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The authoritative Arabic text, Al-Taqiyya Fi Al-Islam, states the following: ‘Taqiyya [deception] is of fundamental importance in Islam. Practically every Islamic sect agrees to it and practices it. We can go so far as to say that the practice of taqiyya is mainstream in Islam, and that those few sects not practicing it diverge from the mainstream...Taqiyya is very prevalent in Islamic politics, especially in the modern era’.”
Al-Tabari’s (838-923 AD) Tafsir, or Quranic exegeses, is essentially a standard reference in the entire Muslim world. Regarding 3:28, he wrote: ‘If you [Muslims] are under their [infidels’] authority, fearing for yourselves, behave loyally to them, with your tongue, while harbouring inner animosity for them... Allah has forbidden believers from being friendly or on intimate terms with the infidels in place of believers – except when infidels are above them [in authority]. In such a scenario, let them act friendly towards them’.1
Islam in its current form is the biggest threat to the Western world, to the entire world. Much more than a religion, Islam is an entire social and cultural system with its own laws. Islam plays nice when it forms a minority presence, but it violently demands submission once its political power grows strong enough. And further, Islam is globally expansive. While it may be true that only a fraction of religious Muslims are radical terrorists, who kill in the name of Allah, the vast majority of all global terrorism is perpetrated by radical Muslims. Islamic expansion and terrorism cannot be disentangled, and attempting to do so achieves nothing save for providing cover for Islamic terrorists, and their anti-Western domestic supporters. But also, in my view, rationalizing Islam shows clearly that Islamic subversion into Western institutions has been successful.
Islam may be interpreted as a religion of peace by some, even most, but that does not change the fact that a sizable portion interpret Islamic doctrine to justify terrorist atrocities. This is not the case with any modern Judeo-Christian religious groups in the West. The most extreme hardline pro-Israel Canadian Jews are not leading obnoxious anti-Western protests in Canadian streets, anti-Western Muslims and those on the self-hating progressive left are doing that. This stark difference, and the obvious facts concerning the existential problems associated with Islam, is under a constant obscurantist program of anti-Western/pro-Islamist propaganda, which of course has included anti-Zionism since the anti-globalism activists of the 1990s changed gears in the early 2000s and combined anti-war activism with anti-Zionism. Like the Soviet Communists of the Cold War era who so easily infiltrated and subverted the free and open liberal democracies of the West, Islamic subverters years later gained their own foothold with similar ease. An anti-Zionist welcome mat had been laid out for them.
The cold war Communists simply wanted to undermine the traditional pillars of the West – the church, the family, education, etc. – divide its citizens against each other, promote moral degradation, and foster anti-Western and anti-Christian sentiment. Marxian anti-colonial ideology developed steadily over this time becoming increasingly radical. Implemented concurrently, was a subversive Communist program of social agitation executed by implanted Soviet agents who amplified the anti-Westernism / anti-Americanism of what had been historically a small and marginal class of disaffected artists and intellectuals – seen for example in America, in the anti-majority adversarial culture of bohemian circles like the New York Intellectuals. Clandestine Communist activity (known as active measures) in the West during the Cold War both planted new seeds, and cultivated older ones, of Western/American resentment and disaffection. The idea was to weaken Western states from the inside by poisoning their culture. If the Soviet Union would not have crumbled, if instead it had grown its economy, power and prestige, it may have invaded the West once internal societal cohesion had been thoroughly frustrated.
Thankfully things did not turn out that way. The Berlin Wall came down, and for a time, we thought we had reached the end of history. But those malicious seeds of disaffection secretly planted by the Communist infiltrators all over the Western world eventually became awful weed-tangled forests overgrown with a seditious hatred of the West. Western traditions were thoroughly undermined, Christian persecution and anti-Semitism increased all over the World, Western citizens were divided against one another, accompanying the rise of mass communications moral degradation rapidly ensued, multiculturalism and diversity began erasing and reshaping the edifice of Western society, while subtle but ever-present forms of anti-colonial historical revisionism and anti-Western propaganda pervaded.
The Soviets succeeded in undermining the West. They divided us and made us less capable of dealing with either an escalation of subversive clandestine cold war, or a deliberate hot war. They fell apart before they could fully subvert Western institutions, and well before the West was made weak enough to be defeated by military invasion. But in the post-cold war era, what historian Niall Ferguson calls Cold War II, Islamic and Chinese subverters, along with many other enemies of the West, have taken up the mantle from where the Cold War I Soviets left off.
Islamic subversion is my concern here. It is my contention that the terms Islamophobia and the new one, Anti-Palestinian Racism (APR), are examples of the fruits of subversion. The virus of Jihadist ideology has been unleashed in Western institutions. Critics have watched its spread in horror for years. These two devious and incoherent terms (Islamophobia and APR) defy logic and invert the truth of the situation involving Islam and the West. And they are perfectly positioned to further weaken and undermine the West, as they employ an equally perfect weapon against Westerners who have been propagandized to prioritize their social justice clout (ie. being seen as not racist, or not Islamophobic), over the health and safety of the civilization their ancestors bequeathed to them. Only effective propaganda can do this to people. We are the subverted and we need to get that!
