means a 25 thousand dollar debt for every individual Canadian citizen, including new-born-babes in arms. Yet most Canadians are a few hundred dollars away from being insolvent on any given month. Given alleged "critical thinking", nobody seems to ever ask the actually CRITICAL question concerning that trillion dollar debt. to wit: "From whom did the Feds borrow that trillion dollars?"

And the answer is, in part:- From Hymie Rubenstein's academic pension fund and from his rapidly dwindling bank account. Mine too [i.e. Bank Account]! Canada has also borrowed from the People's Republic of China who obtained many Canadian dollars for their cheap shoes, clothes, toasters, coffee makers and electronics, which is why Justin Trudeau and the liberals who borrow from them are "hesitant" to make fusses about that communist regime --- given that it is a major "bank roller" of Canadian debt instruments which finance "reparations" to first nations folks.

Moreover, when agents of the People's Republic attempt to influence Canadian elections, they use their influence "for" Liberals and "against" Conservatives. So, "no problem" (for Liberals)! Thus Liberals "love" China as Chairman Mao also loved Norman Bethune their best Canadian battlefield surgeon. In sum, true Socialists "stick together" very much unlike thinking-Catholics and thinking-Jews, who are constantly at one another's proverbial "throats" but actually CONTRARY ideas.

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Trips, sports, bands, plays, grad events, reunions…cultural empowerment was on display at these schools, not genocide.

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