Good post. The selective application of Canadian law is a serious and growing problem.

Ezra Levant is a shit-disturber, certainly, but he is not wrong here.

The problem with the word 'Islamophobia' is that it is manufactured, and designed to suppress criticism of Political Islam.

Canada has no blasphemy laws, and it is perfectly legal to criticize the tenets of any religion, full stop.

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If we unpack "Political Islam," based on historical and contemporary accounts, including Muslim accounts, what we find is absolute Islamic supremacism and expansionistic Islamic imperialism. Most Canadians have no idea about the history of the Islamic empire (first Arab, then Turkish) and its almost endless crimes against humanity and suppression of other cultures. While we would like Muslims to follow their religion as a personal faith, most Muslims follow the political obligation of conquest and domination outlined in the sacred text and holy commentaries. Immigration jihad is in full flood in Europe, and will be in North America if we allow it.

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Certainly as a culture, Canadians are naturally used to a general firewall between politics + religion, and a separation between church and state (not as formally as the USA, but still). So they are not any longer used to the idea that a religion can have a political element to it, as has been the case with Christianity in the past.

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Lets get to the root cause here which is why is our Prime Fool of a leader allowing radical Muslims into this country and why are our Police Forces standing by and allowing these people to openly direct hateful speech towards our peaceful respected Jewish population.

We have seen enough on mainstream media news reports to see for ourselves exactly who is at fault for this deplorable state of affairs in our cities, our streets, public places, our schools and Universities and it is without doubt the absolute hatred directed at the Jews and even any other race who would dare to object to the vitriol being spewed by these uneducated and nasty Muslims and it would seem a small percentage of radical white ignorant Canadians.

Mainstream media has been altering the truth to the extent that they just cannot be trusted any longer and then we have the stupid uninformed so called political elite lying through their teeth as well.

Enough is enough are those in power going to continue to stand by and do nothing because the time is coming when there will be open rioting in our cities and it is not going to end well for anyone.

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The far-left administrators and professors of our universities have indoctrinated our students with "DEI," "decolonialism," and "social justice" that classifies males, whites, Christians, Jews (and sometimes Asians), and heterosexuals as "oppressors" who victimize the innocent of the world. They have convinced the students that they must side with the oppressed "people of color," such as Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups, Hezbollah, and Houthis, against the "white," "colonial settler" Israelis. The story seems clear, as long as you ignore just about all relevant facts. But facts and truth are no longer of interest in our universities, which now focus solely on activism.

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The number of muslims in Canada has tripled since 911.

Immigration causes inflation, higher taxes, racist hiring but 2 tiered justice.

They can have rape gangs but criticize em and the increasingly repugnant Toronto police will target you Never the people who want genocide.

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And the word 'Islamophobia' was invented precisely for Useful Idiots like John Tory. Its not an accident that it conflates fear/hatred with the name of a religion. Some people use it to mean 'discrimination against Arabic speaking peoples' and in that sense, most people can agree that this kind of xenophobic thinking and behavior is wrong. But the word is abused, and increasingly taken to mean it is a problem to criticize the tenets of a specific religion, which is in fact a legal activity.

The deeper problem is that once you attempt to stop criticism of authority (any authority including religious authority) you are moving towards tyranny, which is exactly why in the US Church and State are separated, and why in the West in general blasphemy laws were dismantled (like hundreds of years ago).

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Islamophobia is a term used by useful idiots. The term "Islamophobia" is one of the many tools used by Muslims allowing an increase in the spread of Islam and the word of Allah.

Islam is insidious. Islam is violent. Islam is hideous, Islam subjugates woman.

Islam is a complete belief system, a complete guide to all of life, there are no choices, life is guided by Allah.

Islam is not compatible with a free thinking secular society. Its an Oxymoron.

It's happening right now in Canada. Take 60 minutes and listen to the brave Yasmine Mohammed speak about her torturous childhood and marriage to a muslim man. Her journey witnessing her secular mother becoming a enthusiastic beheading radical muslim in Canada.


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The same can be said of all Abrahamic religions if you actually read their entire texts.

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“The only difference between a Moderate and a Radical Muslim, is the moderate will hold your feet down, while the radical will cut your head off.”

Without lies, Islam dies. Lies and propaganda work. “Palestinians” (aka Arabs) already have a home. It’s called Jordan &/or Egypt.

I always thought governments (and people in power) were supposed to protect, bring together and build up their people, not sell out, divide and enslave them.

What a Tragedy.

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I agree Ezra Levant should be allowed to drive his message truck around. However if you supported the Convoy ( and I did) even though many Ottawans felt it was scary and intrusive, you should on the same principle support the protestors criticizing Israel’s actions in Gaza. Even if this time you don’t agree with their message, which of course you have a perfect right to denounce. The presence of protestors in itself you should be disposed to protect.

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Bingo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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"There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest." ~ Elie Wiesel

University students world wide are correctly protesting the genocide in Gaza hoping to pressure government authorities to intervene and stop the slaughter. Canadian students are no different. Characterizing them as "Pro Hamas Gangs with Insane Antisemitic Hate" is a defamatory gross exaggeration suggesting an uncanny and unrealistic parallel to the infamous "Kristalnacht" were hordes of Nazis systemically destroyed Jewish shops. These protests are not antisemitic they are demonstrations against the war crimes, crimes against humanity and violations of international humanitarian and human rights laws that the U.N. has found were and are being committed by Israel against the Palestinian people. Certainly tribalism has its place in competitive sports but is completely inappropriate and moribund were innocent women and children are being murdered. Perhaps it is timely for those cheerleading for Israel to reassess their actions and express some neutrality and compassion for a people suffering the rampages of a hateful genocide.


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Being opposed both to wokeism and to Israel’s treatment of Gazans is a lonely road these days

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Lonely, yes but very comforting and satisfying to a life long sceptic and free thinker.

"Two roads diverged in a wood and I - I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference." ~ Robert Frost

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