Muslims, on the other hand, are thriving in the West – perhaps too much so. While most of them are peaceful, I am curious to know what they are doing to protect Canada from Jihadism. I’d like to compare those efforts with efforts the Muslim community undertake to protect itself against Islamophobia and Anti-Palestinian Racism. I’m sure many Canadians would be interested in the results of that comparison. While the last thing anyone wants to see is law-abiding peaceful Muslim people being subject to discrimination or worse, the big picture does not present a threatening image of the Western world subjugating the Islamic world, on the contrary, the image is quite the opposite. What is being done to protect Jews and Christians – this includes secular cultural Christians – from Islam? What is being done to protect all Westerners from radical Islamic terrorism and the expansion of political Islam into the institutions of the West? And what responsibility does the greater Canadian Muslim community hold in all of this. In my view, not enough.
The fact that Islamophobia and now increasingly Anti-Palestinian Racism are always brought up whenever the topic of Islamic terrorism is discussed demonstrates a confused antipode that could only come about through propagandistic manipulation. The normal response to atrocities perpetrated by Islamic terrorists is fear of Islamic fundamentalism. It is also normal to wonder why our previously peaceful societies should now have to deal with such an unstable threat. The post-propagandized response, emanating from what Canadian professor Gad Saad refers to as the “parasitized mind,” is to show concern for the feelings of Muslims who might be subject to Islamophobia arising from people's anger at the Islamic inspired mass murders that continue to kill their families and countrymen.
Can no balance be struck between protecting the interests, including the feelings, of peaceful law-abiding Muslims, and the rest of us “infidels” threatened by barbaric killers who glorify death and violence in the name of Islam? Or even, in a fractionally less alarming sense, can nothing be done about Taqiyya, jihadist propaganda and Islamic expansion?
There is so much to cover concerning this topic. So much record which urgently needs to be set straight. It is difficult to know where to begin. The history of the founding of Israel – the legitimacy of Israel – is of vital importance for reasons not always understood. When someone denies the legitimacy of Israel, it is a major red flag. Ask them which other countries they deny the legitimacy of. Practically without exception, to those who hold this mindset, only Israel is illegitimate. Investigating the reasons why they claim Israel is illegitimate means studying the history of the Middle East – it is worth it to do this important work (allow me to help with this and this).
My next few pieces will be related to the importance of getting the facts straight around the legitimacy of Israel, and the intersection between the progressive left and anti-Semitism. At some point I will offer some analysis on a prominent faction who does not have the facts straight: the so-called “woke right.” I hate that term. I think it sucks. I am going to be using “nasty right” not “woke right” – the term “woke” comes from far left black identity politics, which has nothing to do with the right. However, James Lindsay, who is one of the best analysts of wokeism, has taken to the term “woke right,” and his analysis of the phenomenon, which is better defined as the illiberal right, is excellent in many ways.
The nasty illiberal right is seriously anti-Semitic (think Candace Owens). The anti-Semitism, and the accompanying ignorance of the historical facts and sequence that culminated in the 1948 declaration of Independence for the Jewish state of Israel, is a perfect litmus test to identify who the nasty ones on the right are. We already know the far left is utterly infested with anti-Semitism, so a focus on the shocking anti-Semitism of the right is desperately needed. If permitted, the woke, or nasty right, will utterly ruin the principally liberal populist momentum of the MAGA movement and of populist conservative movements in other Western nations. James Lindsay is correct that we really need to start talking about the reactionary illiberalism of the right, so stay tuned for my upcoming examination (at some point soon possibly) of the nasty right. But before that, I must circle back to a more detailed analysis of Islamophobia and Anti-Palestinian Racism, and of the shocking levels of leftwing anti-Semitism in Canada.
Stay tuned.
Thanks for reading. For more from this author, read Why Cultural Christianity?
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100%. Thank you for sharing the Truth (often missed today in the fog of narratives, poor education and mob biases). Remember the frog in the slow boiling water. Lebanon was once a Christian nation known as Paris of the Middle East. Not anymore.
James Pew is quite right in his description of Islam and its intentions regarding non-Muslim "infidels." We see Islam's plans in the case of Israel: https://pjmedia.com/philip-carl-salzman/2024/03/27/what-do-israelis-want-what-do-palestinians-want-n4927679.
Our schools teach nothing about the history of Islam, such as that Dar-al-Islam, the land of Islam, being the result of one of the largest imperial expansions of history, and a very bloody one at that. Millions of male infidels were murdered, and millions of female captives were taken as sex slaves. Outside of the Dar-al-Islam is the Dar-al-Harb, the land of war. Or about Islamic political principles, such as that a Muslim may justifiably kill, enslave, kidnap and ransom, or free any infidel. And that Muslims must not be friends with Christians, Jews, or infidels. Our schools advance ignorance, not knowledge, especially about Islam.