This is a true event that happened yesterday. My wife and I were attending the 50th birthday party for our daughter, my 22 year old grandson had stopped on his way to visit his mother at the LCBO to purchase some alcohol and was asked if he wished to donate to "Pride" he replied "no why, are they trying to find a cure?" which bought laughs at the store from other customers and also from many others at my daughters house.

I can see some light at the end of THAT rainbow.

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My dear Invictus, my deepest commiserations to you after having invested and risked so much in hope of winning something better for your family, only to find yourself and them so cruelly and willfully betrayed by a society now totally at the mercy of its own cultural decadence and corruption.

This did not happen five minutes ago, as you note in the history of your own experience. It has been in assembly since the post WW2 baby boomers grew up in the sixties, when a more disciplined economy and culture of rational needs and wants started to give way to ones of fantasies of desire and immediate satiation at any price, whereby the main product of the system shifted from goods and services (now reduced to icons) to the industrialized production of consciousness itself and its totalitarian colonization and takeover of mass populations.

What we thought at the time to be an increasing 'liberalization' involving the shift from civil rights to human rights, whereby the responsible adult agency connecting rights and liberties was severed. This was actually part of a much larger deregulation and privatization across all platforms of the economic and social system, including the means of social reproduction. The commons that the system was supposed to responsibly steward for future generations became a systematic looting exercise.

Liberty became disinhibited conformity. Rights became indulgences. Reality became the plausibly arguable and deniable. Faith and reason parted company, such that faith became blind and reason, anybody's. The finely nuanced dance between the intuitive grounding and compass of the one and the logical and evidence-based discipline of the other, failed. The commons infrastructure that held up reality was smashed , broken and left helpless prey to vulturing opportunism.

The sum effect was to subvert, erode and blur the boundaries between knowing fantasy and unknowing delusion, as all the reality defining touchstones that would differentiate the blind subjectivity and sense of exceptionalism of adolescence and the sober, mature and disciplined perspectives of adulthood. were systematically discredited and delegitimized....which was then intergenerationally compounded over a 50–70-year period.

Up front, it all looked so 'progressive', 'empathetic', non judgemental and forgiving, as indulgence as a system ideology entrenched itself, stripping out the authority of the adult commons and replacing it by the pathology of pervasive messages from the sponsors, as seen and heard on the omnipresent platforms of ideational production, where the final product was consciousness that could be sold absolutely anything, no matter how pathologically insane it might turn out to be.

The mechanism of this is analogous to the preying strategy of the jewel wasp on a cockroach. Its first stinger thrust is into the thorax of the victim to paralyze it enough so that it can go round the back and put another sting into the part of the victim's brain that controls its fight and flight mechanism. It then blinds it by biting off its front antennae and uses them as straws for a fluid snack. It then leads its unresisting prey to its lair where it lays its eggs on its abdomen, which then eat their way into it. The pupa gourmandize their way forward, keeping the victim alive long enough for it to reach flight readiness and a last feed that finally kills the host.

That is what has happened to us......We are in terrible trouble and I suspect the only mechanism left to deal with it is unavoidably going to involve warfare and a final disaggregation of the system into an unstable and violent post-modern interregnum that will, amongst other things, sort out and rescue the small remains of wheat amongst the overwhelming chaff that was left by the end of modern times.

The major question of such a period is who is going to be able tough it out and see it through to better times? And the answer will be, whoever can muster a good enough suite of survival skills that go back to the basics of what makes a society viable and the people in it sufficiently resourceful and morally intact to sustain it in sometimes extreme adversity.


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Cheery as ever, Christopher. Welcome back; I've missed your comments. That jewel wasp analogy, though . . . should be good for some fine nightmares.

One of the few 'plus sides' of being older (not sayin') is that we might hope to be gone before the collapse and chaos arrives. But our children . . .

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Jun 25, 2023·edited Jun 25, 2023

This is dark and tragically I relate my experience dealing with my own children's Ordered school not of their free will but that of the courts and divorce. Round about the time that Trudeau emerged there seemed a distinct change in curriculum. Maybe that was just a coincidence. Nonetheless, the emasculation of my son in his grade one class was so evident that I had it out with staff not just his teacher but throughout the administration I noticed a distinct pattern of disrespect for me as a father. Back then I attributed to a poisonous school set in a community of community housing and social welfare mentality, a communal approach to childrearing where nuclear families do not exist. Every aspect of my children's upbringing was under attack increasingly, our religion, our background and then suddenly one day my son became afraid of his father and church, indeed belief system. Administration after administration had to be dealt with, letters from lawyers and court orders filed. Even then this school would not abide and the school board itself was and is holier than thou on its own brand of history, FN, science, FN, social studies, FN, field trips, FN. And then came my knowledge of SOGI 123 at about the same time that I thought, I am going to have a discussion with my daughter while I still have the chance, before this hideous and perverted institution inculcates. To my mind -There is no difference with what public schools with government agenda are doing now compared to what "residential schools" have done in the past. It is a systemic 'reverse racism' propagated by this government. I would posit given what we know now of a secret culture within against the parents values, interfering with childrearing, human, charter and constitutional rights, it may well be worse!

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Jun 25, 2023·edited Jun 25, 2023

I love your stuff. I hope you one day de-anonymize yourself. I agree our resistance to gender ideology and the war on reality is long overdue. But at least it has started. I am committed, really committed, to stopping this madness driven by authoritarians.

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Excellent post. I agree that we should have seen what was coming when same-sex relationships were normalized; well, not just normalized, pushed on society. Some people did and were mocked.

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It is the immigrant Canadians that will save us! I have hope seeing Indian, Muslim, Eastern European Canadians fight back. They will give courage to the sheepish Canadians who disagree with all this but are too "tolerant" to have values of their own. Ironic isn't it - those who cried about how immigrants were diluting Canada - they may start saying thank you for restoring some morality to Canada! Thank you for writing this!

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Great article and keep writing about what is going on in our schools.

This is all being done under the feeble leadership of the worst Minister of Education in decades, Stephen Lecce. He must be aware of what is going on but is probably keeping his head low so as not to spoil his future career prospects.

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