100%. Thank you for sharing the Truth (often missed today in the fog of narratives, poor education and mob biases). Remember the frog in the slow boiling water. Lebanon was once a Christian nation known as Paris of the Middle East. Not anymore.

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It's actually full of lies, but anyway, a little critical thinking might help you sort that out.

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What is one lie in the article?

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Please define "woke" for me, K?

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"We already know the far left is utterly infested with anti-Semitism,"

You brain is infested with misconceptions driven by your rage.

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I work with facts, not emotion, as much as I can. The far left is indeed infested with anti-semitism, as is the far right. For the left, these examples: The forced abdication and subsequent cancellation of Jewish Green Party leader Annamie Paul. In recent news, 25 Jewish CUPE members allege several years of antisemitism by Canada's largest union.

The recent cancelling of plays by Jewish writers at left wing theatres like the Belfry in Victoria and the PUSH festival in Vancouver. The vandalism at Indigo Books in Toronto, several leftist college profs arrested for this, one from York University. The leftist links with the pro Palestinian terrorist organization Samidoun and the vandalism of Jewish former B. C. cabinet minister Selina Robinson's office and her subsequent cancellation. I have many more examples.

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Define “infested”.

Now define “woke”.

Those are pretty emotional words for someone who likes to rant about “facts”.

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The facts are evidence for the words.

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James Pew is quite right in his description of Islam and its intentions regarding non-Muslim "infidels." We see Islam's plans in the case of Israel: https://pjmedia.com/philip-carl-salzman/2024/03/27/what-do-israelis-want-what-do-palestinians-want-n4927679.

Our schools teach nothing about the history of Islam, such as that Dar-al-Islam, the land of Islam, being the result of one of the largest imperial expansions of history, and a very bloody one at that. Millions of male infidels were murdered, and millions of female captives were taken as sex slaves. Outside of the Dar-al-Islam is the Dar-al-Harb, the land of war. Or about Islamic political principles, such as that a Muslim may justifiably kill, enslave, kidnap and ransom, or free any infidel. And that Muslims must not be friends with Christians, Jews, or infidels. Our schools advance ignorance, not knowledge, especially about Islam.

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We need more people brave enough to be writing like this, Thank You.

The cowering and dirth of information on Islam by the woke left is going to get us all killed: just take a look at Sweden and England.

Author and Security Expert Tom Quiggin tried to warn Canada years ago.

He got nowhere but Islam has grown in leaps and bounds here, infiltrating the federal government with either Members and/or affiliates/supporters of the MB.


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You cannot win a war unless you know you are in one.

–Tom Klingenstein

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Some Muslim Kid went to great lengths to post phony IQ scores for IRAN on the Internet.


Until a few days ago there were numerous studies of Average IQ Score by country and IRAN and the other ISLAMIC Countries were all in the Sub-80 categories.


Yes, Muslims have a ‘sensitivity’ to this topic.


IRAN – Fake 106 Score







IRAN – Actual Sub-80 Categories








Note that IRAN and PAKISTAN have similar Average IQ Scores. In the fake studies this A$$HOLE changed IRAN’s score from 80 to 106, but still listed PAKISTAN at 80. Pretty dumb huh ???


If you run TRACERT searches on sites in the FAKE group you’ll find that the servers are likely all in the same Data Centre.


The Fake scores usually appear first in Google Searches, a likely indication that the popularity of those web servers was artificially inflated, by using BOTS to simulate real Web accesses.


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Spewing hate?

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You're a fan of this guy, aren't you?


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Fun fact: If you get wounded (and don't die) in a mass shooting in the US, there is a 10% chance the doctor treating you in the ER is Muslim.

But Jack says hate them.

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Trump's advisor Miller subscribes to "replacement theory". That's about as anti-semitic as it gets, dude.

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The most anti-semitic actors in the west are Trump and his minions. Check out Trump's buddy Orbán, and his pal Beyer.

Ya, dude. Divisiveness and undermining is what the billionaire bros are doing. You're so clueless.

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Uh huh. Still feeding the rage machine, are ya? This time piling hate onto Muslims.

You are a fucking deplorable. I can tell whom you vote for.

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I have a difficult time conceptualizing Islam subverting the west and Canada being infested with antisemitism. Are we to envisage a scene of Lawrence of Arabia leading a horde of Arabs on horseback charging the Turkish garrison at Agaba, or perhaps a gang of Canadian Nazis breaking windows of Jewish merchants in Toronto. What I see, in your photo, is a mixture of average Canadians protesting the vile genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestine by a Zionist cult of theocratic right wing zealots willing to murder and steal land to fulfill a Biblical prophesy. I think perhaps Jesus was right when he referred to such conduct and actions as the, "Synagogue of Satan."

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Jesus was Jewish himself, and referring to a certain Jewish sect, somewhat like modern Salafist Islamists considering other Muslims such as the Ismailis as apostates. The verse "Synagogue of Satan" has often been used to justify hatred against all Jews or particular subsets of modern Jews, which evangelical scholars broadly disagree with based on the fact that the suspected author of Revelation was likely Jewish.

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Recep Erdogan, the PM of Turkey said “There is one Islam”.

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I'm not interested in a theological debate, Jack, but the term was applied to those Jews persecuting the early Church and not following the will of God. What is happening in Palestine is nothing short of sacrilege and qualifies the Zionists extremists as being part of the Synagogue of Satan.

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As I recall, you also believe October 7th was a Jewish conspiracy, so I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on the polarity you present. I'm very happy there's a ceasefire.

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Jan 21
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Thanks for the info, Jan. My views on religion are well expressed by John Lennon:

Imagine there's no countries

It isn't hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for

And no religion too

Imagine all the people

Living life in peace


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You prefer "imagining" over understanding reality?

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It's just an iconic song that appeals to those who recognize the divisiveness of religion in the affairs of man. The reality is the unconscionable slaughter of women and children in Gaza by a right wing, theocratic country that takes its direction from an imaginary figure who lives in the sky.

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